Mythic Hall of Fame • Ny'alotha, the Waking City • World
Wrathion, the Black EmperorDefeated by 11651 guilds | |||||||
The Prophet SkitraDefeated by 11481 guilds | |||||||
MautDefeated by 10771 guilds | |||||||
Dark Inquisitor XaneshDefeated by 5893 guilds | |||||||
VexionaDefeated by 5242 guilds | |||||||
The HivemindDefeated by 7294 guilds | |||||||
Ra-den the DespoiledDefeated by 5218 guilds | |||||||
Shad'har the InsatiableDefeated by 8434 guilds | |||||||
Drest'agathDefeated by 5067 guilds | |||||||
Il'gynoth, Corruption RebornDefeated by 4570 guilds | |||||||
Carapace of N'ZothDefeated by 3885 guilds | |||||||
N'Zoth the CorruptorDefeated by 2870 guilds | |||||||