Innately cheeky Avranah enjoyed growing up in Slivermoon. Even though she was always in the shadow of her friends 'The Windrunner Sisters', she did not mind as they were always happy together. Her most enjoyable thing to pass immortality, was to help at the Acadamy with the students. Even though her age and skill far surpassed the position she was content to hold, this allowed her the freedom to be spontaneous and be near the next scholars of her race. Studying other cultures, while strange. Opened her eyes to the wide world around them. The way other beings thought was alienly calming, in the way it made her question everything she had ever thought of as being real. Then Arthas came. Laying waste to the very heart of everything she held dear. The city,, people, eons of knowledge, and the Sun Well itself. Avranaha was lost,, disillusioned and filled with a rage she had never known before. The Academy that had filled her life with meaning and purpose was gone. Twisted and corrupted. Filled with beings that knew no beauty, no compassion. Her friends, the "Windrunners', split, bickering and scattered. Of no help to her at all. Her Prince blind and ineffectual. Thinking holding to past glory's would save them as a people let alone survive as a race. So lost, she hear the voice of 'Illidan". Suddenly she had found her propose again. With her knowledge of lore in warfare and tactics. The core understanding of the many races and their methods culture and secrets. She quickly ascended to 'Illidan's' side where she now helps others to not hide their rage, but to embrace it. Use it against all those that would threaten what she holds dear. In keeping her cheeky nature she still loves to help other people in her way, although the methods she now employs would be frowned apron to say the least..........
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Progresión de incursión
Progresión de incursión
Palacio de Nerub-ar [AOTC] | Progreso | Asesinatos de Jefe |
Heroico | 7/8 D | 59 |
Normal | 8/8 N | 73 |