Mythic+ 101: Know Your Healer (Shadowlands)

Team synergy is the secret ingredient at the core of successful Mythic+ groups. The road to synergy starts with understanding not only your own class and role, but also from studying the patterns and styles of other classes to inform your own gameplay. The more you know about your healer, the better you’ll know when they have the throughput or cooldowns available to keep everyone alive, when they might struggle and will need assistance, or when they might be able to contribute to damage or crowd control. It is especially important for Tanks to learn the healing patterns and toolkits of the various healing specializations, as the way tanks pull a dungeon and the way they mitigate/self-heal may change wholly based on who their healer is!

In this chapter of the Mythic+ 101 Series, we will provide intermediate level information, tips, and tricks to understand the patterns to track for each unique healing specialization. This knowledge will not only boost your dungeon success overall, but it will also greatly improve your personal performance as a tank or DPS. This level of awareness distinguishes a good teammate from a great one.

Keep in mind that this chapter is not a guide on how to play each healing class; it is a guide on how to understand the important details of each healing specialization from the perspective of the tank and DPS. This chapter is about building synergy with your healer in Mythic+.

Want to learn how to synergize with your healer like a pro in Mythic+? Read on!

Table of Contents

  Restoration Druid

Healing Profile: The most important thing to keep in mind when you’re in a group with a Restoration Druid is consistency. Restoration Druids are a healing class that rely on their ability to forecast incoming group damage, so your healer will be watching everyone in the group carefully and basing their healing style proactively around your playstyle.

Now, this doesn’t mean to repeatedly get sloppy with mechanics if you mess up once, but rather to use your personal defensive abilities on a somewhat predictable level. For example, if you’re a Mage that aggressively uses Ice Block to get rid of debuffs that target you, your healer might pick up on that and choose to dispel another player afflicted by a debuff when they see that your Ice Block is available. Similarly, self-healing is also a playstyle that your healer might take as a cue. If you’re a Paladin that uses Word of Glory to heal yourself up when significant amounts of group-wide damage are going out, your healer might prioritize other targets because they trust you to keep yourself alive. In both of these examples, it would greatly benefit the entire group if your healer knows when you’ll require their attention.

While predictability is important with all healers, Restoration Druid healers have two added factors that make it vital to be attuned to your playstyle: their healing profile and their damage profile. Resto Druids don’t have the same huge burst abilities of other healers such as Paladins with Lay on Hands or Holy Priests with Holy Word: Serenity. Instead, Restoration Druids utilize their pre-distributed HoTs as the foundation for nearly all of their burst healing. Mastery healing increases the amount of healing that their quicker healing abilities do such as Regrowth, so having more HoTs on a target is important if you know that they’ll be taking significant amounts of damage. Additionally, a Resto Druid’s biggest and burstiest heal is Swiftmend, which is unable to be cast on a target unless the target already has a HoT applied.

Utility: Restoration Druids have a wide toolbox of utilities that can be applied across many contexts in keystones. Their primary strength is in controlling or restricting the movement of mobs. Ursol’s Vortex, Mass Entanglement, and Typhoon, are a few abilities that can be used to limit the movement of several mobs — from saving your group from Spiteful Shades, to keeping trash mobs out of Bolstering range while being kited, or to keep pathing mobs away from your group. Tracking these abilities can be particularly helpful for tanks, since you’ll be able to better plan your movement from pack-to-pack and figure out when you’ll be able to kite away from a group of mobs. On weeks such as Bolstering or Necrotic, these abilities can also be a lifesaver if you need help quickly getting away from mobs.

Hibernate is another utility that can be used to control mob movement, but is different in that it is limited to a single Beast or Dragonkin target. It can be used in certain dungeons to benefit your tank by having your healer focus-spamming it on a dangerous mob (such as a Vicious Gargon from Halls of Atonement buffed by Loyal Beasts) to allow your tank to kite. This ability can also be useful in the latter-end of Mists of Tirna Scithe to control the roaming Spinemaw Reaver packs that can prove treacherous on Fortifiedweeks in higher keys.

