Where Are They Now? Raider.IO's Featured Streamers (Part 2)

Since its inception in April 2020, Raider.IO’s Featured Streamer program has become a weekly segment that we’ve all come to look forward to every Wednesday. To date, there have been over 65 streamers featured, and each one of them has brought something unique and fresh to our platform. From Race to World First (RWF) raiders, to high Mythic+ pushers, casual transmog farmers, and leveling grinders, we’ve featured a wide spread! Whether you’re a well-known streamer in the World of Warcraft community or just going “live” for the first time, we’re proud to feature you and showcase your content.
For Part 2 of this series, we have met with 6 of our former Featured Steamers: Bamesjond, Touchpadwarrior, Wesdiaz, Thalamir, Kalamazi, and Lagbug. Where are they now? Read on to learn more!

Table of Contents

What is the Featured Streamer Program?
The Featured Streamer program is a weekly program in which our team hand selects a World of Warcraft streamer to feature for 1 week. The featured streamer’s channel is then embedded on various pages across the site, including on the premiere location of our front page — while they are actively playing WoW:

In addition to the stream embeds, we also announce the feature on our social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook) with customized graphics and a highlight reel:
Depending on the streamer, and if they have something unique, honorable, or timely that they provide, a feature might even be accompanied by a Community Spotlight interview.

How are Featured Streamers Chosen?
One question we are often asked is, “How are Featured Streamers chosen?”
To put it simply, there is no set rule or metric used by our team. In general, we try to align streamers based on current events in the game or the overarching community. For example, we may feature someone who specializes in high Mythic+ for a big push week, a RWF streamer at the beginning of a new raid tier, or someone who is cultivating unique and helpful content in the PVE sphere. As you might have seen from our past features, we like to be as inclusive and open-minded as possible! When it all comes down to it, we do our best to find a streamer that we feel fits each particular week, and we're thrilled to shine a light on some of the amazing people of our community!

Where Are They Now?
“I'd say the biggest factor for success would be persistence and routine.”
In the WoW community, Bamesjond is known for his warlock PVE guides on YouTube and his own coaching business, Coachcraft. He is also one of the players that holds the record for the highest timed key of all time.
Q: What did you learn about yourself as a person and streamer after your Featured week?
Bamesjond: That my hair needs work.
Q: What did being chosen as a Featured Streamer mean to you?
Bamesjond: It was a really special thing to happen and made me feel recognised for something I was putting a lot of effort into at the time!
Q: It's been a while. What have you been up to since your Featured Week? To put things in perspective, your feature was in August 2020. What new or exciting things have happened to you or your stream since then?
Bamesjond: Because of going in and out of lockdowns in my city I've bounced between times where I've been able to stream more and less based off work. However, the biggest thing in relation to streaming and WoW has been the establishment of my coaching business with my business partner, which was born out of the coaching that I was doing for Warlock Players due to high demand through my YouTube channel. And developing that business/brand has been very fulfilling and exciting for me.
Q: What advice can you share to up-and-coming streamers and/or content creators looking to make it into this scene or industry?
Bamesjond: Haha, I haven't made it in the scene myself so it'd be hard to give advice from my personal knowledge. However, I can share some advice that is based on conversations I’ve had with much larger streamers like Kalamazi, who has been an incredible guiding force for me and supported me during my growth. I'd say the biggest factor for success would be persistence and routine. Ironically, neither of these are things I've locked down yet, but they seem to be fundamental in the growth of much more successful streamers.
Q: What was your favorite part or aspect about being featured?
Bamesjond: The massive amount of growth it provides for your channel and the level of exposure it gives you to the WoW community as a whole.
Q: Lastly, link us a clip from your channel, a meme, or gif that describes you, your stream, or your content!
Q: What did you learn about yourself as a person and streamer after your Featured week?
Bamesjond: That my hair needs work.
Q: What did being chosen as a Featured Streamer mean to you?
Bamesjond: It was a really special thing to happen and made me feel recognised for something I was putting a lot of effort into at the time!
Q: It's been a while. What have you been up to since your Featured Week? To put things in perspective, your feature was in August 2020. What new or exciting things have happened to you or your stream since then?
