
Important: pour avoir un enregistrement précis de la première fois que vous avez tué un boss de raid, vous devez mettre votre guilde en file d'attente pour une mise à jour avant de tuer ce boss pour la deuxième fois.

Dernière analyse 2 jours il y a

A propos de Coterie

Welcome to Coterie!

Raid Times: Friday & Saturday, 10:30 PM EST to 1:30 AM EST.

About us: I am the GM of Coterie, a guild formed by players that stuck together after our old guild transferred off Stormrage. We are a close guild, many of our members have played together for multiple expansions, and we are adding new members every week. We like to have fun while raiding, and enjoy the relaxed attitude that comes with that. We only raid 2 nights a week and we try to be as efficient as possible, this means you have to come prepared with your knowledge of the boss fights as well as the ability and knowledge to sim your gear. If you do not know how to sim your gear, we can help you. We will take players from all levels of progression. Our goal is to be successful as a group. We are a low-pressure guild with a desire to progress. We will help you succeed and give you the help you need to perform at a higher level.

Progression: 3/9M

Recruitment: We are currently looking for: all roles and classes, specifically, players willing to fill-in when a core roster member is unavailable. This will help prepare the guild for the end-of-expansion burnout and faction changes, while giving you the opportunity to become part of the team. We are looking for players willing to learn how to get better at their role, help us progress, and do what it takes to succeed. We want someone willing to share thoughts, and speak up when needed. We will always accept anyone else looking to join, as long as they understand there might not be an open raid spot, and are willing to wait on the 'bench'. We have had multiple 'bench' players move up to the core Mythic team.

Raid Requirements: Gems, enchants, food, flasks, and 2 potions per pull are all required. Talking is not required in Discord (but it is encouraged!), but we do require you to be in Discord to listen during all raids. Above all else, we require a positive attitude!

If you are interested,

B-tag: Neebles#1245

Discord: Neebles#1245

Dernière mise à jour : 311 semaines il y a
Aperçu rapide

Maître de guilde:

A propos de Coterie

Welcome to Coterie!

Raid Times: Friday & Saturday, 10:30 PM EST to 1:30 AM EST.

About us: I am the GM of Coterie, a guild formed by players that stuck together after our old guild transferred off Stormrage. We are a close guild, many of our members have played together for multiple expansions, and we are adding new members every week. We like to have fun while raiding, and enjoy the relaxed attitude that comes with that. We only raid 2 nights a week and we try to be as efficient as possible, this means you have to come prepared with your knowledge of the boss fights as well as the ability and knowledge to sim your gear. If you do not know how to sim your gear, we can help you. We will take players from all levels of progression. Our goal is to be successful as a group. We are a low-pressure guild with a desire to progress. We will help you succeed and give you the help you need to perform at a higher level.

Progression: 3/9M

Recruitment: We are currently looking for: all roles and classes, specifically, players willing to fill-in when a core roster member is unavailable. This will help prepare the guild for the end-of-expansion burnout and faction changes, while giving you the opportunity to become part of the team. We are looking for players willing to learn how to get better at their role, help us progress, and do what it takes to succeed. We want someone willing to share thoughts, and speak up when needed. We will always accept anyone else looking to join, as long as they understand there might not be an open raid spot, and are willing to wait on the 'bench'. We have had multiple 'bench' players move up to the core Mythic team.

Raid Requirements: Gems, enchants, food, flasks, and 2 potions per pull are all required. Talking is not required in Discord (but it is encouraged!), but we do require you to be in Discord to listen during all raids. Above all else, we require a positive attitude!

If you are interested,

B-tag: Neebles#1245

Discord: Neebles#1245

Dernière mise à jour : 311 semaines il y a
Aperçu rapide

Maître de guilde:

Progression du Raid

Nous n'avons pas trouvé de progression de raid pour cette extension.

Vous attendiez-vous à en voir ?

RealmID 452
GroupID 3377
GuildID 422857

Important: pour avoir un enregistrement précis de la première fois que vous avez tué un boss de raid, vous devez mettre votre guilde en file d'attente pour une mise à jour avant de tuer ce boss pour la deuxième fois.

Dernière analyse 2 jours il y a