Finally, while Restoration Druids lack a stun or an interrupt, they do have an AoE utility combination that can effectively be employed to delay the cast of multiple abilities. By placing an Ursol’s vortex on a large group of casting mobs then using Typhoon (when specced into Balance Affinity), a Resto Druid can faze several targets at a time to keep abilities from going off until your group has a kick available. Tracking these abilities can be useful for all members of the group, as it will allow you to better coordinate your CCs in a manner that enables your other teammates to focus on dealing damage. This is particularly useful when employed in De Other Side with the Essential Oil casts from Essential Oils, or with the Devoted Sacrifice cast by Atal’ai Devoted in the Hakkar wing of the dungeon.

Resto Druids have Cyclone, which is a somewhat underrated and underutilized ability that can be useful in keys. This ability can be a group-saving hit or a catastrophic miss depending on its use. Cyclone can be used to immobilize a mob, preventing it from casting spells on your group, but at the cost of becoming immune to all damage or other CC’s. This ability is best reserved for circumstances in which your group will be focusing on everything but one target, such as the Brittlebone Mages and Reanimated Mages in The Necrotic Wake that can kill your group if they are able to cast an overwhelming number of Frostbolt Volleys both during the clearing of trash and during the Amarth boss fight.

Finally, Resto Druids also have one powerful utility permanently accessible to them: Bear Form. This can prove useful to alleviate stress from your tank when they have difficulty kiting, as your healer can take aggro by taunting and either kiting the mob or taking a hit while using a personal defensive cooldown.

Damage: When it comes to damage, Restoration Druids have an added challenge compared to other healing classes: Swapping forms. The extra second that it takes your healer to come out of Cat Form or Moonkin Form to cast healing spells can be the difference between you making the most of your cooldowns or waiting to be resurrected after the pull. Restoration Druids rely upon Feral Affinity or Balance Affinity to pump out most (if not all) of their damage during dungeons. Restoration Druids that talent into Feral Affinity, “catweaving”, can be found in melee range, and typically have to remove themselves from the fray and revert to their regular form to cast a majority of their healing spells. Restoration Druids that talent into Balance Affinity, “owlweaving”, have it a little easier, as their ranged placement removes the concern about avoiding damage in the group and grants them the privilege of simply swapping out of Moonkin Form to cast their healing spells safely. Knowing ahead of time when your Resto Druid will need to swap out of a damage-dealing form will help your healer keep you alive. Additionally, your foresight will allow the Resto Druid to maximize their own damage, which helps your whole group mow down trash packs even quicker!

When you’re properly synergized with a Restoration Druid, you can expect to see them pumping out some serious damage and making good use of their utilities while keeping your group alive and healthy, so do your part to ensure that your run is as clean as possible!

Cooldowns and Externals: Resto Druids have one major baseline cooldown and one major external ability. Tranquility is a powerful healing ability that requires several seconds of ramping before it kicks in fully to provide its maximum throughput. For tanks, this means that your healer will need several seconds before being able to pump out big healing compared to a Holy Paladin with Aura Mastery or a Mistweaver Monk with Revival.

Night Fae Resto Druids also have Convoke The Spirits, which can be used as a last resort to top off your group with HoTs. However, this ability is not reliable, and it shouldn’t be relied upon to save drastically low members of your group in an emergency.

Ironbark is the major external ability wielded by Resto Druids. For tanks, tracking this ability will allow you to do two things. Firstly, you will be able to synergize with your healer to use your own defensive cooldowns if you can see when your healer might be able to help you out with an external defensive cooldown. Secondly, tracking your healer’s Ironbark will also allow you to see whether they are consistently using the ability or whether they’re saving it to be called for by the tank or DPS players. Knowing that your healer does or does not consistently use the ability can allow you to request the ability at a designated point, giving you more freedom and control over your group rather than operating based on assumptions.

Covenant Choices: Restoration Druids have two primary selections for covenants: Night Fae and Kyrian. Night Fae seemed to be the dominant choice for Season 1 and a majority of Season 2, but is being left behind by some in Mythic+, as Kyrian was made accessible through the introduction of easy covenant swapping in Patch 9.1.5.

