Dernière analyse 9 heures il y a
A propos de Theory |
Theory is recruiting committed players interested in progressing through mythic Nerub-ar Palace 4/8 reclears. Also recruiting for next tier 11.1 Tuesday 7-10est Due to unforeseen circumstances, 4/8 mythic is as far as well will be completing. Discord: Dernière mise à jour : 13 semaines il y a |
Aperçu rapide |
Maître de guilde: Mavina Agents: Amaterasoo, Berry, Blairkdh, Blairkhunt, Blairkp, Blyatsuka, Boogster, Chronic, Chroniic, Corvoz, Cuttymofukuh, Cuzhavoc, Danguss, Derkadown, Erbaccia, Guildkiller, Hacksàw, Hearah, Hexplosion, Hydradactyl, Imbrickedup, Iplague, Leetyeeter, Lindk, Maladesh, Manchufu, Markingyou, Novali, Nytherio, Panzer, Panzùr, Plaguetooth, Poobahdrag, Rocksamson, Sutairu, Tagilla, Viridae, Wackah |
A propos de Theory |
Theory is recruiting committed players interested in progressing through mythic Nerub-ar Palace 4/8 reclears. Also recruiting for next tier 11.1 Tuesday 7-10est Due to unforeseen circumstances, 4/8 mythic is as far as well will be completing. Discord: Dernière mise à jour : 13 semaines il y a |
Aperçu rapide |
Maître de guilde: Mavina Agents: Amaterasoo, Berry, Blairkdh, Blairkhunt, Blairkp, Blyatsuka, Boogster, Chronic, Chroniic, Corvoz, Cuttymofukuh, Cuzhavoc, Danguss, Derkadown, Erbaccia, Guildkiller, Hacksàw, Hearah, Hexplosion, Hydradactyl, Imbrickedup, Iplague, Leetyeeter, Lindk, Maladesh, Manchufu, Markingyou, Novali, Nytherio, Panzer, Panzùr, Plaguetooth, Poobahdrag, Rocksamson, Sutairu, Tagilla, Viridae, Wackah |