Bamesjond: Because of going in and out of lockdowns in my city I've bounced between times where I've been able to stream more and less based off work. However, the biggest thing in relation to streaming and WoW has been the establishment of my coaching business with my business partner, which was born out of the coaching that I was doing for Warlock Players due to high demand through my YouTube channel. And developing that business/brand has been very fulfilling and exciting for me.
Q: What advice can you share to up-and-coming streamers and/or content creators looking to make it into this scene or industry?
Bamesjond: Haha, I haven't made it in the scene myself so it'd be hard to give advice from my personal knowledge. However, I can share some advice that is based on conversations I’ve had with much larger streamers like Kalamazi, who has been an incredible guiding force for me and supported me during my growth. I'd say the biggest factor for success would be persistence and routine. Ironically, neither of these are things I've locked down yet, but they seem to be fundamental in the growth of much more successful streamers.
Q: What was your favorite part or aspect about being featured?
Bamesjond: The massive amount of growth it provides for your channel and the level of exposure it gives you to the WoW community as a whole.
Q: Lastly, link us a clip from your channel, a meme, or gif that describes you, your stream, or your content!
“Always take breaks, care for yourself and give yourself plenty of mental health days.”
Touchpadwarrior is a veteran WoW player, mostly known for his legendary mount collecting and awesome touchpad gameplay. He is a mental health advocate and loves doing events with his community on stream.
Q: What did you learn about yourself as a person and streamer after your Featured week?
Touchpadwarrior: I learned that I really enjoy entertaining and connecting with folks about World of Warcraft!
Q: What did being chosen as a Featured Streamer mean to you?
Touchpadwarrior: It meant a lot to me, It was one of the first times I had ever been featured on well... anything! It truly was an honor!
Q: It's been a while. What have you been up to since your Featured Week? To put things in perspective, your feature was in September 2020. What new or exciting things have happened to you or your stream since then?
Touchpadwarrior: Wow! How a year flew by...Well, I'm still streaming WoW, the stream has been continuously growing! Even made a music video around christmas time thanks to the support on the channel and looking at almost being Partnered and full time!
Q: What advice can you share to up-and-coming streamers and/or content creators looking to make it into this scene or industry?
Touchpadwarrior: My advice would to always be yourself, If you don't enjoy the game your playing that will easily be visible to your audience. If you are yourself, you enjoy what you're doing, there is way less stress on hitting that go live button! Always take breaks, care for yourself and give yourself plenty of mental health days.
Q: What was your favorite part or aspect about being featured?
Touchpadwarrior: My favorite part of being featured was the one-on-one connection I felt to Raider.IO that they were looking after me and supporting!
Q: Lastly, link us a clip from your channel, a meme, or gif that describes you, your stream, or your content!
Q: What did you learn about yourself as a person and streamer after your Featured week?
Touchpadwarrior: I learned that I really enjoy entertaining and connecting with folks about World of Warcraft!
Q: What did being chosen as a Featured Streamer mean to you?
Touchpadwarrior: It meant a lot to me, It was one of the first times I had ever been featured on well... anything! It truly was an honor!
Q: It's been a while. What have you been up to since your Featured Week? To put things in perspective, your feature was in September 2020. What new or exciting things have happened to you or your stream since then?
Touchpadwarrior: Wow! How a year flew by...Well, I'm still streaming WoW, the stream has been continuously growing! Even made a music video around christmas time thanks to the support on the channel and looking at almost being Partnered and full time!
Q: What advice can you share to up-and-coming streamers and/or content creators looking to make it into this scene or industry?
Touchpadwarrior: My advice would to always be yourself, If you don't enjoy the game your playing that will easily be visible to your audience. If you are yourself, you enjoy what you're doing, there is way less stress on hitting that go live button! Always take breaks, care for yourself and give yourself plenty of mental health days.
Q: What was your favorite part or aspect about being featured?
Touchpadwarrior: My favorite part of being featured was the one-on-one connection I felt to Raider.IO that they were looking after me and supporting!
Q: Lastly, link us a clip from your channel, a meme, or gif that describes you, your stream, or your content!
“I’m a proud Deaf Boomkin player who can play the class well and this means a lot to me.”
Wesdiaz is a Boomkin main and member of Undaunted, WoW’s largest, most inclusive deaf and hard of hearing (HOH) raiding guild. He loves streaming his guild raids and catching up with his friends on stream. Wesdiaz has been streaming since 2014 and hopes to break into the esports scene.
Q: What did you learn about yourself as a person and streamer after your Featured week?
