Hailing from Silvermoon City, Divinepaly has been through all sorts of trials and tribulations in her lifetime.
Serving the Light since WoTLK Launch, she is primarily the first into the fray.
Searing enemies with her light, she has been at the forefront of Mythic+, Raiding and PvP for many years.
Primarily a Protection tank, Divinepaly can also heal her friends or smite her enemies with her Holy & Retribution offspecs.
Pushing top-end content since Legion, she has been awarded Keystone Master numerous times including:
- BfA Season 4
- SL Season 1
- SL Season 3
- SL Season 4
- Dragonflight Season 1
- Dragonflight Season 2
- Dragonflight Season 3
- Dragonflight Season 4
Pushing even higher during Shadowlands, in the realm of death, she secured all KSH Portals for ease of access later.
When the dragons roared, Divinepaly answered again, securing all the portals to the S2 Dragonflight dungeons.
During the Argus campaign, she lead her fellow champions into Antorus, The Burning Throne as Mythic Progress raid leader and obtained Ahead of the Curve for the first time on Argus, The Unmaker.
Since then, Divinepaly has achieved AOTC multiple times including:
- Queen Azshara in The Eternal Palace
- N'Zoth the Corruptor in Ny'alotha, the Waking City
- The Jailer in Sepulcher of the First Ones
- Fyrakk the Blazing in Amirdrassil
In more recent events, Divinepaly also helped her fellow champions in the PvP scene, earning the rank of Challenger in Dragonflight Season 2 proving that not only in she able to combat against the universe's challenges, that she can keep her friends alive in Holy Specialization when she is called upon.
Divinepaly also loves her mount collection! She scours the Warcraft Universe far and wide (and even sometimes beyond) to collect more friends to share adventures with.
With 1000 mounts in total, she has quite a selection to choose from in her adventures. That being said, most times you will see her flying by on her favorite, Solar Spirehawk, glowing in its magnificent orange glow.
Informations de contact |
divinekate |
Progression du Raid
Progression du Raid
Palais de Nerub-ar | Progression | Nombre de Boss Tué |
Normale | 8/8 N° | 8 |