Eklyptic - Nethersturm <3 <3 <3
Piucca - Blackhand <3
[GER] Hi, ich bin Talarock!
Ich bin kein Profi Spieler und werde auch niemals einer sein. Und ich bin froh darüber! Denn ich möchte nicht zu dem Haufen toxischer Spieler gehören, die andauernd nur am flamen sind und sich wie die Größten fühlen mit ihren 2.000 Wertungen.
Die folgende Liste wurde und wird von mir zusammen getragen, in denen Spielernamen auftauchen, die entweder durch toxisches Verhalten auffielen oder anderweitig getrollt haben.
[ENG] Hi, I'm Talarock!
I am not a professional player and never will be. And I'm glad about it! Because I don't want to be one of the bunch of toxic players who are constantly flaming and feel like the greatest with their 2,000 ratings.
The following list was and is compiled by me, in which player names appear who have either attracted attention through toxic behavior or have otherwise trolled.
LEAVER (Every leaver on this list got reported)
Medhys - Silvermoon (EU)
Puddin - Frostmane (EU)
Recklin - Blackmoore (EU)
Gredelsche - Eredar (EU)
Dèxter - Nemesis (EU)
Анцетари - Дракономо (EU)
Morekick - Hyjal (EU)
Dwarfslicher - KhazModan (EU)
Kutasuke - BurningLegion (EU)
Pedroobvious - Silvermoon (EU)
Kagebunshin - Antonidas (EU)
Kataigis - Hyjal (EU)
Formater - Arathor (EU)
Archonix - Arathor (EU)
Dóm - Tarren Mill (EU)
Pilbø - Draenor (EU)
Ailyln - Blackmoore (EU)
Ragequits - Blackrock (EU)
Imroxität - Aegwynn (EU)
Foles - Draenor (EU)
Nudelmonk - Draenor (EU)
Jusvoker - Draenor (EU)
Halipapi - Ragnaros (EU)
Nygnite - Draenor (EU)
Toxische Spielerliste
- = Regulär toxisch
** = Extrem toxisch
Ilovepanda - Blackrock (EU) - * "junge du bist schei*e" im Gruppenchat nachdem der erste Pull Nekro 13 (ohne BL) schief ging. Meinte dann noch wenig schaden vom Warlock. Und trotzdem hat der Warlock es aus dem C Tier zu mehr gebracht als du mit 2 Meta Klassen. Schlechter Verlierer. Also das übliche.
Venkel - Ravencrest (EU) * Looks like this Healer is thinking, that evry key with randoms gona be to 100% intime with allways +3 ending. Yeah, he can heal, but also he can, in the middle of a fight, start typing. Tell me, how can you help with comments like "omg" or "what the $%&" while a keyrun? Please, do everybody a favour. Go and search player who got also a PHENOMENAL 3070 rating (XD), play ONLY with these guys, beat every key on +14 and let us other players just enjoy keys. maybe you read this and let me ask you something? How did you learn a 13 key? did you run 300 times a +12 and then go 13 OR did u also try just to go higher and higher with a risk, that a key can get broken? you fing piece of PHENOMENAL ah*le SH!T !
Mtlpet - Uldum (EU) ****************** This Player is an absolutly piece of toxical sh*t. i try to be friendly as much as i could, each day. But this Player is now on my Top 1. Here the Situation:
It was an Necrotic +12 (TTW S1) and this guy (who got a 3.5k RIO Main Prot Paladin) was such an toxical piece of sh!t, that words can't tell. There we're many ppl who died in this dungeon, but we got not that much kicks on the important spells. But just to say "okay, this run wasn't good, you guys can do better" - No, this %%n @%hole instantly said to the Tank "&*$ing monkey, stop tanking". One of the DPS whisperd me with "tanking was fine m8. why do you care that idiot? anyway ey for party". The DPS was Onultan - Kazzak. And at this point, i can say now, that i'll now continiue to invite players from Kazzak. Now i see, there are nice and friendly player. And i hope to enjoy many runs with Player like this Shaman :) and at last, i hope, that Mtlpet will have a car crash and looses both hands so he can never be toxic again. Did i sound hard? Yeah. But thats what i think abouzt toxical giantical &&$holes.
Katatsumuri - Draenor (EU) * Just another "im better then every other priest player on earth"
Bromlad - Drak'Thul (EU) * ( This guy feels like he's another MDI extrem pro Champion. Again, i feel so happy, that i'll never see him on any high rio key just like me :) because, each of us is playing so much sh!tty that its impossible. But i can laugh about it :D :D :D
Nightycore - Eredar (EU) * (halbes Sternchen)
Nessermage - Thrall (EU) *
Blazedqt - TwistingNether (EU) **
Vuruxs - Blackrock (EU) *
Imrâ-Thrall (EU) *
Aibell - Eredar (EU) *
Felrage - TarrenMill (EU) *
Rockydruid - TarrenMill (EU) [Mainchar: Rockytea - TarrenMIll (EU) [Rassistische Äusserungen] *********
Foles - Draenor (EU) *
Maddias - Ragnaros (EU) **
Sanezy - Draenor (EU) *
Bambione - Antonidas (EU) **
Tiadrés - Kazzak (EU) *
Bloodyleaf - Kazzak (EU) *
Krwe - TwistingNether (EU) *
Milfhunterqt - Draenor (EU) *
Dariushval - TwistingNether (EU) *
[DC after group is full OR kick after invite]
Aramuth -Ragnaros (EU) BEWARE OF THIS A**HOLE. Instant Disconnect after first pull.
Areastrasza - Antonidas (EU)
Flayzsh - Silvermoon (EU)
Izrá - Thrall (EU) Joined group, left instant. just want 100% safe runs.
Info de contacto |
talarock |

Progresión de incursión
Progresión de incursión
Liberación de Undermine | Progreso | Asesinatos de Jefe |
Normal | 6/8 N | Por favor, vuelva a escanear este carácter para llenar estos datos. |
Progresión de Mítico +
Progresión de Mítico +
Mazmorra (Puntuación: 1,340.7) | Nivel | Puntaje | Hora | Affixes | Todas las regiones | Región |
![]() | 5 | 221.4 | 25:42 | ![]() | 54,096 | 32,158 |
![]() | 3 | 185.0 | 18:29 | 92,245 | 54,027 | |
![]() | 3 | 172.3 | 31:01 | 74,757 | 44,318 | |
![]() | 2 | 159.8 | 29:38 | 114,059 | 65,656 | |
![]() | 2 | 159.2 | 29:21 | 112,045 | 65,531 | |
![]() | 2 | 156.4 | 31:47 | 122,188 | 69,659 | |
![]() | 2 | 156.4 | 30:49 | 117,345 | 67,430 | |
![]() | 2 | 130.2 | 41:36 | 148,149 | 83,574 |
Mazmorra (Puntuación: 1,340.7) | Nivel | Puntaje | Hora | Affixes | Todas las regiones | Región |
![]() | 5 | 221.4 | 25:42 | ![]() | 54,096 | 32,158 |
![]() | 3 | 185.0 | 18:29 | 92,245 | 54,027 | |
![]() | 3 | 172.3 | 31:01 | 74,757 | 44,318 | |
![]() | 2 | 159.8 | 29:38 | 114,059 | 65,656 | |
![]() | 2 | 159.2 | 29:21 | 112,045 | 65,531 | |
![]() | 2 | 156.4 | 31:47 | 122,188 | 69,659 | |
![]() | 2 | 156.4 | 30:49 | 117,345 | 67,430 | |
![]() | 2 | 130.2 | 41:36 | 148,149 | 83,574 |