
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago

About Flawless

Flawless are a close group of raiders, some who have been playing together for 14 years.


About Flawless has a long history of being one of the smaller guilds on Khadgar EU, but one of the most consistent in terms of clearing all of the content available on the hardest difficulty while it is in current. From Icecrown Citadel, Dragonsoul, Throne of Thunder, Siege of Ogrimmer and pretty much everything in between. In legion we took a bit of break making the decision to only aim to clear heroic content and try a more casual approach, which in many ways was a great experience, but as the patches wore on most of us admitted to missing beating the most challenging content that wow has to offer.


So in BFA we are back to focusing on Mythic, both in raids and pushing the new Mythic +s as high as we can, and as such we are recruiting. We only raid 2 days a week, Sunday and Tuesday and raid 20:00 - 00:00 server time, despite this relatively light schedule we do expect people to take the raids seriously, come prepared and most importantly be able to excel at your own class.


If your looking for a relaxed atmosphere, active roster, with people always on Discord we could be a good fit


Raid Times Sunday and Tuesday 20:00-24:00.

Mythic +

Actively recruiting some addicts to help increase our Mythic + progress for BFA. Main issue for Legion has been losing a number of tanks due to IRL issues that resulted in them stepping away from the game. We have a number of people very focused on M+ in the guild currently with scores generally sitting between 3k and 4k, however going forward we want to be able to run multiple teams and push significantly higher and improve not only our own score but our guilds reputation for destroying M+!



We are actively recruiting at the moment, in particular a Main Tank, and some dps to round out the progression team, if you want to join us or have a social spot contact one of us in game and we can have a chat. No issue with people looking for social spots, but people looking for raiding spots will need to be a good social fit for the guild, and be able to prove that they will in some way be an asset to the team! We have no warlocks at the moment, a warlock might be nice


Contact Garlax or any member for more details

We currently play on Khadgar/Bloodhoof EU

Last updated 314 weeks ago
About Flawless

Flawless are a close group of raiders, some who have been playing together for 14 years.


About Flawless has a long history of being one of the smaller guilds on Khadgar EU, but one of the most consistent in terms of clearing all of the content available on the hardest difficulty while it is in current. From Icecrown Citadel, Dragonsoul, Throne of Thunder, Siege of Ogrimmer and pretty much everything in between. In legion we took a bit of break making the decision to only aim to clear heroic content and try a more casual approach, which in many ways was a great experience, but as the patches wore on most of us admitted to missing beating the most challenging content that wow has to offer.


So in BFA we are back to focusing on Mythic, both in raids and pushing the new Mythic +s as high as we can, and as such we are recruiting. We only raid 2 days a week, Sunday and Tuesday and raid 20:00 - 00:00 server time, despite this relatively light schedule we do expect people to take the raids seriously, come prepared and most importantly be able to excel at your own class.


If your looking for a relaxed atmosphere, active roster, with people always on Discord we could be a good fit


Raid Times Sunday and Tuesday 20:00-24:00.

Mythic +

Actively recruiting some addicts to help increase our Mythic + progress for BFA. Main issue for Legion has been losing a number of tanks due to IRL issues that resulted in them stepping away from the game. We have a number of people very focused on M+ in the guild currently with scores generally sitting between 3k and 4k, however going forward we want to be able to run multiple teams and push significantly higher and improve not only our own score but our guilds reputation for destroying M+!



We are actively recruiting at the moment, in particular a Main Tank, and some dps to round out the progression team, if you want to join us or have a social spot contact one of us in game and we can have a chat. No issue with people looking for social spots, but people looking for raiding spots will need to be a good social fit for the guild, and be able to prove that they will in some way be an asset to the team! We have no warlocks at the moment, a warlock might be nice


Contact Garlax or any member for more details

We currently play on Khadgar/Bloodhoof EU

Last updated 314 weeks ago

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID: 633
GroupID: 59687
GuildID: 71554

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago