Importante: para tener un registro exacto de la primera vez que mataste a un jefe de incursión, debes poner a tu gremio en cola para una actualización antes de matar a ese jefe por segunda vez.

Último escaneado 2 días hace

Acerca de Fumble

Fumble are recruiting all roles for our Heroic focused 2 night a week raid team.

The heart of our guild is a made up of a laid back Aussies, with some late night players who like to have a laugh, try not to take things too seriously, but are diligent about maintaining our characters and striving to improve our raid performance. Most of us are mid-twenties and over. We try to give each other a helping hand, but also expect you to ultimately take the initiative in maintaining your character.

Our aim as a guild and raid team is to have fun, yet clear heroic and mythic+ content efficiently on a 2 night schedule. To achieve this we expect Core raiders to:

⦁ Have as close to 100%* attendance as possible ⦁ Let us know well in advance if you can’t make a raid ⦁ Keep up to date on your class, strive to improve ⦁ Show up to raid early, know fights, and have consumables on hand ⦁ Can-do attitude, happy to switch specs/roles, or sit if needed ⦁ Communicate, listen to advice ⦁ Interested in guild activities outside of raiding

Raid Times: Weds - Thurs - 22:00 - 00:30 ST

Core Recruitment:

We’re currently looking for Healers and possibly DPS for current 10.2 Heroic Prog.

Whether you’re a Mythic Keystone player, casual raider, social player, or leveler, you’re more than welcome to join the guild.

Contact GM: Tea#12442 Officers: Echo#1570 Takoyaki#12286 Chroniikz#1158 Evissan#1822


Feel free to contact any of the officers if you are interested in joining the team!

Última actualización 63 semanas hace
Vista rápida

Maestro del gremio: Sadpour

Funcionarios: Confearacy, Echostrava

Acerca de Fumble

Fumble are recruiting all roles for our Heroic focused 2 night a week raid team.

The heart of our guild is a made up of a laid back Aussies, with some late night players who like to have a laugh, try not to take things too seriously, but are diligent about maintaining our characters and striving to improve our raid performance. Most of us are mid-twenties and over. We try to give each other a helping hand, but also expect you to ultimately take the initiative in maintaining your character.

Our aim as a guild and raid team is to have fun, yet clear heroic and mythic+ content efficiently on a 2 night schedule. To achieve this we expect Core raiders to:

⦁ Have as close to 100%* attendance as possible ⦁ Let us know well in advance if you can’t make a raid ⦁ Keep up to date on your class, strive to improve ⦁ Show up to raid early, know fights, and have consumables on hand ⦁ Can-do attitude, happy to switch specs/roles, or sit if needed ⦁ Communicate, listen to advice ⦁ Interested in guild activities outside of raiding

Raid Times: Weds - Thurs - 22:00 - 00:30 ST

Core Recruitment:

We’re currently looking for Healers and possibly DPS for current 10.2 Heroic Prog.

Whether you’re a Mythic Keystone player, casual raider, social player, or leveler, you’re more than welcome to join the guild.

Contact GM: Tea#12442 Officers: Echo#1570 Takoyaki#12286 Chroniikz#1158 Evissan#1822


Feel free to contact any of the officers if you are interested in joining the team!

Última actualización 63 semanas hace
Vista rápida

Maestro del gremio: Sadpour

Funcionarios: Confearacy, Echostrava

Progresión de incursión

No pudimos encontrar ninguna progresión de raid para esa expansión.

¿Esperabas ver alguno?

RealmID 345
GroupID 1956095
GuildID 1956510

Importante: para tener un registro exacto de la primera vez que mataste a un jefe de incursión, debes poner a tu gremio en cola para una actualización antes de matar a ese jefe por segunda vez.

Último escaneado 2 días hace