Wesdiaz: The week after my Raider.IO Feature, I realized that many hearing people were both surprised to see Deaf players and interested in how we Deaf players played without audio. Audio is normally how hearing players communicate with each other and provides them with information feedback. This is what intrigued them to ask questions on my stream chat about how we played without audio, and my moderators answered them to explain that we use text chat often, rely on visual cues like WeakAuras, and various heads up visual addons popping up on our screen. I want to thank Nick (Amis) and Bejo (Sarialinde) for their hard work gathering resources for our team. I noticed that, before the feature, I had always been defensive and quiet around the hearing community. I have now grown more open to interacting with the hearing community.
Q: What did being chosen as a Featured Streamer mean to you?
Wesdiaz: Being a Featured Streamer provided me the opportunity to represent the deaf community and prove myself, as we are oftentimes stereotyped as people who can’t achieve anything. As long as I have visual cues in front of me, I can play — that is the key to success as a Deaf player. In addition to proving ourselves, I also play a Boomkin, which is considered a challenging spec because it undergoes changes impacting playstyle (removing or adjusting spellbook abilities/talents) so often at every patch and expansion. I’m a proud Deaf Boomkin player who can play the class well and this means a lot to me.
Q: It's been a while. What have you been up to since your Featured Week? To put things in perspective, your feature was in October 2020, and you were our first one! What new or exciting things have happened to you or your stream since then?
Wesdiaz: When I was notified that I would be featured in October 2020, I thought this was a scam. I didn’t believe that a Deaf person could be featured! It always seemed that those with a large follower base, or a truly skilled player would get selected as a featured streamer. It wasn’t the case with my feature stream! I was thrilled to be broadcasting who I am and share with you my guild Undaunted and my team, Steadfast. After that, I was able to get in contact with the big names of the Boomkin community, They had specific WA’s they used and designed, I was able to have more conversations on that level with them. I’ve gotten in touch with many top Boomkins and got tips on how to optimize myself for the upcoming patch and got feedback on my current play as well.
Q: What advice can you share to up-and-coming streamers and/or content creators looking to make it into this scene or industry?
Wesdiaz: I wanted to throw out a name of a creator streamer, my twin brother, who used to play warcraft with me for 15, no — 13, 12 years. Until he had to stop and focus on his life, he had a baby. But his desire to continue streaming was still there. My brother loves Pokemon. So he currently streams himself ripping open pokemon card packs for his fans. He does this alongside Gavin. They’ve been doing this for only a month, if this interests you, check them out here!
Q: What was your favorite part or aspect about being featured?
Wesdiaz: My favorite part of the feature is about one of my idols in the Boomkin community — Beyzi. I’ve participated on his stream before but it was always hard to get through due to his busy chat, speaking on headset, and lack of captions. On my feature, He came to my stream and entered the chat! I was so thrilled to engage with him. I have since then joined his Discord and was able to chat with him more. He's a really nice man and I was lucky to have this opportunity to interact with one of the top Boomkins on my own chat tab!
Q: Lastly, link us a clip from your channel, a meme, or gif that describes you, your stream, or your content!

Q: What did you learn about yourself as a person and streamer after your Featured week?
Wesdiaz: The week after my Raider.IO Feature, I realized that many hearing people were both surprised to see Deaf players and interested in how we Deaf players played without audio. Audio is normally how hearing players communicate with each other and provides them with information feedback. This is what intrigued them to ask questions on my stream chat about how we played without audio, and my moderators answered them to explain that we use text chat often, rely on visual cues like WeakAuras, and various heads up visual addons popping up on our screen. I want to thank Nick (Amis) and Bejo (Sarialinde) for their hard work gathering resources for our team. I noticed that, before the feature, I had always been defensive and quiet around the hearing community. I have now grown more open to interacting with the hearing community.
Q: What did being chosen as a Featured Streamer mean to you?
Wesdiaz: Being a Featured Streamer provided me the opportunity to represent the deaf community and prove myself, as we are oftentimes stereotyped as people who can’t achieve anything. As long as I have visual cues in front of me, I can play — that is the key to success as a Deaf player. In addition to proving ourselves, I also play a Boomkin, which is considered a challenging spec because it undergoes changes impacting playstyle (removing or adjusting spellbook abilities/talents) so often at every patch and expansion. I’m a proud Deaf Boomkin player who can play the class well and this means a lot to me.
