We are in the process of applying our changes to split Season 1 and Post-Season 1 scores and rankings. This process will take several hours, and the representation of rankings won't be fully correct until it is all completed. Thanks for your patience!

Important: pour avoir un enregistrement précis de la première fois que vous avez tué un boss de raid, vous devez mettre votre guilde en file d'attente pour une mise à jour avant de tuer ce boss pour la deuxième fois.

Dernière analyse 2 heures il y a

A propos de Shroud

Shroud – EU – Silvermoon [A]

Shroud are currently looking for anyone interested in mythic progression with a semi-hardcore guild. We enjoy having a laugh while also pushing for progression as hard as possible in our two-day raiding week. Our experienced leaders have led guilds since TBC, and can guarantee a competitive mythic raid team.

What we will give to you:

  • A well-organized guild
  • A friendly and fun atmosphere
  • A progressive raid team, working through mythic
  • A fun community to play games with, not just wow!

Raiding days/times (Server Time):

  • Wednesday – 20:30 > 23:30
  • Sunday – 20:30 > 23:30
  • Thursday - 20:30 > 23:30 (Optional HC boost run for some cha ching)



  • Holy Pala
  • Warlock


  • DPS DK
  • DPS Warrior

However all exceptional applications will be considered.

Voice: Discord

What we expect from you:

  • That you are prepared for every raid and ready on time
  • Know your class and be dedicated to keeping up-to-date on the class
  • Able to take criticism and progress from it
  • Always bring flasks, pots, and food
  • Don't stand in the fire

If interested, please contact any of our officers

Bnet: Absó (Absolution#2145) Seekers(Y3r0#11789),

Discord: Abso#5626, Mezmar#8472, Match#5416, Y3r0#6914 (Seekers)

Or visit our website:

Thanks for reading

- Shroud Team

Dernière mise à jour : 202 semaines il y a
Aperçu rapide

Maître de guilde:

A propos de Shroud

Shroud – EU – Silvermoon [A]

Shroud are currently looking for anyone interested in mythic progression with a semi-hardcore guild. We enjoy having a laugh while also pushing for progression as hard as possible in our two-day raiding week. Our experienced leaders have led guilds since TBC, and can guarantee a competitive mythic raid team.

What we will give to you:

  • A well-organized guild
  • A friendly and fun atmosphere
  • A progressive raid team, working through mythic
  • A fun community to play games with, not just wow!

Raiding days/times (Server Time):

  • Wednesday – 20:30 > 23:30
  • Sunday – 20:30 > 23:30
  • Thursday - 20:30 > 23:30 (Optional HC boost run for some cha ching)



  • Holy Pala
  • Warlock


  • DPS DK
  • DPS Warrior

However all exceptional applications will be considered.

Voice: Discord

What we expect from you:

  • That you are prepared for every raid and ready on time
  • Know your class and be dedicated to keeping up-to-date on the class
  • Able to take criticism and progress from it
  • Always bring flasks, pots, and food
  • Don't stand in the fire

If interested, please contact any of our officers

Bnet: Absó (Absolution#2145) Seekers(Y3r0#11789),

Discord: Abso#5626, Mezmar#8472, Match#5416, Y3r0#6914 (Seekers)

Or visit our website:

Thanks for reading

- Shroud Team

Dernière mise à jour : 202 semaines il y a
Aperçu rapide

Maître de guilde:

Progression du Raid

Nous n'avons pas trouvé de progression de raid pour cette extension.

Vous attendiez-vous à en voir ?

RealmID 704
GroupID 13832
GuildID 152752

Important: pour avoir un enregistrement précis de la première fois que vous avez tué un boss de raid, vous devez mettre votre guilde en file d'attente pour une mise à jour avant de tuer ce boss pour la deuxième fois.

Dernière analyse 2 heures il y a