Dernière analyse 2 jours il y a
A propos de GOFO |
<GOFO> is a horde raiding guild on Feathermoon/Scarlet Crusade. We raid heroic on Friday and Saturday 8-11 EST and normal on Wednesday 8-10 for alts. We pride ourselves on having a strong knit community that help each other out when needed. In that endeavor, we will only take a maximum of 25 unique accounts and every member of the guild is a raider. This is not a social guild, per se, but we are very social. We use Discord a lot and have a Facebook group where we communicate as well. Our rules are fairly simple :
Raid lead has Heroic AOTC. We have a lot of laughs during raid times, but we also get stuff done. Most of us are above the age of 30 and just want to log on with friends and enjoy the game without all the elitism and drama. If you would like to try us out by an invitation to our raid or wish to join the guild, please contact Throgbold#1847in game. Dernière mise à jour : 182 semaines il y a |
Aperçu rapide |
Maître de guilde: Ic Agents: Cq, Hateruso, Phranknbeans |
A propos de GOFO |
<GOFO> is a horde raiding guild on Feathermoon/Scarlet Crusade. We raid heroic on Friday and Saturday 8-11 EST and normal on Wednesday 8-10 for alts. We pride ourselves on having a strong knit community that help each other out when needed. In that endeavor, we will only take a maximum of 25 unique accounts and every member of the guild is a raider. This is not a social guild, per se, but we are very social. We use Discord a lot and have a Facebook group where we communicate as well. Our rules are fairly simple :
Raid lead has Heroic AOTC. We have a lot of laughs during raid times, but we also get stuff done. Most of us are above the age of 30 and just want to log on with friends and enjoy the game without all the elitism and drama. If you would like to try us out by an invitation to our raid or wish to join the guild, please contact Throgbold#1847in game. Dernière mise à jour : 182 semaines il y a |
Progression du Raid
Nous n'avons pas trouvé de progression de raid pour cette extension.
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