We've completed the changes to split Season 1 and Post-Season 1 into separate seasons & rankings. Thanks for your patience!


Important: pour avoir un enregistrement précis de la première fois que vous avez tué un boss de raid, vous devez mettre votre guilde en file d'attente pour une mise à jour avant de tuer ce boss pour la deuxième fois.

Dernière analyse 1 jour il y a

A propos de Resonance

Resonance is a semi-hardcore PVE guild with focus on raiding and Mythic +.

We also have a dedicated RBG group with occasional World PvP. We have a solid 2k exp team lead by a 2.8k exp leader.

Founded in 2012, Resonance is one of the original Alliance guilds on server with top tier players.

We are laidback but still like to push content as hard as we can with what we got!

++Raid Schedule:++

Thursday & Friday - 7.30pm - 10pm PST (9.30pm - 12am CST) (10.30pm - 1am EST)

`GM-Erishkigal Resonance is currently recruiting! To fill a solid Raid team for the future to come. All specs and classes welcome. Tank/Heals OS are greatly appreciated!

Feel free to message any member for information or an invite!

Dernière mise à jour : 69 semaines il y a
Aperçu rapide

Maître de guilde: Asgardhr

Agents: Räijin

A propos de Resonance

Resonance is a semi-hardcore PVE guild with focus on raiding and Mythic +.

We also have a dedicated RBG group with occasional World PvP. We have a solid 2k exp team lead by a 2.8k exp leader.

Founded in 2012, Resonance is one of the original Alliance guilds on server with top tier players.

We are laidback but still like to push content as hard as we can with what we got!

++Raid Schedule:++

Thursday & Friday - 7.30pm - 10pm PST (9.30pm - 12am CST) (10.30pm - 1am EST)

`GM-Erishkigal Resonance is currently recruiting! To fill a solid Raid team for the future to come. All specs and classes welcome. Tank/Heals OS are greatly appreciated!

Feel free to message any member for information or an invite!

Dernière mise à jour : 69 semaines il y a
Aperçu rapide

Maître de guilde: Asgardhr

Agents: Räijin

Progression du Raid

Nous n'avons pas trouvé de progression de raid pour cette extension.

Vous attendiez-vous à en voir ?

RealmID 302
GroupID 326135
GuildID 10553

Important: pour avoir un enregistrement précis de la première fois que vous avez tué un boss de raid, vous devez mettre votre guilde en file d'attente pour une mise à jour avant de tuer ce boss pour la deuxième fois.

Dernière analyse 1 jour il y a