We are in the process of applying our changes to split Season 1 and Post-Season 1 scores and rankings. This process will take several hours, and the representation of rankings won't be fully correct until it is all completed. Thanks for your patience!

Importante: para tener un registro exacto de la primera vez que mataste a un jefe de incursión, debes poner a tu gremio en cola para una actualización antes de matar a ese jefe por segunda vez.

Último escaneado 1 dia hace

Acerca de Eternal

Is a Cutting Edge guild on Twisting Nether, with that as a baseline goal for each patch going forward.

We have an open recruitment format meaning that any exceptional players will be considered, however, we will list any high-priority classes that we require. We are currently looking for players that can play BOTH their DPS and Healing specs.

Current Dragonflight Progression:

Aberrus: 7/8 Heroic, 8/8 Normal

Raid Days & Times

Wednesday: Re-clears & Progression

Sunday: Mythic Progression

Tuesday: Mythic Progression

Our raiding times at Eternal are 20:30 to 23:30 server times.

Application Form

Guild Master:


Guild Officers:

Maulkon#2413, Dingo#2533, MiciPepeni#2343

Última actualización 93 semanas hace
Vista rápida

Maestro del gremio: Zalikia

Acerca de Eternal

Is a Cutting Edge guild on Twisting Nether, with that as a baseline goal for each patch going forward.

We have an open recruitment format meaning that any exceptional players will be considered, however, we will list any high-priority classes that we require. We are currently looking for players that can play BOTH their DPS and Healing specs.

Current Dragonflight Progression:

Aberrus: 7/8 Heroic, 8/8 Normal

Raid Days & Times

Wednesday: Re-clears & Progression

Sunday: Mythic Progression

Tuesday: Mythic Progression

Our raiding times at Eternal are 20:30 to 23:30 server times.

Application Form

Guild Master:


Guild Officers:

Maulkon#2413, Dingo#2533, MiciPepeni#2343

Última actualización 93 semanas hace
Vista rápida

Maestro del gremio: Zalikia

Progresión de incursión

No pudimos encontrar ninguna progresión de raid para esa expansión.

¿Esperabas ver alguno?

RealmID 739
GroupID 1620007
GuildID 1640113

Importante: para tener un registro exacto de la primera vez que mataste a un jefe de incursión, debes poner a tu gremio en cola para una actualización antes de matar a ese jefe por segunda vez.

Último escaneado 1 dia hace