We've completed the changes to split Season 1 and Post-Season 1 into separate seasons & rankings. Thanks for your patience!

8/8 H
Palais de Nerub-ar
Effacé Héroïque avant la sortie du prochain niveau de raid.
(Gagné sur 24th Raid Week)

Important: pour avoir un enregistrement précis de la première fois que vous avez tué un boss de raid, vous devez mettre votre guilde en file d'attente pour une mise à jour avant de tuer ce boss pour la deuxième fois.

Dernière analyse 2 heures il y a

A propos de Regulators

Group of people who like to bash heads then point and laugh at our bones on the ground after the boss beats us up. We try to have fun and kill bosses. A lot of us have busy jobs/life outside of the game so we understand when people miss raids but we do our best to continue and make fun of them when we kill a boss without them. Its even better when the next week they make it and we wipe we blame them.

We just try to have fun and progress at the same time. Want a guild and a raid group that pushes but is laxed? Try us out.

Dernière mise à jour : 21 semaines il y a
Aperçu rapide

Maître de guilde: Xakeko

Agents: Cougarsixsix, Dalind

A propos de Regulators

Group of people who like to bash heads then point and laugh at our bones on the ground after the boss beats us up. We try to have fun and kill bosses. A lot of us have busy jobs/life outside of the game so we understand when people miss raids but we do our best to continue and make fun of them when we kill a boss without them. Its even better when the next week they make it and we wipe we blame them.

We just try to have fun and progress at the same time. Want a guild and a raid group that pushes but is laxed? Try us out.

Dernière mise à jour : 21 semaines il y a
Aperçu rapide

Maître de guilde: Xakeko

Agents: Cougarsixsix, Dalind

Progression du Raid

Palais de Nerub-ar
Héroïque8/8 H14,8737,05528
Normale8/8 15,4987,29825
RealmID 296
GroupID 482011
GuildID 32123

Important: pour avoir un enregistrement précis de la première fois que vous avez tué un boss de raid, vous devez mettre votre guilde en file d'attente pour une mise à jour avant de tuer ce boss pour la deuxième fois.

Dernière analyse 2 heures il y a