
Important: pour avoir un enregistrement précis de la première fois que vous avez tué un boss de raid, vous devez mettre votre guilde en file d'attente pour une mise à jour avant de tuer ce boss pour la deuxième fois.

Dernière analyse 1 semaine il y a

A propos de JustAwful

JustAwful is recruiting. Server Silvermoon-Alliance EU 2 day raiding guild. Wednesday and Thursday. 8pm ST - 11pm ST. 18+

We're a reformed guild from some old friends who used to raid together and currently pug heroic raids together. We also run M+ daily, pushing as high as we can, getting KSM and KSH in every season we play. Currently we have 1 Tank and 2 DPS. As a group we have experience in leading a heroic raid guild back in Legion and BFA but have taken a step back from raid leading for a couple of expansions. We have since then individually joined Mythic Raiding guilds and progressed there also. We are not looking to be a purely raiding guild but a guild that consistently clears Heroic every week to supplement gearing for M+. If people are interested in stepping into Mythic raiding then that can be discussed at a later time. We don’t care about your class/spec as long as you are confident in performing well on that class/spec. We will provide the boss guide video we will be following but obviously depending on our composition this might need tweaking. We hope to create a guild were M+ groups are easily formed and run daily. Where you can consistently get tier and trinkets from raiding on set days and times not having to rely on the inconsistency of pug raiding. There will be no loot council to start with. It will be highest roll wins and that’s it. If you are a glue eater and do not perform then conversations will be had and a lootcouncil might need to be implemented.

If you're interested feel free to whisp in game Higgledoom-Silvermoon Or add on bnet for any questions Alternatively apply to the guild via discord : Higgle#1926

Dernière mise à jour : 32 semaines il y a
Aperçu rapide

Maître de guilde:

A propos de JustAwful

JustAwful is recruiting. Server Silvermoon-Alliance EU 2 day raiding guild. Wednesday and Thursday. 8pm ST - 11pm ST. 18+

We're a reformed guild from some old friends who used to raid together and currently pug heroic raids together. We also run M+ daily, pushing as high as we can, getting KSM and KSH in every season we play. Currently we have 1 Tank and 2 DPS. As a group we have experience in leading a heroic raid guild back in Legion and BFA but have taken a step back from raid leading for a couple of expansions. We have since then individually joined Mythic Raiding guilds and progressed there also. We are not looking to be a purely raiding guild but a guild that consistently clears Heroic every week to supplement gearing for M+. If people are interested in stepping into Mythic raiding then that can be discussed at a later time. We don’t care about your class/spec as long as you are confident in performing well on that class/spec. We will provide the boss guide video we will be following but obviously depending on our composition this might need tweaking. We hope to create a guild were M+ groups are easily formed and run daily. Where you can consistently get tier and trinkets from raiding on set days and times not having to rely on the inconsistency of pug raiding. There will be no loot council to start with. It will be highest roll wins and that’s it. If you are a glue eater and do not perform then conversations will be had and a lootcouncil might need to be implemented.

If you're interested feel free to whisp in game Higgledoom-Silvermoon Or add on bnet for any questions Alternatively apply to the guild via discord : Higgle#1926

Dernière mise à jour : 32 semaines il y a
Aperçu rapide

Maître de guilde:

Progression du Raid

Nous n'avons pas trouvé de progression de raid pour cette extension.

Vous attendiez-vous à en voir ?

RealmID 704
GroupID 2047600
GuildID 2040561

Important: pour avoir un enregistrement précis de la première fois que vous avez tué un boss de raid, vous devez mettre votre guilde en file d'attente pour une mise à jour avant de tuer ce boss pour la deuxième fois.

Dernière analyse 1 semaine il y a