Q: It's been a while. What have you been up to since your Featured Week? To put things in perspective, your feature was in October 2020, and you were our first one! What new or exciting things have happened to you or your stream since then?
Wesdiaz: When I was notified that I would be featured in October 2020, I thought this was a scam. I didn’t believe that a Deaf person could be featured! It always seemed that those with a large follower base, or a truly skilled player would get selected as a featured streamer. It wasn’t the case with my feature stream! I was thrilled to be broadcasting who I am and share with you my guild Undaunted and my team, Steadfast. After that, I was able to get in contact with the big names of the Boomkin community, They had specific WA’s they used and designed, I was able to have more conversations on that level with them. I’ve gotten in touch with many top Boomkins and got tips on how to optimize myself for the upcoming patch and got feedback on my current play as well.
Q: What advice can you share to up-and-coming streamers and/or content creators looking to make it into this scene or industry?
Wesdiaz: I wanted to throw out a name of a creator streamer, my twin brother, who used to play warcraft with me for 15, no — 13, 12 years. Until he had to stop and focus on his life, he had a baby. But his desire to continue streaming was still there. My brother loves Pokemon. So he currently streams himself ripping open pokemon card packs for his fans. He does this alongside Gavin. They’ve been doing this for only a month, if this interests you, check them out here!
Q: What was your favorite part or aspect about being featured?
Wesdiaz: My favorite part of the feature is about one of my idols in the Boomkin community — Beyzi. I’ve participated on his stream before but it was always hard to get through due to his busy chat, speaking on headset, and lack of captions. On my feature, He came to my stream and entered the chat! I was so thrilled to engage with him. I have since then joined his Discord and was able to chat with him more. He's a really nice man and I was lucky to have this opportunity to interact with one of the top Boomkins on my own chat tab!
Q: Lastly, link us a clip from your channel, a meme, or gif that describes you, your stream, or your content!

“Inject yourself into your stream. You can inspire yourself from what your favorite streamers do, but make it your own.”
Thalamir (also known as Dage) is a high end WoW player and raids with FlashPoint KTB. Thalamir plays several DPS characters, but mains a Monk this tier. He is also a former MDI competitor for team Scripted Content.
Q: What did you learn about yourself as a person and streamer after your Featured week?
Thalamir: Streaming in front of a much larger audience that I am used to helped me hone and work through the unavoidable nerves that come with the territory. I work hard to keep the same amount of energy and entertainment whether I'm streaming in front of one person or streaming in front of many but being managing to be interesting and interact in a meaningful way with viewers was and is something I always try to get better at.
Q: What did being chosen as a Featured Streamer mean to you?
Thalamir: It was a fantastic honor. I've never been a huge streamer per se, but being recognized and having the opportunity to spread what little positivity I could during the launch of Shadowlands was more than I could ask for.
Q: It's been a while. What have you been up to since your Featured Week? To put things in perspective, your feature was in November 2020, and you were our first one! What new or exciting things have happened to you or your stream since then?
Thalamir: Obviously, the pandemic really turned the past year and a half upside down for most, myself included. I had planned to move to the US before the pandemic but put those plans on hold indefinitely. I actually used my time to take a step back from the game and streaming during season 1 of Shadowlands to focus on the people I care most about and to try to be more healthy mentally and physically. With Season 2, I've slowly gotten back into the swing of things by raiding, having fun in Mythic+ again and starting up the stream for some shenanigans here and there. Part of that has included me finding joy in expanding the classes I play as well as dabbling into PVP during S1. I'm happier with where I'm at now and so excited for what the future brings. Most importantly I'm so ready to inject that energy back into my streams going forward!
Q: What advice can you share to up-and-coming streamers and/or content creators looking to make it into this scene or industry?
Thalamir: That's a very open-ended question. Each specific streamer will have widely different problems to overcome and if you want to grow you need to identify what those are. But here are just a few things I've learned over my short time streaming. Do it because you love it, not because you want it to become a career. It takes a LOT of work and a LOT of luck to turn this hobby into something more self sustaining. So until that happens, have fun, do what you're best at, and take the steps that may come organically and not forcefully.
Don't focus on being high tech and having the best looking stream. Something seldom people know is that it is VASTLY more important to invest in a quality mic than it is to invest in the best DSLR camera or spiffiest graphics money can buy. People respond much more to a good sounding stream than a stream where they can pick out each of your skin pores.
