
Importante: para tener un registro exacto de la primera vez que mataste a un jefe de incursión, debes poner a tu gremio en cola para una actualización antes de matar a ese jefe por segunda vez.

Último escaneado 7 horas hace

Acerca de Mediocrity

Mediocrity is a semi-hardcore guild, based on Thrall-US, created by players who want to maintain a mellow time in-game but also push content in a meaningful way. We aim to improve where we can and strive to play as our best selves. Led by previous CE raid experience, Mediocrity is for the folks who have interest (or past experience) in raiding with a progression-oriented group but on a more relaxed schedule with a calm and fun approach.

We're happy to be home to players of all types - in addition to pushing new content, we also level alts, complete back-raiding, old content, and dabble in PvP. Mediocrity is also building up a solid core of M+ Key teams looking to push in to high IO rankings - we complete keys of varying levels daily and are looking forward to selling carries in the near future.

Progression Raid Times

  • Tuesday 9-11:30pm EST (6-8:30pm PST)
  • Thursday 9-11:30pm EST (6-8:30pm PST)
  • Optional Heroic re-clears created throughout the week

If interested in joining, check out our Discord:

Última actualización 278 semanas hace
Acerca de Mediocrity

Mediocrity is a semi-hardcore guild, based on Thrall-US, created by players who want to maintain a mellow time in-game but also push content in a meaningful way. We aim to improve where we can and strive to play as our best selves. Led by previous CE raid experience, Mediocrity is for the folks who have interest (or past experience) in raiding with a progression-oriented group but on a more relaxed schedule with a calm and fun approach.

We're happy to be home to players of all types - in addition to pushing new content, we also level alts, complete back-raiding, old content, and dabble in PvP. Mediocrity is also building up a solid core of M+ Key teams looking to push in to high IO rankings - we complete keys of varying levels daily and are looking forward to selling carries in the near future.

Progression Raid Times

  • Tuesday 9-11:30pm EST (6-8:30pm PST)
  • Thursday 9-11:30pm EST (6-8:30pm PST)
  • Optional Heroic re-clears created throughout the week

If interested in joining, check out our Discord:

Última actualización 278 semanas hace

Progresión de incursión

No pudimos encontrar ninguna progresión de raid para esa expansión.

¿Esperabas ver alguno?

RealmID 465
GroupID 1034677
GuildID 1068801

Importante: para tener un registro exacto de la primera vez que mataste a un jefe de incursión, debes poner a tu gremio en cola para una actualización antes de matar a ese jefe por segunda vez.

Último escaneado 7 horas hace