Night Fae Resto Druids are granted Convoke the Spirits and Soulshape as their covenant abilities. Convoke the Spirits is their most important ability, as it can be used to provide burst amounts of both damage and healing through casting a sequence of abilities. The abilities that Convoke will cast are primarily based around whatever form the Druid is in when it is casted (i.e. Convoke will cast a flurry of healing spells in regular form, Boomkin abilities while in Moonkin Form, and Feral abilities in Cat Form). When paired with the Conflux of Elements conduit, its power is greatly increased, as it bolsters all current damage and healing. This means that all HoTs currently on your group will be empowered for the duration of the Convoke cast, as will all DoTs currently on any enemy targets. When properly employed, this can provide a last-minute surge of significant throughput with full HoTs, or an extra bit of damage to finally kill an enemy. Therefore, Convoke is a pivotal cooldown to track, as it will allow a tank to view when heavier healing is available or whether your Druid opted instead to use Convoke for some burst of damage.

Kyrian Resto Druids are granted Summon Steward and Kindred Spirits. Kindred Spirits will be your main focus when playing with a Resto Druid, especially as a DPS player. Having your healer pop Kindred Spirits in conjunction with your own array of offensive cooldowns can result in a great deal of damage output, helping you mow down trash packs a little faster every other minute.

It’s important to know the covenant of your Resto Druid in Mythic+ to properly coordinate a route, arrange any burst of cooldowns, plan for your group’s survival, and to determine whether any group members might need to swap around their own covenants for a more balanced group composition.

Other Considerations: If you’re a tank playing with a Restoration Druid in Mythic+ dungeons, there’s one word you should make sure to keep in mind: MANA.

Restoration Druids can be incredibly powerful healers, able to provide solid throughput to heal through significant amounts of damage across the entire group as long as they have an adequate mana pool. While chain pulling is an extremely time-efficient way of powering through a dungeon, it can prove treacherous if your healer isn’t able to find a moment out of combat to start drinking. Even a second in between pulls can give them an opportunity to catch up on this precious resource, since they can typically apply HoTs to the tank ahead of time to cover the first few seconds of the pull. While you’re initially gathering up your next pack of trash mobs, these gradual heals should be able to keep you up while your healer gulps down some mana!

Anima powers dropped from this season’s Tormented lieutenants can help mitigate mana-management by granting your healer special abilities. The Overflowing Chalice power will periodically create orbs that can be collected by your healer while in combat, reducing the frequency at which they’ll need time to stop for a drink (depending upon how good they are at noticing and collecting these orbs). The Portable Feeding Trough power will grant your healer increased eating speed, meaning that you won’t have to wait as long for them to gain sufficient mana before pulling larger packs or a boss.

For damage dealers, your Druid’s mana probably won’t be at the forefront of your mind during a dungeon. However, if you see your tank pausing for a moment before snagging the next pack, be patient and take a peek to see how your healer is doing.

  Mistweaver Monk

Healing Profile and Damage: Mistweaver Monk (MW) is based on bursty single-target and AOE healing. MWs are strong healers with versatile utilities for Mythic+ dungeons. MWs have the opportunity to do damage to extend their HOTs to more efficiently heal group-wide damage, while maintaining strong single-target throughput on demand.

When using Rising Mist or Invoke Chi-Ji, MWs must deal damage as the talent causes Rising Sun Kick to extend the duration of HOTs, mainly Renewing Mist. This will require your healer to stay within melee range as much as they can, which is something to keep in mind — especially during Quaking weeks or when baiting certain ranged mechanics like Scorching Blast from Incinerator Arkolath from the seasonal affix, Tormented.

That being said, one of MWs strongest attributes is the fact that they are a hybrid healer; thus, they can maintain high throughput even when not in melee. MWs excel at bosses that require moderate mobility, such as Grand Proctor Beryllia in Sanguine Depths or Tred’ova in Mists of Tirna Scithe, because they can cover ground very quickly between Tiger’s Lust, Roll, and Transcendence + Transcendence Transfer. Furthermore, they can heal as melee efficiently and ranged when needed during various encounters.

