Importante: para tener un registro exacto de la primera vez que mataste a un jefe de incursión, debes poner a tu gremio en cola para una actualización antes de matar a ese jefe por segunda vez.

Último escaneado 1 semana hace

Acerca de Seaghyn

Seaghyn is always accepting those who need a home in Azeroth. We're happy to have players for raid, M+, and even casuals to do old content or trade battle pets with :) We are 2SLGBTQIA+ and Lady-positive, with boring ol' cishet guys welcome too.


Needs: We are always accepting new guildies! We're lookin for dps and a swing healer for our raid team, maybe a main healer for the right person.

Very open to and accepting of socials, new players, etc. New and returning players are absolutely welcome! And while you're unlikely to find a leveling partner, we're happy to provide help as needed, gearing help when you get to 60, etc.

New players welcome!

About us: We are a highly social LGBT+/Woman positive guild, with an AotC focused raid team (W/Fr 6-8p server). From cat pictures to an arts and crafts channel, to Warhammer and D&D, we're happy to share in what makes you happy.

Seaghyn is a guild of young-ish adults (if 30 still qualifies as young-ish). We support a diverse community of playstyles, from folks who just log on to raid and do raid-support activities to hardcore achievement hunters. We have a few PvPers and are interested in adding more, but we don't have an RBG team. We have responsibilities outside of the game, including jobs, families, and fuzzballs that belong on /r/aww. However, we treat the time we do spend in-game with respect, for ourselves and for others involved, while still focusing on the fun.

Our Team raids Wednesday/Friday at 6pm PST/server (9pm EST) for 2 hours.

We are NOT a Mythic guild and have no aspirations to be such, but sometimes kicks a boss or two at end of tier.

For an idea of our social environment, we're pretty left-leaning, and talk politics (but we try and keep it to a dedicated channel).

Ultimately, Seaghyn is a guild trying to exemplify the best aspects of the gaming world.

FAQ: Do I have to be a girl or LGBT to join? No, LGBT/Woman friendly just means you have to treat women and LGBT+ folks like people, respect pronouns, etc. Everybody makes mistakes, you just have to not be a dick.

FAQ: Do I have to transfer? We prefer folks to transfer eventually if they're raiding, as WoWProgress ranking is important for recruiting, etc. I don't need folks transferring before they're sure they'll stick around. Folks are welcome to hang out indefinitely as socials cross realm

FAQ: What classes do you need? Do I have to play UH if I'm a DK? We are 100% play what you want. I'd rather have 8 happy assassination rogues than an unhappy but ideal comp. We do expect you to put in some effort to perform decently for your spec, but we'll absolutely help you find the right guides, sim your gear and talents, etc. All you've gotta do is ask!

We intend:

  • to be welcoming and accepting
  • to have fun and enable others to have fun
  • to be good at what we do
  • to continually improve on all of these aspects

Thanks for reading, and best of luck with your hunt for a new home in Azeroth!

~Kyatastrophe-Hyjal / Bnet: Kyatastrophe#1432 / Discord: Kyatastrophe#6666 / Twitter: @Kyatastrophe or @Seaghyn

Code of Conduct

  • Be Better - Consider what you put into the world. Try to make it better. Be a positive influence wherever you go. No one ever improved the world by insulting a stranger on the Internet. Rise above common Internet pettiness, habit, and reactivity.
  • Be Accepting - Accepting players of varying skill levels is the least of this. Seaghyn does not discriminate nor do we tolerate discriminatory language. This includes casual bigotry, even when it's a "joke." Gaming culture has many refuges for casual bigotry; if this policy rankles, we invite you to explore any of them.
  • Contribute - This is, in large part, a group game. We do not expect you to treat the game like a second job, but we do expect commitments to be honored. We expect you to take seriously any role that you have accepted. The best players are the ones who care. You might not know everything, but you should always be interested to learn more and do better.
  • Have Fun - Enjoy what you do and do what you enjoy. Often, habit and obligation can force players to engage in aspects of the game that they simply do not enjoy. Those players will grow to resent the activity, and that can poison the mood of an entire team. Do your best to enjoy the game, but also try to help those around you enjoy the game. If you cannot do the first, you definitely cannot do the second.
  • Be Cool - Everyone agrees that tone is difficult to interpret in text, so always assume the best possible tone. Do not take personal affront when you have any other option. If you are upset, replay the situation in your head and consider whether you really have cause to be upset. If so, quietly take your concern to an officer. Mistakes happen. Wipes happen. Give other players the benefit of the doubt as much as possible. Stay positive.
  • Be Cooperative - Value your team. Value your community. Some fights have jobs that are less flashy than others. If that job is yours, accept it without whining and do it as effectively as you can. Leaders should accept feedback on strategies, but no one needs a backseat driver. If you have feedback, whisper it to the leader in question.
  • Be Kind - Enough said.

