
3/8 M
8/8 H
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 8th Raid Week)
Guild is missing from the Blizzard API as of
Nov 19 2023 00:04 UTC
32 weeks ago
About Looters


GUILD INFORMATION: Faction: Horde Realm: Draenor (EU) Realm Type: Normal - PVE Raid days - Main runs: Wednesday, Thursday Raid times: 20.00-23.00 CET


Dps High priority All DPS considered.

Healers MW or Prevoker

Tanks Full

About us Looters is a guild created by a group of friends who have raided together for years, we have a lot of experience in raiding heroic and mythic content.

We are a friendly group who enjoys World of Warcraft and loves raiding. We have fun and joke around but when bosses need to go down then all is serious! We wish for all our members to enjoy the game as much as we do. Our aim is to make a relaxed team to clear heroic and push into mythic progression. We are currently 3/8 M

We also enjoy a variety of other activities such as running a lot of Mythic+ dungeons We generally aim to push Mythic+ to get around +20 keys done for the weekly chests.

Mythic+ players and socials more than welcome to the guild

If this sounds like a place you would like to be get in touch via the discord tags bellow thanks for reading.

benjamin#7467, StouteBeer#2277

Last updated 70 weeks ago
About Looters


GUILD INFORMATION: Faction: Horde Realm: Draenor (EU) Realm Type: Normal - PVE Raid days - Main runs: Wednesday, Thursday Raid times: 20.00-23.00 CET


Dps High priority All DPS considered.

Healers MW or Prevoker

Tanks Full

About us Looters is a guild created by a group of friends who have raided together for years, we have a lot of experience in raiding heroic and mythic content.

We are a friendly group who enjoys World of Warcraft and loves raiding. We have fun and joke around but when bosses need to go down then all is serious! We wish for all our members to enjoy the game as much as we do. Our aim is to make a relaxed team to clear heroic and push into mythic progression. We are currently 3/8 M

We also enjoy a variety of other activities such as running a lot of Mythic+ dungeons We generally aim to push Mythic+ to get around +20 keys done for the weekly chests.

Mythic+ players and socials more than welcome to the guild

If this sounds like a place you would like to be get in touch via the discord tags bellow thanks for reading.

benjamin#7467, StouteBeer#2277

Last updated 70 weeks ago

Raid Progression

Vault of the Incarnates
(H) World
(H) Region
(H) Realm
Mythic3/8 M4,7132,6592003,4051,978196
Heroic8/8 H4,9192,8062083,6552,153207
Normal8/8 N9,2204,9243066,4613,542301
RealmID: 579
GroupID: 1854940
GuildID: 398668