
4/8 M
Libération de la mine
8/8 H
Libération de la mine
Effacé Héroïque avant la sortie du prochain niveau de raid.
(Gagné sur 1st Raid Week)
8/8 M
Palais de Nerub-ar
Effacé Mythique avant la sortie du prochain niveau de raid.
(Gagné sur 5th Raid Week)

Important: pour avoir un enregistrement précis de la première fois que vous avez tué un boss de raid, vous devez mettre votre guilde en file d'attente pour une mise à jour avant de tuer ce boss pour la deuxième fois.

Dernière analyse 3 jours il y a

A propos de Advance
Recruitment Status:

We are actively recruiting healers and melees for Liberation of Undermine.


For boosting enquiries, please contact brokenlenny or im.strike on discord.

<Advance> or formerly knows as <NOCCO> was created in shadowlands with the ambition to be a competative and fast progressing guild for the time invested whilst maintaining a enjoyable raid atmosphere. We offer high-quality, fast-paced progression and expect the best from our raiders in terms of both preparation and gameplay.


Progression Raid Schedule:
  • Wednesday 19:15 - 23:15 ST
  • Thursday 19:15 - 23:15 ST
  • Sunday 19:15 - 23:15 ST
  • Monday 19:15 - 23:15 ST
  • Tuesday 19:15 - 23:15 ST

Invites are sent out 15 minutes before raid start. In regard to raid times, it is likely that we will do an extended raid for the first two Wednesdays of a tier launch to expedite the completion of splits. For the past two tiers, the duration for this raid has been 18-24. This we do to in order to make farming outside of raid more efficient.


Farm Raid Schedule:
  • Monday 19:15 - 23:15 ST
  • Tuesday 19:15 - 23:15 ST


PTR Testing

PTR Testing is mandatory . Whenever PTR testing is scheduled, we adjust raid days, as progress takes priority over anything else.



Close to 100% attendance is mandatory when it comes to progression.



Be an exceptionally skilled player who is ambitious and eager to improve; having three characters, in total, is mandatory for splits. Mirrors are allowed and encouraged.


Past Tier Rankings:
  • Castle Nathria: World Rank 450 Realm 15
  • Sanctum of Domination: World Rank 179 Realm 4
  • Sepulcher of the First Ones: World Rank 128 Realm 4
  • Vault of the Incarnates: World Rank 43 Realm 1
  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: World Rank 30 Realm 1
  • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope: World Rank 95 Realm 5
  • Nerub-ar Palace: World Rank 14 Realm 1
How To Apply:

To apply, please submit your application through our Google Form (linked below). If you haven't received a response within a two-week period, consider your application declined.

Application form:

  • Community Discord:

For any additional queries, feel free to contact us on Discord:

  • Brokenlenny: BrokenLenny#3208 (Community/Recruitment/Boosting)
  • Strike: Strike#7206 (Analyst/Weakauras/Boosting)
  • ViklunD: ViklunD#2904 (Raid-Leader/Player Analyst)

Dernière mise à jour : 1 semaine il y a
Aperçu rapide

Maître de guilde: Brokendwagon

Agents: Brokenlenny, Brøkenlenny, Darrowx, Strikedk, Viklund

A propos de Advance
Recruitment Status:

We are actively recruiting healers and melees for Liberation of Undermine.


For boosting enquiries, please contact brokenlenny or im.strike on discord.

<Advance> or formerly knows as <NOCCO> was created in shadowlands with the ambition to be a competative and fast progressing guild for the time invested whilst maintaining a enjoyable raid atmosphere. We offer high-quality, fast-paced progression and expect the best from our raiders in terms of both preparation and gameplay.


Progression Raid Schedule:
  • Wednesday 19:15 - 23:15 ST
  • Thursday 19:15 - 23:15 ST
  • Sunday 19:15 - 23:15 ST
  • Monday 19:15 - 23:15 ST
  • Tuesday 19:15 - 23:15 ST

Invites are sent out 15 minutes before raid start. In regard to raid times, it is likely that we will do an extended raid for the first two Wednesdays of a tier launch to expedite the completion of splits. For the past two tiers, the duration for this raid has been 18-24. This we do to in order to make farming outside of raid more efficient.


Farm Raid Schedule:
  • Monday 19:15 - 23:15 ST
  • Tuesday 19:15 - 23:15 ST


PTR Testing

PTR Testing is mandatory . Whenever PTR testing is scheduled, we adjust raid days, as progress takes priority over anything else.



Close to 100% attendance is mandatory when it comes to progression.



Be an exceptionally skilled player who is ambitious and eager to improve; having three characters, in total, is mandatory for splits. Mirrors are allowed and encouraged.


Past Tier Rankings:
  • Castle Nathria: World Rank 450 Realm 15
  • Sanctum of Domination: World Rank 179 Realm 4
  • Sepulcher of the First Ones: World Rank 128 Realm 4
  • Vault of the Incarnates: World Rank 43 Realm 1
  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: World Rank 30 Realm 1
  • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope: World Rank 95 Realm 5
  • Nerub-ar Palace: World Rank 14 Realm 1
How To Apply:

To apply, please submit your application through our Google Form (linked below). If you haven't received a response within a two-week period, consider your application declined.

Application form:

  • Community Discord:

For any additional queries, feel free to contact us on Discord:

  • Brokenlenny: BrokenLenny#3208 (Community/Recruitment/Boosting)
  • Strike: Strike#7206 (Analyst/Weakauras/Boosting)
  • ViklunD: ViklunD#2904 (Raid-Leader/Player Analyst)

Dernière mise à jour : 1 semaine il y a
Aperçu rapide

Maître de guilde: Brokendwagon

Agents: Brokenlenny, Brøkenlenny, Darrowx, Strikedk, Viklund

Progression du Raid

Libération de la mine
Mythique4/8 M1581
Héroïque8/8 H21711811
Normale8/8 908833
Palais de Nerub-ar
Mythique8/8 M1891
Héroïque8/8 H50928217
Normale8/8 15,6967,698430
Profondeurs de Blackrock
Héroïque3/8 H2,9571,65884
RealmID 579
GroupID 707267
GuildID 750617

Important: pour avoir un enregistrement précis de la première fois que vous avez tué un boss de raid, vous devez mettre votre guilde en file d'attente pour une mise à jour avant de tuer ce boss pour la deuxième fois.

Dernière analyse 3 jours il y a