
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 weeks ago

About Monarchy

Monarchy is the guild created for veterans that are tired of being hardcore and pushing for Cutting Edge , We are Mythic+ Guild with aim to do Raid twice a week solely for Loot , we will do raid at start of new tier and will push for 3-5 mythic kills just for the bonus loot on vault. Our Team is Made of High Io and Veteran Raid Players . Down below Are some conditions to join us :

1.Be mature and friendly , remember its midcore guild no reason to be toxic and tryhard so much

2.High io (3.1k+) and atleast have experience of doing 3-5 mythic raid kill

3.Have Complete Knowledge of your class and spec

4.Have time to commit for raid times , its only 2 days a week with 2 hour period

We Plan till the new expansion to have a full roster of players for raid and groups for pushing in mythic+ . We Will create a roster for Raid Boosting Service as well if you are Interested only in boosting as well this guild is for you.

if you want to join to Us contact with us on Discord : alive666 , frostonovaa

Last updated 14 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Aponia

Officers: Deathwithin, Demonwithin, Estatic, Rockydoggy

About Monarchy

Monarchy is the guild created for veterans that are tired of being hardcore and pushing for Cutting Edge , We are Mythic+ Guild with aim to do Raid twice a week solely for Loot , we will do raid at start of new tier and will push for 3-5 mythic kills just for the bonus loot on vault. Our Team is Made of High Io and Veteran Raid Players . Down below Are some conditions to join us :

1.Be mature and friendly , remember its midcore guild no reason to be toxic and tryhard so much

2.High io (3.1k+) and atleast have experience of doing 3-5 mythic raid kill

3.Have Complete Knowledge of your class and spec

4.Have time to commit for raid times , its only 2 days a week with 2 hour period

We Plan till the new expansion to have a full roster of players for raid and groups for pushing in mythic+ . We Will create a roster for Raid Boosting Service as well if you are Interested only in boosting as well this guild is for you.

if you want to join to Us contact with us on Discord : alive666 , frostonovaa

Last updated 14 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Aponia

Officers: Deathwithin, Demonwithin, Estatic, Rockydoggy

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID: 719
GroupID: 2014388
GuildID: 2008911

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 weeks ago