A propos de Tribunal |
++++ We are a diverse team, made up of a mix of CE Raiders and High-end M+ players, many of us know each other since 8.2 in BFA and the guild was founded in 8.3 ++Our Ambitions++ Our goal is to create a stable and social guild, raiding on a 6-hour schedule! We are led by gamers with experience raiding who used to be hardcore raiders and now looking to raid in a more relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, whilst still achieving Cutting Edge in a reasonable time. We have a very active community that builds the core elements of the guild; offering more than just the weekly raids, if you're interested we have multiple M+ and Arena teams that are always looking for more people. In the downtime between raids; or whilst waiting for the release of the next expansion or patch; many members get together to play other games together. ++Raiding Schedule++ After clearing each Tier our aim will always be to reduce to a 1-day raid guild (Maintaining the Wednesday Raid) for re-clear and trialing, as well as staying sharp for the coming raid. We raid on Wednesday & Thursday only. ++Wednesday:++ ++20:00 - 23:00++ ++Thursday:++ ++20:00 - 23:00++ All times in server time (GMT +1). Raid times are strictly enforced, we will never extend raid times or add further raid days, but in return, we ask all raiders to show up prepared and on-time in order to pull the boss at 20:00. ++Application Process++ Please apply @ discord.gg/fpDzd5nGBv If we are happy with your application we will invite you to Discord for a short chat, to get to know you better and see how you will fit in. The trial period normally lasts for a few weeks, in which we will analyze your performance as well as how you fit into the guild socially, as this is an important aspect to our guild. ++'Attendance'++ We keep a reasonably tight raid roster and expect all raiders to maintain high attendance. We like to keep a smaller committed roster with high attendance so we don't have 10 people benched for every boss. We understand nobody can attend 100% of raids but expect to be informed of any absences prior to the raid in order to adjust the roster for that night! ++'Dedication'++ As we raid on a light schedule we don't ask for too much outside of the raid, we just ask to keep your character in good shape and stay up to date with the latest class/game information. What is most important to us is your dedication and focus during the raid; we expect every raider to have solid understanding of each boss encounter. ++'In Return'++ You can always rely on us to prepare for each encounter (In-depth tactics will be posted prior to each boss), and run a tight ship during raids with everyone pulling their weight. With this said, we welcome input from our raiders, and found that it leads to the most success when everyone is involved and offering suggestions. We are led by an experienced raid lead and officer team, which helps to maintain our raid atmosphere which promotes individual responsibility and expects proficiency! ++Feel free to reach out to us directly on either discord or Btag++ Discord : Nintendudez#4475 . Bnet : Hamanx#2668 Dernière mise à jour : 66 semaines il y a |
A propos de Tribunal |
++++ We are a diverse team, made up of a mix of CE Raiders and High-end M+ players, many of us know each other since 8.2 in BFA and the guild was founded in 8.3 ++Our Ambitions++ Our goal is to create a stable and social guild, raiding on a 6-hour schedule! We are led by gamers with experience raiding who used to be hardcore raiders and now looking to raid in a more relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, whilst still achieving Cutting Edge in a reasonable time. We have a very active community that builds the core elements of the guild; offering more than just the weekly raids, if you're interested we have multiple M+ and Arena teams that are always looking for more people. In the downtime between raids; or whilst waiting for the release of the next expansion or patch; many members get together to play other games together. ++Raiding Schedule++ After clearing each Tier our aim will always be to reduce to a 1-day raid guild (Maintaining the Wednesday Raid) for re-clear and trialing, as well as staying sharp for the coming raid. We raid on Wednesday & Thursday only. ++Wednesday:++ ++20:00 - 23:00++ ++Thursday:++ ++20:00 - 23:00++ All times in server time (GMT +1). Raid times are strictly enforced, we will never extend raid times or add further raid days, but in return, we ask all raiders to show up prepared and on-time in order to pull the boss at 20:00. ++Application Process++ Please apply @ discord.gg/fpDzd5nGBv If we are happy with your application we will invite you to Discord for a short chat, to get to know you better and see how you will fit in. The trial period normally lasts for a few weeks, in which we will analyze your performance as well as how you fit into the guild socially, as this is an important aspect to our guild. ++'Attendance'++ We keep a reasonably tight raid roster and expect all raiders to maintain high attendance. We like to keep a smaller committed roster with high attendance so we don't have 10 people benched for every boss. We understand nobody can attend 100% of raids but expect to be informed of any absences prior to the raid in order to adjust the roster for that night! ++'Dedication'++ As we raid on a light schedule we don't ask for too much outside of the raid, we just ask to keep your character in good shape and stay up to date with the latest class/game information. What is most important to us is your dedication and focus during the raid; we expect every raider to have solid understanding of each boss encounter. ++'In Return'++ You can always rely on us to prepare for each encounter (In-depth tactics will be posted prior to each boss), and run a tight ship during raids with everyone pulling their weight. With this said, we welcome input from our raiders, and found that it leads to the most success when everyone is involved and offering suggestions. We are led by an experienced raid lead and officer team, which helps to maintain our raid atmosphere which promotes individual responsibility and expects proficiency! ++Feel free to reach out to us directly on either discord or Btag++ Discord : Nintendudez#4475 . Bnet : Hamanx#2668 Dernière mise à jour : 66 semaines il y a |
Progression du Raid
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