Utility: Perhaps one of the strongest benefits of bringing a MW to a key can be found in their toolkit. Ring of Peace is one of the most versatile abilities in the game. It can be used as a single target or AOE stop, a kiting tool, a skip tool, and as a defensive. It can also be used to split a pull as some mobs aren’t linked together and separated enough that they won’t pull by proximity. An example of this would be the Atal’ai Devoted in De Other Side, where Ring of Peace can be used to interrupt their Devoted Sacrifice. Ring of Peace can also be used as a kiting tool for Necrotic weeks or abilities like the Drust Soulcleavers’ Hand of Thros in Mists of Tirna Scithe to prevent the mobs from landing attacks that will heal them. Lastly, it can also be used as a defensive cooldown to protect players against fixated mobs such as Spiteful Shades from the Spiteful affix. Ring of Peace is your most effective external defensive for your tank as a MW.

Leg Sweep is a great 1-minute cooldown that can be used to briefly stun all mobs within range. Leg Sweep can be utilized especially in larger pulls to give your tank time to generate threat with less risk of a party member dying, ensuring that casts are not going off and that your tank isn’t getting killed instantly. This CC can be used to supplement primarily ranged-based groups where you might find yourself short on stops.

Tiger’s Lust can be used on a Tank to assist in the collection of trash mobs by providing a temporary increase in movement speed. This ability can also be used on any players within a dungeon group to mitigate roots or slows, including from missed interrupts such as Barbed Shackles cast by Depths Wardens in Sanguine Depths, or mechanics such as Crushing Embrace from Slime Tentacles in Plaguefall (yes, that big one near Domina Venomblade too).

Finally, Paralysis is a single-target soft CC that can be used to keep dangerous mobs out of a pack in the instance of larger, riskier pulls. Targets that your group might have difficulty kicking consistently or focusing down can be kept out of a pull temporarily by having your MW use this ability and keep the target isolated from the rest of the trash. This is especially helpful during weeks like Inspiring because the inspired mob can be essentially removed from the equation until your group is comfortable pulling it in. The best examples of Paralysis uses would be the Brittlebone Mages in The Necrotic Wake when fighting Amarth the Harvester to focus more kicks on the Necrotic Bolts rather than Frostbolt Volleys, as well as Slimy Smorgasbords from Globgrog and Congealed Slimes on Doctor Ickus in Plaguefall.

Paralysis can also be used for skips, but only under certain circumstances. While the ability itself will not put you into combat, the Lingering Numbness conduit will cause Paralysis to trigger combat. This spell is a soft CC, which means you can still aggro the mob if you get too close. However, it can be paired with Ring of Peace to knock the mob(s) out of aggro range for skips.

Cooldowns and Externals: Life Cocoon is the only true external cooldown MWs offer but it’s very important to not depend on it as you would other healer’s externals. Life Cocoon is a flat absorb based on caster health with a HOT healing increase for the duration. This spell gets outscaled very quickly in keys and it’s better used as an external reserved for non-tanks.

Revival is one of MWs more important cooldowns. In addition to being a hefty group-wide heal, it also doubles as a mass dispel to remove Magic, Poison, or Disease effects, such as stacks of Infectious Rain on Margrave Stradama in Plaguefall or Lingering Doubt stacks post-intermission from Devos in Spires of Ascension. Revival can counter Bursting weeks by instantly mass dispelling the Bursting stacks from party members as well.

Covenant Choices: Mistweavers can play any covenant. However, Venthyr is currently the most powerful covenant choice for Mistweavers when using the covenant legendary Sinister Teachings. If you choose Venthyr, using Sinister Teachings is required. Fallen Order provides high amounts of throughput, summoning several Fallen Monk Adepts that belong to each Celestial. Crane Adepts cast Enveloping Mist and Soothing Mist, Tiger Adepts cast Tiger Palm and Spinning Crane Kick (if more than one target), and Ox Adepts cast Keg Smash. Fallen Order will grant you a mana break and provide additional throughput. The secondary Venthyr covenant spell Door of Shadows provides another movement ability that can be utilized for even more mobility or skips in dungeons.

