I'm interested in getting Cutting Edge each tier again, ranking does not matter as long as the guild is capable of reaching it each tier. Warlock main, Evoker main alt. Not wanting to make changes for the sake of the guild as I just want to play what I want. Currently understanding that I'm behind gear wise and I'm trying to catch up since I started the expansion late. But gear doesn't give you the mechanical skills I still have. Always a team player, don't care about my parses rather do mechanics right than greed for DPS. Because dying is the biggest DPS loss and wiping the raid just invalidates your parse.
Add me on b.net for a talk, I'm quite undecided for my goals so I'm willing to listen to varying skill levels. Bnet: Aaron#2521
Past guilds and achievements:
Echelon-TwistingNether: March 2015 - Feb 2018 Joined during Blackrock foundry when the guild was casual. The guild went for Cutting Edge in Hellfire Citadel. Became an Officer early on during HFC progression. Helped the guild reach Cutting Edge that tier, then played a big part in our small officer team to elevate the guild to higher guild rankings in Legion. Achieving Cutting Edge in each tier in Legion. Argus rank: 237 (was close to top 100 for most of the tier in Antorus) Disbanded after we killed Argus for a multitude of reasons.
Azerite-TwistingNether Aug 2018 - Nov 2018 Guild Master of Azerite for the start of BFA with Uldir. 2 day raiding guild started with a small group left over from Echelon. Got some friends involved and recruited with just the promise of Cutting Edge. Managed to get Cutting Edge top 600 while fully staying 2 day raiding. Disbanded after I felt burnt out of guild management and wanted to step down and just focus on raiding.
Disposition-Stormscale Dec 2018 - March 2019 After disbanding Azerite I wanted to focus on getting to higher rank raiding again as I wanted to focus on raiding only, no longer the burden of managing a guild and raiding roster. Ended up staying for only Battle of Dazar'alor after getting 102 World. Guild missed their mark of top 100 and the raid atmosphere felt really off near the end. This together with my general dissatisfaction of BFA and the game in general made me leave the game all together.
Phoenix-TwistingNether Nov 2020 - Dec 2020 My last raiding guild, came back for Shadowlands but in the end after getting the first 3 mythic bosses I just lost my appetite for the game and decided the quit mid tier.
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Progression du Raid
Progression du Raid
Palais de Nerub-ar | Progression | Nombre de Boss Tué |
Normale | 7/8 N° | 7 |