The Last Pull is a "semi-serious" raiding and M+ guild on the Alliance side of Proudmoore. What does "semi-serious" mean for us? Well I am glad you asked. For the "serious" part, as a performance based team, we want people to perform well with their chosen spec, accomplish basic mechanics in raid or M+, and to be able to use resources to get better if things go off the rails and for whatever reason. If these expectations cannot be achieved or maintained, we may sit you for progression activities until things get sorted out. This isn't a quick or easy decision on our part so relax and have some fun as we figure things out together. For the "*semi" part of it, we aren't going to critique every little thing you do, ask you to change specs mid tier to get 1% more damage from you, or require you to maintain four alts and three accounts on the off chance we may need you to switch classes between boss fights to achieve a cheese strat someone saw on Youtube.. No one has time for that. Also we don't want, and frankly what we actively discourage, are people being elitest jerks when other people fail. This is a game, not a life and death, so act like it. That's about enough exposition so down to the nitty gritty.
We are looking primarily for people who fit the above bill.
We would prefer those people to ideally be ranged dps, but all are welcome to join us.
*Each tier we guarantee to get heroic AoTC and to work on mythic progession in raids.
As we get closer to Dragonflight raidings launch, we will fill in this section a whole lot better.
If you are interested and would like to chat, feel free to add me in game at Bigwhoop#1156 and message me directly. Until then, have a great day.
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Progression du Raid
Progression du Raid
Palais de Nerub-ar [AOTC] | Progression | Nombre de Boss Tué |
Mythique | 6/8 M | 48 |
Héroïque | 8/8 H | 62 |
Normale | 8/8 N° | 20 |