The second strongest covenant for Mistweavers is Necrolord. The two covenant abilities granted by Necrolord are Bonedust Brew and Fleshcraft. Bonedust Brew will give extra procs of healing and damage which is less noticeable in combat but definitely shows up on the meters at the end. The biggest benefit to Necrolord is Fleshcraft. It’s the strongest personal defensive a MW has, as it’s a 20% damage reduction during the channel, and then a good 40% of caster health absorb.

Other Considerations: The anima power Champion’s Brand is the go-to choice from Executioner Varruth but on Grievous weeks the safe choice is Overflowing Chalice. Pedestal of Utter Hubris or Bottle of Sanguine Ichor from Incinerator Arkolath are both solid choices. Some MWs tend to opt for Pedestal for the consistency of stats, but be aware that it can and will kill you. Satchel of the Hunt from Oros Coldheart is a strong choice and is especially helpful for slower tanks like Blood Death Knights or Protection Paladins. The final anima power choice is Stone Ward from Soggodon the Breaker, which is non-negotiable. The 20% shield every 45 seconds is an unbeatable amount of survivability.

Overall, MWs are heavy on throughput and group utility but lacking in damage output. They can enable skips or pulls unobtainable with other healers, as well as bringing a 5% physical damage buff for the party with Mystic Touch. They have high single-target healing and equally substantial group-wide healing while being able to maintain HOTs and deal damage. MWs are an underrepresented healer class in higher keys, so if you see one in the queue, show them some love!

  Holy Paladin

If you are grouped with a Holy Paladin in your Mythic+ endeavours, consider yourself lucky. Paladins are very strong healers in all content right now, but they are especially sought-after in Mythic+ for a number of reasons, their damage potential being among the most important. Holy Paladins bring a vast amount of utility, cooldown-based HPS, and significant damage contributions to a dungeon group. There are a number of things to be aware of, however, when grouping with a Holy Paladin in order to maximize their efficiency.

Healing Profile: Holy Paladins are essentially triage healers with strong single-target heals, many of which are instant. Their healing profile is almost entirely reactive, minus the application of Glimmer of Light which helps sustain their group. Beacon of Light is a key part of the Holy Paladin healing profile, and you will typically see this applied to the tank. Some Paladins swap their Beacon around during fights, but by and large this will be on the tank 100% of the time. Holy Paladins do not provide damage reduction outside of Devotion Aura, so your group should expect to take near-full damage from incoming abilities, but the Paladin’s healing profile allows them to top individual players up quite quickly. Keep in mind that group-wide healing outside of a couple of key abilities is a bit lacking on the Holy Paladin, so if the entire group is taking damage and getting low, your healer will have to prioritize to an extent. Help them out if you can in these instances with some off-healing, defensive cooldowns, or a health potion/healthstone!

Utility: Paladins bring a lot to the table in terms of the types of utility you want in Mythic+. Blessing of Sacrifice is a very powerful external cooldown to keep party members alive through large damage. Blessing of Protection can save lives and/or help cheese mechanics, as can Divine Shield on the Paladin itself. Divine Shield can also be useful for the healer to completely ignore mechanics and focus on keeping the group alive during particularly dangerous moments in a fight. Blessing of Freedom is always nice to have especially versus Oros Coldheart and on Nalthor the Rimebinder in The Necrotic Wake. Hammer of Justice is a great stun and should be used often throughout a dungeon to mitigate damage and help control. Paladins also bring their quintessential Auras of course, and the Holy Paladin has Aura Mastery. When used for Devotion Aura, this serves as a party-wide 20% Damage Reduction and is literally a life-saving button to push. If your Paladin is a Blood Elf (as there are only so many races available for the class), they will have access to Arcane Torrent which now acts as an AoE purge effect - incredibly useful in some dungeons such as Theater of Pain on the Bone Magus mobs in the Kul’tharok wing. Lastly, most Holy Paladins will opt to talent into Blinding Light in Mythic+, which is an AoE disorient effect. This can be used to interrupt un-kickable spells, assist in kiting strategies, or just put a pause on some incoming damage.

