A little about me: I’m a hard-core min/max player. When I became a dad I took a break from mythic raiding, but now that my daughter doesn’t require as much hands on attention, I’m returning back to retail mythic raiding. During my break I swapped over to classic and was apart of a couple of top 20 prog and speed run guilds. I finished with a few rank 1s and had a few weeks of number 1 overall rank ones. I spend a lot of time reviewing logs and sims to continually improve my personal game play. I rarely make the same mistake on mechanics twice. I’m extremely team oriented, but very competitive, but not toxic.
Retail experience: I’ve been a part of a few top 50 US CE guilds; Emphasis, midwinter, and reckoning. From original TBC-MOP and SL.
I’m applying as a Mage (can play any spec), and currently have an Ele Sham alt, but can swap to any alt needed and min max it in time for raid.
I’m looking for a guild/home willing to push themselves for a top rank and that’s competitive as I am. I don’t jump around guilds, so when I’m in I’m in.
Mages profile: raider.io/characters/us/illidan/Kodeynè
Some of most recent classic logs:
Info de contacto |
kodeyne |
Progresión de incursión
Progresión de incursión
Liberación de Undermine | Progreso | Asesinatos de Jefe |
Normal | 5/8 N | 5 |