MDI Teams: What's in a Name?

Now that the 24 teams have been determined for the Mythic Dungeon International (MDI) upon the results of the Time Trials, we are about to answer your most burning questions: Are you curious where the name SHEEESH came from? What about Hill Factory? Did you know that John’s Army plans to decimate Gingi?
Look no further; the answers are here!

Table of Contents
- Perplexed (EU)
- Echo (EU)
- Hill Factory (NA)
- Ambition (NA)
- Omega Pump (EU)
- Team Name (EU)
- Incarnation (NA)
- Obey Alliance (OCE)
- Practice? (EU)
- Reload Esports (EU)
- Evolving (EU)
- Soniqs Imperative (US)
- Zigounette Crew (EU)
- Baguette with salo (EU)
- The Goose Club (EU)
- Team Stiefbruders (EU)
- Pieces Donkeys (EU)
- Apes Together Strong (EU)
- John’s Army (EU)
- Cri Hard with a Vengeance (US)
- 4 Danes 1 Swede (EU)
- Outcast (EU)
- Winning a lane kick (EU)

1st Seed: Perplexed (EU)
Divinefield: A guy I know said the word, then I asked what it means. Done.
2nd Seed: Echo (EU)
Gingi: We had a guild meeting with tons of names listed and we had to vote on our favourite one. Echo turned out to be the winner!
3rd Seed: Hill Factory (NA)
When Hill Factory was announced, many people were puzzled by this one. Thanks to team member Jdotb, the backstory of this team name can be found on Twitter:
Shakib: We all live in the hills so it made sense to start up our own factory.
4th Seed: Ambition (NA)
Ellesmere: We chose Ambition because it represents the drive we have to become the best in the world. We’re always looking to take our gameplay to the next level and strive to be better and better in each competition we play in.
5th Seed: Omega Pump (EU)
Drjay: We used to say "giga" when we wanted to emphasize things. Over time, it became "o-Mega", with the emphasis on the "O". It doesn't really have anything to do with the Greek letter, it's more of a synonym for "big".
6th Seed: SHEESH (EU)
Nah in all seriousness, originally we were called "Who Asked" in TGP. However, there was another team called "Who Asked" in KSM so we wanted to change our name to not be affiliated with them, since we wanted our own image. We called ourselves "SHEEESH" since it's something funny I say everytime im close to dying in a pull on live keys, so it just became the name of our group.
7th Seed: Team Name (EU)
Lepan: Igloo asked for ideas on the team name, and we didn't have any creativity, so I just said "Team Name".
8th Seed: Incarnation (NA)
Dorki: It's our roots as the bear team or Druid team even if we no longer play Druids.
9th Seed: Obey Alliance (OCE)
Fourtykick: Obey Alliance is a sponsor of ours.
10th Seed: Practice? (EU)
Rhoff: We are five friends who played together in the guild Practice. We went to different guilds but decided to do the MDI together.
11th Seed: Reload Esports (EU)
Malec: Reload Esports is the name of the Org that we play with, and it comes from the idea of 'starting again'.
12th Seed: Evolving (EU)
Sjeletyven: We are a new group of players. I have experience from previous seasons but we have not played competitively together as a team before. Hopefully we can evolve into something, or maybe next MDI, the team name will be "Still Evolving" :)
13th Seed: Soniqs Imperative (US)
Wolf: We are all members of the hardcore raiding guild Imperative, and we recently partnered with Soniqs Esports for the Sanctum of Domination RWF. Naturally we just merged the names together and here we are, Soniqs Imperative!
14th Seed: Zigounette Crew (EU)
Zueiz/Cepako: Hmm how can I explain that ahaha... "Zigounette" is a French word, as we're a French team, and it doesn't really have a translation in English. It's a bit of a troll name!
15th Seed: Baguette with salo (EU)
Hugo: It was pretty random but I'll try to explain. Salo is a traditional Ukrainian meme food. Four of our teammates are originally from Russia or Ukraine except Alfancy aka boy with no microphone who happened to be French and our healer. We meme a lot about eating Salo and Baguettes in our food breaks between the keys so that's where Baguette with Salo came from.
16th Seed: The Goose Club (EU)
Viklund: It's a meme from me basically since people call me the God of Shadow. So when people subscribed to my channel, I started saying "Welcome to the GOS Club", but it sounds like I'm saying Goose Club. That's basically the origin hahahaha!
17th Seed: Team Stiefbruders (EU)
Claes: Our team name Team Stiefbruders originates from the Stiefbruder meme back in S4. We're also giga Gingi fanboys which also gave us a bit of inspiration
18th Seed: Pieces Donkeys (EU)
Myth: Despite all being from Pieces, we didn't feel worthy of the <Pieces Ponies> name that past Pieces teams have used so instead we went with the <Pieces Donkeys> because we are ass.
19th Seed: Apes Together Strong (EU)
Daggy: Apes together strong, dude. Apes alone stoopid.
20th Seed: John’s Army (EU)
Bigjohn: We played in The Great Push under a different name and I told Gingi we would destroy them, however, we did not. I then created an army to DESTROY GINGI! Luck of the draw means we qualified and in our group? You guessed it, Echo! Gingi will feel my wrath and we will eliminate them easily. That is how and why John's Army was born!
21st Seed: Cri Hard with a Vengeance (US)
Jiminn: At some point in Legion I just started saying "i cri" when something bad would happen in a key and spelled it wrong for extra effect, and it eventually became a meme that was used in a lot of situations. I like Die Hard movies a lot and it fit into the movie titles, so we decided to make a pun on the name.
22nd Seed: 4 Danes 1 Swede (EU)
Kryses: We used to raid together in the guild "Goodlife" on Tarren Mill, but now a days we are spread out in 3 different guilds and we needed a new team name. We are definitely not the most creative people and I suggested "4 Danes 1 Swede", since well, we are 4 Danes and 1 Swede! We are still really enjoying playing together and M+ is something we all really enjoy, both live and in a tournament setting.
23rd Seed: Outcast (EU)
Boomtastic: Basically leading up to The Great Push, me and my team decided to try it out. We were from a guild called Outburst, and the guild leader didn't like us too much because he thought we were a bit too serious and therefore we named ourselves Outcast since we kinda were to that guild!
24th Seed: Winning lane kick (EU)
Ftmjgtde: Most of our MDI team is in the same guild, and our guild's warrior can't ever say Spinning Crane Kick correctly, and butchered it so hard, so we named our team after him! Shoutout to BASEDWarrior!