Damage: Holy Paladins are well known for being one of the best healers in terms of damage contribution. How much damage they are able to do will likely come down to their Covenant Choice, which we cover below. Just remember that outside of a couple of spells, when a Holy Paladin is doing damage, they are not healing. In order to make the most of a Holy Paladin in your group, you want to give them opportunities to do damage, so communicating ahead of time or during the dungeon can go a long way for this. If you’re the tank, popping a trinket or small defensive at the start of a boss fight to reduce the amount of healing you need for the first 30 seconds or so, can allow your Holy Paladin to use their CDs and do a surprising amount of damage during that timeframe.

Cooldowns and Externals: Holy Paladins rely heavily on cooldowns for both HPS and DPS. Avenging Wrath, aka “Wings” is the most substantial of this. If your Paladin is Venthyr and your route involves specific pulls for Ashen Hallow, the Paladin will likely be making sure that they save Wings to use at the same time. This means that their Wings timings are likely already pre-determined throughout the dungeon. A Kyrian Paladin will have more flexibility in using Wings as a panic button if they are getting overwhelmed with the incoming damage. Wings is also used as a DPS cooldown, so depending on keystone level, your healer may be opting to save it for bosses. You may want to keep track of Wings on your cooldown frames, more so if you are the tank, so you know when your healer does or does not have access to a substantial power-boost.

Avenging Wrath is not the only cooldown that Holy Paladins rely on in Mythic+. Your Paladin may opt to take Light’s Hammer, which is a damage/healing ground effect on a 1 minute cooldown. It is not especially powerful, but it is not useless either, so if you see this on the ground, make sure you stay in it, and keep the mobs there too! On the level 40 talent row, Holy Paladins have the option of taking Holy Avenger or Seraphim, both cooldown-based boosts to healing and damage. Venthyr Paladins will likely take Holy Avenger, whereas Kyrian Paladins should be using Seraphim or Divine Purpose. Seraphim is usually better with highly coordinated and communicative groups. Regardless of which talent is chosen, if one of these cooldowns has been popped, you can expect large healing (or damage) from your healer for the duration!

In terms of externals in the Holy Paladin toolkit, there is Blessing of Sacrifice and Aura Mastery (Devotion Aura). Blessing of Sacrifice is a single-target damage reduction/redirection that is very powerful and should be used often. You may want to pre-plan or coordinate usage of this ability with your healer ahead of time, as it can make or break the success on large pulls. Even more so with Aura Mastery, as it is a group-wide damage reduction on a longer cooldown, this should likely be coordinated ahead of time for use on the most dangerous areas of the dungeon.

With proper cooldown management, Holy Paladins are extremely good at keeping their Mythic+ groups alive while also contributing to the overall damage in the dungeon. Outside of cooldowns however, they are a little lackluster. If you are able to keep an eye on their cooldowns, or communicate with your healer to know when they have/do not have anything available, you will have a better idea of when you might need to assist with off-healing, or pop an extra defensive or health potion. Cooldown reliance is one of the downsides to current Holy Paladin in Mythic+, but it can be easily managed!

Covenant Choices: If you watch the MDI, or pay attention to the top end of the Mythic+ leaderboards on Raider.IO, you will notice that the majority of Holy Paladins are playing the Venthyr covenant. This gives them access to Ashen Hallow, which is one of the most impactful covenant abilities in Mythic+. However, you should not go into a Mythic+ group assuming or expecting that your Holy Paladin is Venthyr, so before you make routes or timings based on Ashen Hallow, you will want to confirm this. With 9.1.5, swapping covenants is significantly easier, so if you are in a group pushing high keystones, asking your Paladin to go Venthyr if they are not already might be an option, but certainly don’t expect it from them! The other covenant you will likely see on a Holy Paladin in Mythic+ is Kyrian. This gives the Paladin access to Divine Toll, which is also a great covenant spell, but is more useful for its party-wide healing potential on a short cooldown.

