
Importante: para tener un registro exacto de la primera vez que mataste a un jefe de incursión, debes poner a tu gremio en cola para una actualización antes de matar a ese jefe por segunda vez.

Último escaneado 1 semana hace

Acerca de Aphukenbrake

Aphukenbrake is a guild comprised of ex WoW CE Alts or Ex-HC Raiders who want to find the right balance between progression and maintaining a healthy, constructive and results oriented gaming experience. Aiming to be the Rank 1 1-day Raiding Guild.

Are you tired of balancing real life and your desire to raid end game content? Do your previous raiding experiences involve headaches, fatigue, and a boring repetitive raid cycle?

Aphukenbrake may not be a real prescription medication, but in truth, sometimes a f*cken break can really help. Take Aphukenbrake

With over 16 years of raiding experience in the officer team alone, we’ve taken another stab at WoW by creating a 1 day intense raiding guild aimed at progression. No dead weight, no excuses, no finger pointing either, no snowflakes.

Raid Day and Timing: Tuesday 19:15 - 24:00 We never extend beyond this raiding schedule for progression.

What can you expect of us? So if you’re looking for a guild that can

  • Clear raids as efficiently as possible within the limited time that we raid
  • Progress on top tier raid content at an above average pace
  • Have a bunch of laughs and positively compete with your peers
  • Loot is handled via a loot council. Priority goes to Dps> Tank/Healers. Loot is a progress tool and is treated as such; the say of the officer team is final on this matter.

What do we expect of you?

  • Raiding experience and skills (despite the casual schedule we're not a guild for beginners)
  • 100% attendance is expected
  • You're an independent and communicative player (that means you actively prepare yourself for new encounters, know about their mechanics and ask when you don't).
  • To take responsibility for their classes and bring their A game to the table. No one’s going to hold your hand or scold you; maturity and self dependency is the name of the game.


How to join? Contact Discord: Blindsir Blind#2936

Última actualización 69 semanas hace
Acerca de Aphukenbrake

Aphukenbrake is a guild comprised of ex WoW CE Alts or Ex-HC Raiders who want to find the right balance between progression and maintaining a healthy, constructive and results oriented gaming experience. Aiming to be the Rank 1 1-day Raiding Guild.

Are you tired of balancing real life and your desire to raid end game content? Do your previous raiding experiences involve headaches, fatigue, and a boring repetitive raid cycle?

Aphukenbrake may not be a real prescription medication, but in truth, sometimes a f*cken break can really help. Take Aphukenbrake

With over 16 years of raiding experience in the officer team alone, we’ve taken another stab at WoW by creating a 1 day intense raiding guild aimed at progression. No dead weight, no excuses, no finger pointing either, no snowflakes.

Raid Day and Timing: Tuesday 19:15 - 24:00 We never extend beyond this raiding schedule for progression.

What can you expect of us? So if you’re looking for a guild that can

  • Clear raids as efficiently as possible within the limited time that we raid
  • Progress on top tier raid content at an above average pace
  • Have a bunch of laughs and positively compete with your peers
  • Loot is handled via a loot council. Priority goes to Dps> Tank/Healers. Loot is a progress tool and is treated as such; the say of the officer team is final on this matter.

What do we expect of you?

  • Raiding experience and skills (despite the casual schedule we're not a guild for beginners)
  • 100% attendance is expected
  • You're an independent and communicative player (that means you actively prepare yourself for new encounters, know about their mechanics and ask when you don't).
  • To take responsibility for their classes and bring their A game to the table. No one’s going to hold your hand or scold you; maturity and self dependency is the name of the game.


How to join? Contact Discord: Blindsir Blind#2936

Última actualización 69 semanas hace

Progresión de incursión

No pudimos encontrar ninguna progresión de raid para esa expansión.

¿Esperabas ver alguno?

RealmID 631
GroupID 1987161
GuildID 1986668

Importante: para tener un registro exacto de la primera vez que mataste a un jefe de incursión, debes poner a tu gremio en cola para una actualización antes de matar a ese jefe por segunda vez.

Último escaneado 1 semana hace