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About the Authors
Alyssa is the Social Media Manager and Graphic Designer for Raider.IO. She is also a freelance graphic designer, and is most known for her YouTube thumbnails and stream art for WoW content creators. Alyssa is the founder of her cute and cozy community called the Bunny Squad and a Twitch multi-mod extraordinaire. She loves streaming her graphic design on Twitch, and making memes and friends on Twitter.
Hulahoops has been playing WoW since Vanilla. She has recently shelved Retail to go back and re-experience TBC in all its glory, but will one day make her way back to the Shadowlands. In her hey-day, Hulahoops could be found raid-leading in Mythic Progression, or competing in the MDI with her team Angry Toast. Hulahoops is a Holy Paladin in every sense of the term: she moderates the Hammer of Wrath Paladin Class Discord, and she was a practicing Lawyer for 7 years. Judgment isn't just a spell! Hulahoops decided to put the law books away and follow her passion for gaming and esports by joining the team at Raider.IO. In her capacity as Production Manager, Hulahoops oversees events, content, and more!
VitaminP (VP) is the Chief Editor & Assistant Producer of Raider.IO, and is pursuing a Masters of Business Administration. Although VP is currently focused on IRL, she specializes in tanking classes and loves competitive Mythic+. She is a Discord Partner and partnered Twitch streamer, but mostly you can find her editing, doing homework, cooking, playing with her dogs, and catching Pokémon.