Typically speaking, a Kyrian Paladin will not be doing as much burst damage as a Venthyr Paladin, but depending on the dungeon and how they use their CDs, the Kyrian Paladin can still contribute significant overall damage. Don’t rule them out on the DPS metres! Routing is also more flexible with a Kyrian Paladin, as you do not need to account for the long 4 minute cooldown of Ashen Hallow. On the flipside, Ashen Hallow does give you the ability to manage large pulls that would otherwise be overwhelming without the massive healing and damage throughput the spell provides.

This can basically be boiled down to the following: If your Paladin is Venthyr, go ahead and plan a route with large and dangerous pulls every 4 minutes, as your Paladin should be able to carry the healing requirement and contribute massively to the damage for the duration of the spell. You can also plan your route to have Ashen Hallow available on bosses so your Holy Paladin can help melt through its health pool - especially useful on Tyrannical weeks. No matter what you do though, it is imperative that you stand in the red stuff! Check out this clip below from Ellesmere, one of the best Mythic+ Holy Paladins in the world, where you can see both the healing and damage that Ashen Hallow can well as a great look at its visual effect.

Courtesy of Ellesmere Gaming

If your Paladin is Kyrian, there is no need to specifically make routing or strategy plans around this. You may continue as normal, and there are no ground effects you need to be aware of. You may also feel confident that your healer has access to an incredibly strong party-wide heal every minute that can effectively top up the entire group in one GCD. You will certainly want to track Ashen Hallow cooldowns, but you may also want to track Divine Toll as well for added awareness.

Other Considerations: Paladins have one of the best dispels in the game, with Cleanse being able to remove every school of debuff other than curse. If you are a Druid, Mage, or Shaman, keep this in mind as you will need to be on top of any necessary decursing. Otherwise, the Paladin should be able to maintain dispels on all other debuffs.

Paladin mana is generally okay, but it is not as good as it was in Season 1, when mana seemed relatively infinite. Changes to Crusader Strike definitely had an impact here, so you will want to make sure you are watching your Paladin’s mana bar.

Paladins do not have a natural battle rez like a Druid healer would, so you’ll want to determine if your Paladin healer is an Engineer to know if they’ll be able to battle rez ahead of time. They also do not have an interrupt unlike the very lucky Wind-Shearing Resto Shamans, so they will not be able to be a part of your interrupt rotation.

Holy Paladins are a Melee Healer, which means they need to be in melee range in order to do damage and to heal at peak efficiency. They can heal when not in melee range, but their throughput and mana will suffer greatly. Additionally, they are considered as Healer and Melee when it comes to which mechanics will affect them, not Ranged. These are just things to keep in mind so you are aware that you will need to make sure your Holy Paladin has free access to be in melee range of mobs!

  Discipline Priest

Priests are unique in World of Warcraft as they are the only class with two different healing specializations. Discipline and Holy are basically Priest cousins, but they do differ quite extensively in their playstyle. You should learn the differences between these two specializations, as this distinction can have a significant impact on your dungeon approach.

Healing Profile & Damage: All healers have the ability to do damage, but outside of a specific MW Monk build, Discipline Priests are unique in the fact that they need to do damage in order to heal effectively. Discipline Priests can bring a lot to keys, but the most important thing for all tanks and DPS to know when grouping with a Disc Priest is that if the priest cannot do damage, their healing throughput will suffer dramatically. Yes, they do have healing spells that can heal without a damage component, but their throughput and mana efficiency will be considerably weaker. This knowledge should help you keep two things in mind:

  • Do your best to avoid creating a situation where your Priest cannot do damage, such as kiting something out of line of sight or rapidly far away
  • When a boss or dungeon mechanic prevents damage, you should expect less healing from your Priest. Therefore, you will need to compensate for that with defensive cooldowns, off-healing, or potions/healthstones.

This may sound daunting to always be mindful of, but in terms of Mythic+, the damage-to-healing playstyle of the Discipline Priest is actually a benefit and a great reason to bring one to your keys! The ability this is all centered on is called Atonement. Multiple spells apply Atonement, such as Power Word:Shield, Power: Word Radiance, and Shadow Mend. Once applied, the buff lasts for 30 seconds, and 50% of all damage the Priest does is turned into healing on all targets with Atonement. In Mythic+, with only 5 players (and maybe pets!), it is very easy for a good Disc Priest to maintain near 100% Atonement uptime on everyone. As a result, your Disc Priest should be able to contribute substantial overall damage throughout the dungeon while also keeping the group healthy and alive. They likely cannot do the same levels of damage as a Holy Paladin or Resto Shaman who is focusing on DPS, but their healing throughput will not take as large a hit as that of the other classes when they opt to focus on damage. Disc Priests are the best of both worlds!