Inject yourself into your stream. You can inspire yourself from what your favorite streamers do, but make it your own. People should watch you for you and your content, nothing else. Are you a god gamer? Lean into that! Are you funny and silly? Do that! Are you a walking encyclopedia? Flaunt it! Do you put the Plastics to shame when it comes to drama? YES QUEEN/KING! You get the idea. Be yourself and you will not only attract like-minded people to your stream but also be much happier for it.
Q: What was your favorite part or aspect about being featured?
Thalamir: The launch of Shadowlands was made so much more special and unique for me because of my feature. Playing days on end for hours while talking about the most random topic with viewers made the experience one I won't forget anytime soon! I was able to spend some time creating my own graphics as well as emotes for the first time and was proud of the dual picture -in-picture set up I made to showcase the two toons I was playing at the same time. All in all, it was a great motivator to inject more into my stream and have fun doing it.
Q: What did you learn about yourself as a person and streamer after your Featured week?
Thalamir: Streaming in front of a much larger audience that I am used to helped me hone and work through the unavoidable nerves that come with the territory. I work hard to keep the same amount of energy and entertainment whether I'm streaming in front of one person or streaming in front of many but being managing to be interesting and interact in a meaningful way with viewers was and is something I always try to get better at.
Q: What did being chosen as a Featured Streamer mean to you?
Thalamir: It was a fantastic honor. I've never been a huge streamer per se, but being recognized and having the opportunity to spread what little positivity I could during the launch of Shadowlands was more than I could ask for.
Q: It's been a while. What have you been up to since your Featured Week? To put things in perspective, your feature was in November 2020, and you were our first one! What new or exciting things have happened to you or your stream since then?
Thalamir: Obviously, the pandemic really turned the past year and a half upside down for most, myself included. I had planned to move to the US before the pandemic but put those plans on hold indefinitely. I actually used my time to take a step back from the game and streaming during season 1 of Shadowlands to focus on the people I care most about and to try to be more healthy mentally and physically. With Season 2, I've slowly gotten back into the swing of things by raiding, having fun in Mythic+ again and starting up the stream for some shenanigans here and there. Part of that has included me finding joy in expanding the classes I play as well as dabbling into PVP during S1. I'm happier with where I'm at now and so excited for what the future brings. Most importantly I'm so ready to inject that energy back into my streams going forward!
Q: What advice can you share to up-and-coming streamers and/or content creators looking to make it into this scene or industry?
Thalamir: That's a very open-ended question. Each specific streamer will have widely different problems to overcome and if you want to grow you need to identify what those are. But here are just a few things I've learned over my short time streaming. Do it because you love it, not because you want it to become a career. It takes a LOT of work and a LOT of luck to turn this hobby into something more self sustaining. So until that happens, have fun, do what you're best at, and take the steps that may come organically and not forcefully.
Don't focus on being high tech and having the best looking stream. Something seldom people know is that it is VASTLY more important to invest in a quality mic than it is to invest in the best DSLR camera or spiffiest graphics money can buy. People respond much more to a good sounding stream than a stream where they can pick out each of your skin pores.
Inject yourself into your stream. You can inspire yourself from what your favorite streamers do, but make it your own. People should watch you for you and your content, nothing else. Are you a god gamer? Lean into that! Are you funny and silly? Do that! Are you a walking encyclopedia? Flaunt it! Do you put the Plastics to shame when it comes to drama? YES QUEEN/KING! You get the idea. Be yourself and you will not only attract like-minded people to your stream but also be much happier for it.
Q: What was your favorite part or aspect about being featured?
Thalamir: The launch of Shadowlands was made so much more special and unique for me because of my feature. Playing days on end for hours while talking about the most random topic with viewers made the experience one I won't forget anytime soon! I was able to spend some time creating my own graphics as well as emotes for the first time and was proud of the dual picture -in-picture set up I made to showcase the two toons I was playing at the same time. All in all, it was a great motivator to inject more into my stream and have fun doing it.
“Whether I am having a great day or a bad one, streaming and interacting with chat is sort of, well...my getaway.”
Kalamazi is a streamer and content creator for Complexity and is a WoWEsports RWF caster for Complexity-Limit. He also creates helpful YouTube guides for everything Warlock and enjoys sharing his knowledge and research with the WoW community.
