Mythic Dungeon International 2019: Spring Standings

Mythic Dungeon International 2019 Standings
- 1. Ordered by Most Cup Points Earned
- 2. Then by Fewest Map Losses and Most Map Wins
- 3. Tiebreaker: Fewest Overall Deaths
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West Division: Team Standings
Rank | Team | Points Earned. Top 4 teams from each division qualify for finals. Points | Prize Money Earned (USD) Earnings | Cups Played Cups | Series Won Wins | Series Lost Losses | Series Played Played | Maps Won / Lost Map W-L | Deaths across all maps Deaths |
No Matches For Your Filters | |||||||||
East Division: Team Standings
Rank | Team | Points Earned. Top 4 teams from each division qualify for finals. Points | Prize Money Earned (USD) Earnings | Cups Played Cups | Series Won Wins | Series Lost Losses | Series Played Played | Maps Won / Lost Map W-L | Deaths across all maps Deaths |
No Matches For Your Filters | |||||||||
All Division Dungeon Standings: Wins/Losses
Team | Division | Atal'Dazar AD | Freehold FH | Kings' Rest KR | Mechagon Junkyard YARD | Mechagon Workshop WORK | Shrine of the Storm SOTS | Siege of Boralus SIEGE | Temple of Sethraliss TOS | The MOTHERLODE!! ML | The Underrot UNDR | Tol Dagor TD | Waycrest Manor WM |