We are in the process of applying our changes to split Season 1 and Post-Season 1 scores and rankings. This process will take several hours, and the representation of rankings won't be fully correct until it is all completed. Thanks for your patience!


Important: pour avoir un enregistrement précis de la première fois que vous avez tué un boss de raid, vous devez mettre votre guilde en file d'attente pour une mise à jour avant de tuer ce boss pour la deuxième fois.

Dernière analyse 2 jours il y a

A propos de Leviathan

Hi all!

was an established raiding guild in BFA and the start of Shadowlands but took a break last patch (9.1) for various reasons however we’re now back and ready to continue raiding again!

Goal of the guild: Leviathan has always been about two things, Raid progression and enjoyment, we believe that striking a balance between these two is important as it encourages a strong community and fun gameplay. We’re looking to make meaningful progress through Mythic tiers whilst having a good time.

About The members: We have some experienced veteran raiders who have previous Cutting Edge but also some newer players who only stepped into Mythic raiding recently. All of our players have a welcoming attitude and are willing to play as a team whilst helping everyone improve.

What we want from you:

  • • A good understanding of your class mechanics and what causes them to perform well
  • • A reasonable gear setup of atleast 260 ilvl
  • • The willingness to progress through raiding content
  • • We expect all members to come to every raid prepared, you should understand the tactics & also have all required consumables/pre pots
  • • Availability to raid 2-3 times a week.

Raid Times: Wednesday & Sunday – 20:00ST – 23:00ST. Friday – Optional “Fun Run” once we get current content on EZ mode farm. These raids are a lot more light hearted and we welcome a few drinks, jokes and alts! Contact information:

If you’re interested in hearing more information or want to discuss anything please feel free to contact me in game: PvtWiggles#2550

Dernière mise à jour : 148 semaines il y a
Aperçu rapide

Maître de guilde: Stodgy

Agents: Goobalina, Rykitso, Ryykoii, Steg

A propos de Leviathan

Hi all!

was an established raiding guild in BFA and the start of Shadowlands but took a break last patch (9.1) for various reasons however we’re now back and ready to continue raiding again!

Goal of the guild: Leviathan has always been about two things, Raid progression and enjoyment, we believe that striking a balance between these two is important as it encourages a strong community and fun gameplay. We’re looking to make meaningful progress through Mythic tiers whilst having a good time.

About The members: We have some experienced veteran raiders who have previous Cutting Edge but also some newer players who only stepped into Mythic raiding recently. All of our players have a welcoming attitude and are willing to play as a team whilst helping everyone improve.

What we want from you:

  • • A good understanding of your class mechanics and what causes them to perform well
  • • A reasonable gear setup of atleast 260 ilvl
  • • The willingness to progress through raiding content
  • • We expect all members to come to every raid prepared, you should understand the tactics & also have all required consumables/pre pots
  • • Availability to raid 2-3 times a week.

Raid Times: Wednesday & Sunday – 20:00ST – 23:00ST. Friday – Optional “Fun Run” once we get current content on EZ mode farm. These raids are a lot more light hearted and we welcome a few drinks, jokes and alts! Contact information:

If you’re interested in hearing more information or want to discuss anything please feel free to contact me in game: PvtWiggles#2550

Dernière mise à jour : 148 semaines il y a
Aperçu rapide

Maître de guilde: Stodgy

Agents: Goobalina, Rykitso, Ryykoii, Steg

Progression du Raid

Nous n'avons pas trouvé de progression de raid pour cette extension.

Vous attendiez-vous à en voir ?

RealmID 579
GroupID 126177
GuildID 529513

Important: pour avoir un enregistrement précis de la première fois que vous avez tué un boss de raid, vous devez mettre votre guilde en file d'attente pour une mise à jour avant de tuer ce boss pour la deuxième fois.

Dernière analyse 2 jours il y a