Important: pour avoir un enregistrement précis de la première fois que vous avez tué un boss de raid, vous devez mettre votre guilde en file d'attente pour une mise à jour avant de tuer ce boss pour la deuxième fois.

Dernière analyse 1 semaine il y a

A propos de Solar

Solar is an Alliance Mythic raiding guild with a focus on pushing CE. Despite being a newly formed guild our raiders have plenty of Mythic raiding experience. our strongest feat is achieving CE in 9.1


++Raid Days++ Wednesday & Sunday 20:00 - 23:00 Server Time


++Expectations++ We all love a bit of banter, but when it comes to raids and being prepared we expect an admirable level of dedication to the raids and to improve as a player (Having all consumables ready for the night, tactics prepared for the boss, completing M+ for extra gear, using class discords/tutorials/log reviews to improve your character).


++Recruitment++ We are currently looking for RDPS or Holy / Disc Priest - however, we are open to trialing any exceptional players


So if you like being surrounded by like-minded players who aim for CE be sure to get in touch :)

Dernière mise à jour : 152 semaines il y a
Aperçu rapide

Maître de guilde: Jimdarkmagik

Agents: Dejafu, Heyjulia

A propos de Solar

Solar is an Alliance Mythic raiding guild with a focus on pushing CE. Despite being a newly formed guild our raiders have plenty of Mythic raiding experience. our strongest feat is achieving CE in 9.1


++Raid Days++ Wednesday & Sunday 20:00 - 23:00 Server Time


++Expectations++ We all love a bit of banter, but when it comes to raids and being prepared we expect an admirable level of dedication to the raids and to improve as a player (Having all consumables ready for the night, tactics prepared for the boss, completing M+ for extra gear, using class discords/tutorials/log reviews to improve your character).


++Recruitment++ We are currently looking for RDPS or Holy / Disc Priest - however, we are open to trialing any exceptional players


So if you like being surrounded by like-minded players who aim for CE be sure to get in touch :)

Dernière mise à jour : 152 semaines il y a
Aperçu rapide

Maître de guilde: Jimdarkmagik

Agents: Dejafu, Heyjulia

Progression du Raid

Nous n'avons pas trouvé de progression de raid pour cette extension.

Vous attendiez-vous à en voir ?

RealmID 689
GroupID 1608116
GuildID 1628898

Important: pour avoir un enregistrement précis de la première fois que vous avez tué un boss de raid, vous devez mettre votre guilde en file d'attente pour une mise à jour avant de tuer ce boss pour la deuxième fois.

Dernière analyse 1 semaine il y a