Q: What did you learn about yourself as a person and streamer after your Featured week?
Kalamazi: Leading up to my Raider.IO feature I was sort of at a crossroads with streaming. I wanted to go full-time but was apprehensive due to the uncertainty and nature of it and content creation in general. However, after seeing the overwhelming support of the community, I decided to commit to it and well...here we are!
Q: What did being chosen as a Featured Streamer mean to you?
Kalamazi: It was a tremendous honor being chosen as a Featured Streamer, especially during the week of Shadowlands launch! Raider.IO reaching out with such an opportunity was an incredible boost to my confidence as a streamer and brought with it a sense of validation I felt. Being entrusted to represent Raider.IO on their front page during Shadowlands launch was truly an incredible experience and one that I will never forget.
Q: It's been a while. What have you been up to since your Featured Week? To put things in perspective, your feature was in December 2020. What new or exciting things have happened to you or your stream since then?
Kalamazi: Things have been pretty insane! Shadowlands has obviously launched and that brought a great deal of attention to the stream and my YouTube content. Since then I have cast both the Castle Nathria/Sanctum of Domination Race to World First (RWF) events for Complexity-Limit. I was also signed to Complexity as a Content Creator shortly before the SoD RWF event which feels unreal even to this day.
Q: What was your favorite part or aspect about being featured?
Kalamazi: The best part about being featured to me was easily the new faces that I saw in chat! I enjoy streaming Warcraft, but being able to do so while also chilling with chat is what keeps me going. Whether I am having a great day or a bad one, streaming and interacting with chat is sort of well... my getaway.
I know for a fact that a handful of people who are in chat everyday first discovered the stream through the Raider.IO feature and for that I am eternally grateful.
Q: Lastly, link us a clip from your channel, a meme, or gif that describes you, your stream, or your content!
Q: What did you learn about yourself as a person and streamer after your Featured week?
Kalamazi: Leading up to my Raider.IO feature I was sort of at a crossroads with streaming. I wanted to go full-time but was apprehensive due to the uncertainty and nature of it and content creation in general. However, after seeing the overwhelming support of the community, I decided to commit to it and well...here we are!
Q: What did being chosen as a Featured Streamer mean to you?
Kalamazi: It was a tremendous honor being chosen as a Featured Streamer, especially during the week of Shadowlands launch! Raider.IO reaching out with such an opportunity was an incredible boost to my confidence as a streamer and brought with it a sense of validation I felt. Being entrusted to represent Raider.IO on their front page during Shadowlands launch was truly an incredible experience and one that I will never forget.
Q: It's been a while. What have you been up to since your Featured Week? To put things in perspective, your feature was in December 2020. What new or exciting things have happened to you or your stream since then?
Kalamazi: Things have been pretty insane! Shadowlands has obviously launched and that brought a great deal of attention to the stream and my YouTube content. Since then I have cast both the Castle Nathria/Sanctum of Domination Race to World First (RWF) events for Complexity-Limit. I was also signed to Complexity as a Content Creator shortly before the SoD RWF event which feels unreal even to this day.
Q: What was your favorite part or aspect about being featured?
Kalamazi: The best part about being featured to me was easily the new faces that I saw in chat! I enjoy streaming Warcraft, but being able to do so while also chilling with chat is what keeps me going. Whether I am having a great day or a bad one, streaming and interacting with chat is sort of well... my getaway.
I know for a fact that a handful of people who are in chat everyday first discovered the stream through the Raider.IO feature and for that I am eternally grateful.
Q: Lastly, link us a clip from your channel, a meme, or gif that describes you, your stream, or your content!
“Stream because you enjoy it and don’t worry about the viewer numbers. Don’t compare yourself to the big streamers.”
Lagbug (Ladybug) is one of the best Mythic+ healers in the world. He is most known for his iconic Disc Priest and Holy Paladin gameplay and being an Alliance main. Lagbug is a current MDI competitor for Obey Alliance and will be competing in this weekend’s MDI Global Finals.
Q: What did you learn about yourself as a person and streamer after your Featured week?
Lagbug: The featured week reaffirmed my enjoyment of teaching others (my job irl). I was able to put my knowledge of Discipline Priest/Holy Paladin to the test by answering viewers’ questions explicitly. Getting questions from a lot of beginners; I tailored my responses in ways that would make sense to them. I always try to get people to imagine a scenario and then give practical advice on how to handle these scenarios.
