We are in the process of applying our changes to split Season 1 and Post-Season 1 scores and rankings. This process will take several hours, and the representation of rankings won't be fully correct until it is all completed. Thanks for your patience!

8/8 D
Palacio de Nerub-ar
Despejado Heroico antes del lanzamiento del siguiente nivel de incursión.
(Obtenido en 5th Raid Week)

Importante: para tener un registro exacto de la primera vez que mataste a un jefe de incursión, debes poner a tu gremio en cola para una actualización antes de matar a ese jefe por segunda vez.

Último escaneado 1 semana hace

Acerca de Saga

Originally Subseq on Garona Subseq, We're an AOTC focused raiding guild that will do mythic in some capacity that is always looking for quality raiders as well as people to enjoy playing with. While we strive to achieve AOTC at a reasonable pace. The most important thing to us is having a fun, positive, and chill place to do this hobby of ours. We do not tolerate any form of drama, egomania, racism, or homophobia whatsoever. If you cannot abide by these simple rules, then this guild is not for you.

Raid Times
Tuesday and Thursday - 8pm-11pm (CST) or 9pm-12am (EST/Server)

If interested please complete the application form and an officer will get with you as soon as possible. If you have any questions beforehand please reach out to:

  • Discord: Cad#3452
  • Bnet: Cad#11885


Última actualización 111 semanas hace
Vista rápida

Maestro del gremio: Cadow

Acerca de Saga

Originally Subseq on Garona Subseq, We're an AOTC focused raiding guild that will do mythic in some capacity that is always looking for quality raiders as well as people to enjoy playing with. While we strive to achieve AOTC at a reasonable pace. The most important thing to us is having a fun, positive, and chill place to do this hobby of ours. We do not tolerate any form of drama, egomania, racism, or homophobia whatsoever. If you cannot abide by these simple rules, then this guild is not for you.

Raid Times
Tuesday and Thursday - 8pm-11pm (CST) or 9pm-12am (EST/Server)

If interested please complete the application form and an officer will get with you as soon as possible. If you have any questions beforehand please reach out to:

  • Discord: Cad#3452
  • Bnet: Cad#11885


Última actualización 111 semanas hace
Vista rápida

Maestro del gremio: Cadow

Progresión de incursión

Palacio de Nerub-ar
Heroico8/8 D3,8281,481223
Normal8/8 N3,9491,712237
RealmID 264
GroupID 1335763
GuildID 1368941

Importante: para tener un registro exacto de la primera vez que mataste a un jefe de incursión, debes poner a tu gremio en cola para una actualización antes de matar a ese jefe por segunda vez.

Último escaneado 1 semana hace