Important: pour avoir un enregistrement précis de la première fois que vous avez tué un boss de raid, vous devez mettre votre guilde en file d'attente pour une mise à jour avant de tuer ce boss pour la deuxième fois.

Dernière analyse 3 jours il y a

A propos de Vigil

Vigil is done raiding. Thank to everyone who ever raided here or supported the guild.

Vigil was a semi-hardcore Alliance raiding guild on Sargeras-US who achieved Hall of Fame Alliance in Uldir / Battle of Dazar'alor / Crucible of Storms / The Eternal Palace / Castle Nathria / Sanctum of Domination on 12 hours a week with 0 added extra raid time. Established in December 2014, the guild was founded by three friends who met in a raiding guild during The Burning Crusade. Over the years, we grew to be one of the most progressed and respected raiding guilds on Sargeras.

Notable Achievements: Mythic Archimonde - US 182 / World 719, Mythic Xavius - US 179 / World 657, Mythic Helya - US 91 / World 280, Mythic Gul'dan - US 106 / World 353, Mythic Kil'jaeden - US 88 / World 282, Mythic Argus the Unmaker - US 77 / World 270, Mythic G'huun - US 67 / World 218 / World 54 Alliance (Famed Slayers of G'huun), Mythic Jaina - US 59 / World 193 / World 51 Alliance (Famed Conquerors of Dazar'alor), Mythic Uu'nat - US 46 / World 130 / World 28 Alliance (Famed Slayers of the Harbinger), Mythic Queen Azshara - US 46 / World 159 / World 28 Alliance (Famed Slayers of Azshara), Mythic N'Zoth - US 57 / World 223 / World 54 Alliance (Famed Slayers of N'Zoth), Mythic Sire Denathrius - US 62 / World 206 / World 52 Alliance (Famed Slayers of Denathrius), Mythic Sylvanas Windrunner US 69 / World 274 / World 61 Alliance (Famed Banes of the Banshee Queen), Mythic Jailer US 59 / World 224 / World 41 Alliance (Famed Slayers of the Banished One), Mythic Raszageth US 75 / World 251 / World 51 Alliance (Famed Slayers of Raszageth)

Dernière mise à jour : 99 semaines il y a
Aperçu rapide

Maître de guilde: Skytide

Agents: Ilyana

A propos de Vigil

Vigil is done raiding. Thank to everyone who ever raided here or supported the guild.

Vigil was a semi-hardcore Alliance raiding guild on Sargeras-US who achieved Hall of Fame Alliance in Uldir / Battle of Dazar'alor / Crucible of Storms / The Eternal Palace / Castle Nathria / Sanctum of Domination on 12 hours a week with 0 added extra raid time. Established in December 2014, the guild was founded by three friends who met in a raiding guild during The Burning Crusade. Over the years, we grew to be one of the most progressed and respected raiding guilds on Sargeras.

Notable Achievements: Mythic Archimonde - US 182 / World 719, Mythic Xavius - US 179 / World 657, Mythic Helya - US 91 / World 280, Mythic Gul'dan - US 106 / World 353, Mythic Kil'jaeden - US 88 / World 282, Mythic Argus the Unmaker - US 77 / World 270, Mythic G'huun - US 67 / World 218 / World 54 Alliance (Famed Slayers of G'huun), Mythic Jaina - US 59 / World 193 / World 51 Alliance (Famed Conquerors of Dazar'alor), Mythic Uu'nat - US 46 / World 130 / World 28 Alliance (Famed Slayers of the Harbinger), Mythic Queen Azshara - US 46 / World 159 / World 28 Alliance (Famed Slayers of Azshara), Mythic N'Zoth - US 57 / World 223 / World 54 Alliance (Famed Slayers of N'Zoth), Mythic Sire Denathrius - US 62 / World 206 / World 52 Alliance (Famed Slayers of Denathrius), Mythic Sylvanas Windrunner US 69 / World 274 / World 61 Alliance (Famed Banes of the Banshee Queen), Mythic Jailer US 59 / World 224 / World 41 Alliance (Famed Slayers of the Banished One), Mythic Raszageth US 75 / World 251 / World 51 Alliance (Famed Slayers of Raszageth)

Dernière mise à jour : 99 semaines il y a
Aperçu rapide

Maître de guilde: Skytide

Agents: Ilyana

Progression du Raid

Nous n'avons pas trouvé de progression de raid pour cette extension.

Vous attendiez-vous à en voir ?

RealmID 428
GroupID 33
GuildID 13527

Important: pour avoir un enregistrement précis de la première fois que vous avez tué un boss de raid, vous devez mettre votre guilde en file d'attente pour une mise à jour avant de tuer ce boss pour la deuxième fois.

Dernière analyse 3 jours il y a