8/8 M
Palais de Nerub-ar
Effacé Mythique avant la sortie du prochain niveau de raid.
(Gagné sur 19th Raid Week)
8/8 H
Profondeurs de Blackrock
Effacé Héroïque avant la sortie du prochain niveau de raid.
(Gagné sur 2nd Raid Week)

Important: pour avoir un enregistrement précis de la première fois que vous avez tué un boss de raid, vous devez mettre votre guilde en file d'attente pour une mise à jour avant de tuer ce boss pour la deuxième fois.

Dernière analyse 1 jour il y a

A propos de Artemis

Who we are: Artemis is a guild dating back to vanilla with some very experienced mmo players at its core. It consists of people who want to do end game content while maintaining enough time for our daily obligations.

We are currently 8/8 Mythic Nerub-ar(CE).

Earlier progress: 8/9 Amirdrassil, with CE from Abberus, VotI and SoFo!

What we’re looking for: We’re looking for players who want to join our raid group, are 18+ and comfortable communicating in English. We’re a diverse guild with multiple nationalities. Many of us know each other well and have been playing together for quite a while, and we’ll try to make you feel at home quickly. Being on coms is mandatory during raids. You don’t have to talk, although we like to chat when we’re not raiding, but we need you to be able to listen to our raid leader. We use Discord.

What we have to offer: We’re a relaxed yet result driven raid group that raids on Thursdays and Sundays (Wednesday being an optional normal/heroic night) from 20:30 - 23:30 with excellent raid leading. Where possible, the guild provides consumables like flasks, foods and potions but we appreciate it if you also bring your own sometimes, poke someone to make you some stash or donate your raw mats to the guild bank.

CURRENTLY RECRUITING: Looking to bolster our roster with more classes that brings a raid buff, but willing to look at any class/specc so send us a message!

Progress This Expansion : https://---/guilds/eu/emerald-dream/Artemis

Some Kill videos: - Mythic Painsmith - Mythic Jailer (CE) - Mythic Raszageth (CE) - Mythic Sark (CE) - Mythic Tindral - Mythic Silken Court - Mythic Queen Ansurek

Poke one of these people to contact us :

Trancezor#2390 - For DPS players

Meisen#2998 - For Healers

Dernière mise à jour : 3 semaines il y a
Aperçu rapide

Maître de guilde: Catootje

Agents: Alysielqt

A propos de Artemis

Who we are: Artemis is a guild dating back to vanilla with some very experienced mmo players at its core. It consists of people who want to do end game content while maintaining enough time for our daily obligations.

We are currently 8/8 Mythic Nerub-ar(CE).

Earlier progress: 8/9 Amirdrassil, with CE from Abberus, VotI and SoFo!

What we’re looking for: We’re looking for players who want to join our raid group, are 18+ and comfortable communicating in English. We’re a diverse guild with multiple nationalities. Many of us know each other well and have been playing together for quite a while, and we’ll try to make you feel at home quickly. Being on coms is mandatory during raids. You don’t have to talk, although we like to chat when we’re not raiding, but we need you to be able to listen to our raid leader. We use Discord.

What we have to offer: We’re a relaxed yet result driven raid group that raids on Thursdays and Sundays (Wednesday being an optional normal/heroic night) from 20:30 - 23:30 with excellent raid leading. Where possible, the guild provides consumables like flasks, foods and potions but we appreciate it if you also bring your own sometimes, poke someone to make you some stash or donate your raw mats to the guild bank.

CURRENTLY RECRUITING: Looking to bolster our roster with more classes that brings a raid buff, but willing to look at any class/specc so send us a message!

Progress This Expansion : https://---/guilds/eu/emerald-dream/Artemis

Some Kill videos: - Mythic Painsmith - Mythic Jailer (CE) - Mythic Raszageth (CE) - Mythic Sark (CE) - Mythic Tindral - Mythic Silken Court - Mythic Queen Ansurek

Poke one of these people to contact us :

Trancezor#2390 - For DPS players

Meisen#2998 - For Healers

Dernière mise à jour : 3 semaines il y a
Aperçu rapide

Maître de guilde: Catootje

Agents: Alysielqt

Progression du Raid

Palais de Nerub-ar
Mythique8/8 M9755741
Héroïque8/8 H1,1216501
Normale8/8 1,5339052
Profondeurs de Blackrock
Héroïque8/8 H6393762
RealmID 593
GroupID 17241
GuildID 186948

Important: pour avoir un enregistrement précis de la première fois que vous avez tué un boss de raid, vous devez mettre votre guilde en file d'attente pour une mise à jour avant de tuer ce boss pour la deuxième fois.

Dernière analyse 1 jour il y a