Hello, I am currently looking for a OCE mythic raid guild in Season 1 of TWW.
A bit about my WOW experience I am pretty new to the WOW raiding scene i achieved AOTC in Amidrassil on my fire mage Lambawz and have played on and off with a friend guild sometimes want to complete heroic and want to step up and complete a Mythic raid. I have decided to play a melee this season for a different flavor from ranged and have landed on Warrior, I mainly have been pugging Heroic on protection Warrior, however I have plenty of experience on fury and have watched and analyzed top end players to ensure I'm getting the most out of the spec and have no issues playing fury or even Arms (no experience on Arms happy to research and put in effort to learn it) in raid. I play on and off mythic + mainly with a group of mates and i want to experience something a bit harder I believe i landed close to 2.8k rating on Season 3 Dragon flight (we never really pushed it that hard and more casual fun with mates). My goal is not to get a title or to possibly get a mount, I want to do the hardest content that WOW has to offer, experience it and complete it. I am very competitive player who prioritizes having deep knowledge of fights and a thorough understanding of my class I will perform and pull my weight in the team. Researching fights and all class intricacies and gearing my character is something i will complete in my own time outside of raids to ensure I'm prepared. I will aim to be consistent above all else in a raid and ensure that getting the kill takes priority. I am a bit of a wild card as i have had no Cutting Edge experience however my logs should shine some light on the expected performance you can get our of me.
A bit about my experience outside of WOW I have played lots of MMOs over the years and have done high end content in most i have touched. In FF14 i co-lead a raid team and have cleared all the latest ultimates (hardest raids) as every role https://www.fflogs.com/character/oc/ravana/lamb%20chops .
A bit about me I'm a very sociable person and have no issues joining voice and miccing up if required. I enjoy a raid environment with a bit of banter and knuckling down and being serious when the prog or fight demands it. I am a patient player who understands not all things go to plan and mistakes can happen, I also understand it can take others longer to learn mechs. more then happy to take criticism and feedback about my gameplay and learn and improve from it
Thanks for reading this far, I hope you will consider me for your group feel free to reach out. Happy to do a interview or a trial.
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Progression du Raid
Progression du Raid
Palais de Nerub-ar [AOTC] | Progression | Nombre de Boss Tué |
Mythique | 4/8 M | 36 |
Héroïque | 8/8 H | 70 |
Normale | 8/8 N° | 16 |