Importante: para tener un registro exacto de la primera vez que mataste a un jefe de incursión, debes poner a tu gremio en cola para una actualización antes de matar a ese jefe por segunda vez.

Último escaneado 3 días hace

Acerca de Cosmic

<Cosmic> is a Horde AOTC/Mythic Prog guild on Area-52. Founded at the start of 9.1 from <Perfect>-Stormrage’s raid team faction transferring. Led by a core of experienced raiders, that have played together for years getting AOTC each tier is a given, as well as going into Mythic, being 10/12M NYA and 5/10M CN. We have a semi-hardcore mentality about the game and promote that atmosphere, focusing on progression but understanding the IRL situation of our members.

Raid Times:

Tuesday: 10:00PM-01:00AM EST -optional farm/trial day

Wed/Fri: 10:00PM-01:00AM EST -main progression days

Raider Expectations:

Attendance – We respect your time dedicated to us and expect it in return, while IRL situations understandingly happen, we expect consistent attendance from everyone. Preparation – Everyone should be gemmed, enchanted and have consumables on hand. As well as have a general idea of the fight(s) at hand. Specific strategies will be posted in our Discord beforehand. Be Receptive – We expect our raiders to be able to take constructive criticism and encourage them to bounce ideas/strategies around before an encounter starts.

Currently Recruiting: Healers - Preferably Paladin, Disc, Shaman DPS - Willing to look at any exceptional players

Note: No one on our roster is above the bench, if you try out and perform you will have a spot, if you slack off, you will be benched until you catch up.

All applicants should have experience in the current tier, a plus with some mythic raiding experience from previous tiers. They are expected to have knowledge of their class and respective roles. All exceptional applicants should feel free to apply.

Última actualización 189 semanas hace
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Maestro del gremio: Stabpotis

Acerca de Cosmic

<Cosmic> is a Horde AOTC/Mythic Prog guild on Area-52. Founded at the start of 9.1 from <Perfect>-Stormrage’s raid team faction transferring. Led by a core of experienced raiders, that have played together for years getting AOTC each tier is a given, as well as going into Mythic, being 10/12M NYA and 5/10M CN. We have a semi-hardcore mentality about the game and promote that atmosphere, focusing on progression but understanding the IRL situation of our members.

Raid Times:

Tuesday: 10:00PM-01:00AM EST -optional farm/trial day

Wed/Fri: 10:00PM-01:00AM EST -main progression days

Raider Expectations:

Attendance – We respect your time dedicated to us and expect it in return, while IRL situations understandingly happen, we expect consistent attendance from everyone. Preparation – Everyone should be gemmed, enchanted and have consumables on hand. As well as have a general idea of the fight(s) at hand. Specific strategies will be posted in our Discord beforehand. Be Receptive – We expect our raiders to be able to take constructive criticism and encourage them to bounce ideas/strategies around before an encounter starts.

Currently Recruiting: Healers - Preferably Paladin, Disc, Shaman DPS - Willing to look at any exceptional players

Note: No one on our roster is above the bench, if you try out and perform you will have a spot, if you slack off, you will be benched until you catch up.

All applicants should have experience in the current tier, a plus with some mythic raiding experience from previous tiers. They are expected to have knowledge of their class and respective roles. All exceptional applicants should feel free to apply.

Última actualización 189 semanas hace
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Maestro del gremio: Stabpotis

Progresión de incursión

No pudimos encontrar ninguna progresión de raid para esa expansión.

¿Esperabas ver alguno?

RealmID 264
GroupID 680692
GuildID 716830

Importante: para tener un registro exacto de la primera vez que mataste a un jefe de incursión, debes poner a tu gremio en cola para una actualización antes de matar a ese jefe por segunda vez.

Último escaneado 3 días hace