Última actualización 188 semanas hace
Acerca de Seaghyn

Seaghyn is always accepting those who need a home in Azeroth. We're happy to have players for raid, M+, and even casuals to do old content or trade battle pets with :) We are 2SLGBTQIA+ and Lady-positive, with boring ol' cishet guys welcome too.


Needs: We are always accepting new guildies! We're lookin for dps and a swing healer for our raid team, maybe a main healer for the right person.

Very open to and accepting of socials, new players, etc. New and returning players are absolutely welcome! And while you're unlikely to find a leveling partner, we're happy to provide help as needed, gearing help when you get to 60, etc.

New players welcome!

About us: We are a highly social LGBT+/Woman positive guild, with an AotC focused raid team (W/Fr 6-8p server). From cat pictures to an arts and crafts channel, to Warhammer and D&D, we're happy to share in what makes you happy.

Seaghyn is a guild of young-ish adults (if 30 still qualifies as young-ish). We support a diverse community of playstyles, from folks who just log on to raid and do raid-support activities to hardcore achievement hunters. We have a few PvPers and are interested in adding more, but we don't have an RBG team. We have responsibilities outside of the game, including jobs, families, and fuzzballs that belong on /r/aww. However, we treat the time we do spend in-game with respect, for ourselves and for others involved, while still focusing on the fun.

Our Team raids Wednesday/Friday at 6pm PST/server (9pm EST) for 2 hours.

We are NOT a Mythic guild and have no aspirations to be such, but sometimes kicks a boss or two at end of tier.

For an idea of our social environment, we're pretty left-leaning, and talk politics (but we try and keep it to a dedicated channel).

Ultimately, Seaghyn is a guild trying to exemplify the best aspects of the gaming world.

FAQ: Do I have to be a girl or LGBT to join? No, LGBT/Woman friendly just means you have to treat women and LGBT+ folks like people, respect pronouns, etc. Everybody makes mistakes, you just have to not be a dick.

FAQ: Do I have to transfer? We prefer folks to transfer eventually if they're raiding, as WoWProgress ranking is important for recruiting, etc. I don't need folks transferring before they're sure they'll stick around. Folks are welcome to hang out indefinitely as socials cross realm

FAQ: What classes do you need? Do I have to play UH if I'm a DK? We are 100% play what you want. I'd rather have 8 happy assassination rogues than an unhappy but ideal comp. We do expect you to put in some effort to perform decently for your spec, but we'll absolutely help you find the right guides, sim your gear and talents, etc. All you've gotta do is ask!

We intend:

  • to be welcoming and accepting
  • to have fun and enable others to have fun
  • to be good at what we do
  • to continually improve on all of these aspects

Thanks for reading, and best of luck with your hunt for a new home in Azeroth!

~Kyatastrophe-Hyjal / Bnet: Kyatastrophe#1432 / Discord: Kyatastrophe#6666 / Twitter: @Kyatastrophe or @Seaghyn

Code of Conduct

  • Be Better - Consider what you put into the world. Try to make it better. Be a positive influence wherever you go. No one ever improved the world by insulting a stranger on the Internet. Rise above common Internet pettiness, habit, and reactivity.
  • Be Accepting - Accepting players of varying skill levels is the least of this. Seaghyn does not discriminate nor do we tolerate discriminatory language. This includes casual bigotry, even when it's a "joke." Gaming culture has many refuges for casual bigotry; if this policy rankles, we invite you to explore any of them.
  • Contribute - This is, in large part, a group game. We do not expect you to treat the game like a second job, but we do expect commitments to be honored. We expect you to take seriously any role that you have accepted. The best players are the ones who care. You might not know everything, but you should always be interested to learn more and do better.
  • Have Fun - Enjoy what you do and do what you enjoy. Often, habit and obligation can force players to engage in aspects of the game that they simply do not enjoy. Those players will grow to resent the activity, and that can poison the mood of an entire team. Do your best to enjoy the game, but also try to help those around you enjoy the game. If you cannot do the first, you definitely cannot do the second.
  • Be Cool - Everyone agrees that tone is difficult to interpret in text, so always assume the best possible tone. Do not take personal affront when you have any other option. If you are upset, replay the situation in your head and consider whether you really have cause to be upset. If so, quietly take your concern to an officer. Mistakes happen. Wipes happen. Give other players the benefit of the doubt as much as possible. Stay positive.
  • Be Cooperative - Value your team. Value your community. Some fights have jobs that are less flashy than others. If that job is yours, accept it without whining and do it as effectively as you can. Leaders should accept feedback on strategies, but no one needs a backseat driver. If you have feedback, whisper it to the leader in question.
  • Be Kind - Enough said.

Última actualización 188 semanas hace

Progresión de incursión

No pudimos encontrar ninguna progresión de raid para esa expansión.

¿Esperabas ver alguno?

RealmID 367
GroupID 387281
GuildID 71279

Importante: para tener un registro exacto de la primera vez que mataste a un jefe de incursión, debes poner a tu gremio en cola para una actualización antes de matar a ese jefe por segunda vez.

Último escaneado 1 semana hace