Q: What did being chosen as a Featured Streamer mean to you?
Lagbug: It was an amazing experience and a huge honor! I started playing retail World of Warcraft at the start of BFA and to be featured on an organisation like Raider.IO was unfathomable for me at the time. I am very grateful and appreciative of Raider.IO for giving me this opportunity.
Q: It's been a while. What have you been up to since your Featured Week? To put things in perspective, your feature was in March 2021. What new or exciting things have happened to you or your stream since then?
Lagbug: I have recently joined Obey Alliance’s MDI team and have qualified for the MDI global finals!
Q: What advice can you share to up-and-coming streamers and/or content creators looking to make it into this scene or industry?
Lagbug: Stream because you enjoy it and don’t worry about the viewer numbers. Don’t compare yourself to the big streamers. Interact with viewers often and perhaps set a stream schedule, or stream whenever you feel like it! Try to talk to yourself rather than just be silent; sometimes this is all it takes for somebody to feel comfortable enough to type in the chat!
Q: What was your favorite part or aspect about being featured?
Lagbug: Being able to help people with advice; knowing that my existence has had a positive influence no matter how big or small makes streaming worth it. I enjoyed sharing my experiences with others playing the game and I was also able to learn a few things from viewers.
Q: Lastly, link us a clip from your channel, a meme, or gif that describes you, your stream, or your content!
Q: What did you learn about yourself as a person and streamer after your Featured week?
Lagbug: The featured week reaffirmed my enjoyment of teaching others (my job irl). I was able to put my knowledge of Discipline Priest/Holy Paladin to the test by answering viewers’ questions explicitly. Getting questions from a lot of beginners; I tailored my responses in ways that would make sense to them. I always try to get people to imagine a scenario and then give practical advice on how to handle these scenarios.
Q: What did being chosen as a Featured Streamer mean to you?
Lagbug: It was an amazing experience and a huge honor! I started playing retail World of Warcraft at the start of BFA and to be featured on an organisation like Raider.IO was unfathomable for me at the time. I am very grateful and appreciative of Raider.IO for giving me this opportunity.
Q: It's been a while. What have you been up to since your Featured Week? To put things in perspective, your feature was in March 2021. What new or exciting things have happened to you or your stream since then?
Lagbug: I have recently joined Obey Alliance’s MDI team and have qualified for the MDI global finals!
Q: What advice can you share to up-and-coming streamers and/or content creators looking to make it into this scene or industry?
Lagbug: Stream because you enjoy it and don’t worry about the viewer numbers. Don’t compare yourself to the big streamers. Interact with viewers often and perhaps set a stream schedule, or stream whenever you feel like it! Try to talk to yourself rather than just be silent; sometimes this is all it takes for somebody to feel comfortable enough to type in the chat!
Q: What was your favorite part or aspect about being featured?
Lagbug: Being able to help people with advice; knowing that my existence has had a positive influence no matter how big or small makes streaming worth it. I enjoyed sharing my experiences with others playing the game and I was also able to learn a few things from viewers.
Q: Lastly, link us a clip from your channel, a meme, or gif that describes you, your stream, or your content!

Closing Thoughts
Our Featured Streamer program has given WoW streamers from all walks of life an amazing opportunity to showcase their thoughts, beliefs, content, and talent with a wider audience. Since our program started back in 2020, we’ve seen growth, opportunity, and even personal development from many of our former Featured Streamers. We’re extremely proud of Bamesjond, Touchpadwarrior, Wesdiaz, Thalamir, Kalamazi, and Lagbug for everything they’ve accomplished since their features. We’d also like to thank them for letting us catch up with them in Part 2 of this series.
If you’d like to keep up with all of our Featured Streamers, give our Featured Streamers List a follow on Twitter! Next month, we’ll be back with Part 3 where we will have another quick chat with a few more of our former Featured Streamers. Stay tuned!
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About the Author
Alyssa is the Social Media Manager and Graphic Designer for Raider.IO. She is also a freelance graphic designer, and is most known for her YouTube thumbnails and stream art for WoW content creators. Alyssa is the founder of her cute and cozy community called the Bunny Squad and a Twitch multi-mod extraordinaire. She loves streaming her graphic design on Twitch, and making memes and friends on Twitter.