Importante: para tener un registro exacto de la primera vez que mataste a un jefe de incursión, debes poner a tu gremio en cola para una actualización antes de matar a ese jefe por segunda vez.

Último escaneado 1 semana hace

Acerca de Insomnia

We are a 2-day 6-hour guild returning for Shadowlands. Our goal is to achieve cutting edge every tier with our limited raiding hours. Efficiency will be key in Insomnia. All raiders are expected to come prepared and focused while maintaining our laid-back environment.

Additionally, we will never raid Mythic outside our regular 6 hours a week.

Insomnia was formed back in Blackwing Lair on Tichondrius Alliance who stopped raiding in legion due to recruiting issues. We have moved horde for the start of Shadowlands.

Raid Schedule

Tuesday\Thursday: 7 PM - 10 PM PST


At least 90% attendance is required. Missing multiple nights in consecutive months will likely result in the removal of your raid spot. We are all adults and understand real-life comes first but we rely on everyone with a limited roster.

With current loot distribution from the raid all members are encouraged to gear via pvp or weekly M+ boxes & valor in the upcoming patches.

Current Needs: DPS: Boomkin | Healer: Any exceptional applicant.

Applications to join along with current recruitment needs can be found here:

Última actualización 189 semanas hace
Vista rápida

Maestro del gremio: Peeply

Funcionarios: Deadkarma, Shootypoints, Smiteezy, Stealthpoint, Xpeezy, Xpoint, Xpointjump

Acerca de Insomnia

We are a 2-day 6-hour guild returning for Shadowlands. Our goal is to achieve cutting edge every tier with our limited raiding hours. Efficiency will be key in Insomnia. All raiders are expected to come prepared and focused while maintaining our laid-back environment.

Additionally, we will never raid Mythic outside our regular 6 hours a week.

Insomnia was formed back in Blackwing Lair on Tichondrius Alliance who stopped raiding in legion due to recruiting issues. We have moved horde for the start of Shadowlands.

Raid Schedule

Tuesday\Thursday: 7 PM - 10 PM PST


At least 90% attendance is required. Missing multiple nights in consecutive months will likely result in the removal of your raid spot. We are all adults and understand real-life comes first but we rely on everyone with a limited roster.

With current loot distribution from the raid all members are encouraged to gear via pvp or weekly M+ boxes & valor in the upcoming patches.

Current Needs: DPS: Boomkin | Healer: Any exceptional applicant.

Applications to join along with current recruitment needs can be found here:

Última actualización 189 semanas hace
Vista rápida

Maestro del gremio: Peeply

Funcionarios: Deadkarma, Shootypoints, Smiteezy, Stealthpoint, Xpeezy, Xpoint, Xpointjump

Progresión de incursión

No pudimos encontrar ninguna progresión de raid para esa expansión.

¿Esperabas ver alguno?

RealmID 468
GroupID 360221
GuildID 44356

Importante: para tener un registro exacto de la primera vez que mataste a un jefe de incursión, debes poner a tu gremio en cola para una actualización antes de matar a ese jefe por segunda vez.

Último escaneado 1 semana hace