Utility: Much of the utility that a Discipline Priest brings to a Mythic+ dungeon is class-based, such as Mind Soothe, Mind Control, Shackle Undead, Power Infusion, Leap of Faith, aka Life Grip, and more. Mind Soothe is incredibly useful as it can be used to skip trash packs. In fact, it’s often better than Sap from a Rogue as you can put it on multiple targets at the same time! Mind Control has some great niche uses and can be used to remove especially difficult or dangerous mobs from a pull. Shackle Undead is a strong CC in dungeons such as The Necrotic Wake on the mage mobs on Amarth and other trash. Life Grip is often used in The Necrotic Wake to help skip trash before Amarth, or to save people from getting knocked off platforms in Theater of Pain, for example. Power Infusion’s benefit is pretty obvious...just remember to be nice to your Priest if you want it!

Life Grip in action, courtesy of PikaCali

Other utility abilities include Shining Force, an excellent knockback that is cast on a friendly character, such as a tank, and all enemies are knocked away. They get knocked a substantial distance, and this spell is incredibly useful on Sanguine weeks or to help your tank kite and drop Necrotic stacks! Psychic Scream is an AoE fear, but as fear effects generally can be dangerous in Mythic+, your Priest will likely only use this as a panic button. It can, however, also be used as an AoE interrupt when needed. Mass Dispel is yet another incredibly useful and live-saving utility spell that can be a game-changer during Bursting affix weeks and on Kul’tharok in Theater of Pain! Many of these utility abilities brought by the Priest healer can actually greatly impact (and improve!) your dungeon route, so make sure you discuss your route ahead of time and let your Priest know (and ask for their input of cours!) when you have plans for these spells!

Cooldowns and Externals: In terms of cooldowns, Discipline Priests have a couple that you will want to be aware of. Power Word: Barrier is their big damage reduction ability, and comes in the shape of a big dome of light on the ground. We say this on behalf of all Disc Priests everywhere…GET IN THE BUBBLE! You get no benefit from this very impactful cooldown if you’re not inside it! This is also something that you may want to discuss pre-planning with your Priest ahead of time, planning pulls around Barrier timings and usage can be a great way to make the most of the cooldown.

Discipline Priests have access to one of the strongest external defensive cooldowns in the game in Pain Suppression. This is a VERY important ability and can absolutely be life-saving. It is on a three minute cooldown, so keep this in mind. If you are planning higher keys, you may want to discuss pre-planning Pain Suppression usage with your Priest before your dungeon starts - especially if there are specific pulls where it will be required for survival. Communicate with your Priest when you need Pain Suppression as a tank or DPS!

Another cooldown to keep an eye out for is Boon of the Ascended, which is also the Kyrian covenant ability for Discipline. The vast majority of Discipline Priests are playing Kyrian in Mythic+, so knowing what this spell looks like will be useful. If your priest suddenly starts to glow blue and starts exploding arcane-like damage, that’s Boon of the Ascended! This ability has both a damage and healing component, but the healing will only apply to friendlies within 15 yards of the Priest, so if you see your Priest start glowing, get close to them!

Source: Wowhead

Covenant Choices: As mentioned above, Kyrian is used by the vast majority of Discipline Priests in Mythic+, and with covenant swapping much more possible now, most Discs should be playing Kyrian in Mythic+ if they are trying to push higher keys. Obviously at lower key levels, covenant choice won’t be as important, but Kyrian definitely comes out ahead in the higher key levels. Boon of the Ascended does substantial damage and healing and through the power of various conduits and legendary powers, can be available every 1 minute!

Other Considerations: Priests are a little bit limited when it comes to Dispelling, because they are only able to Dispel Magic effects and Diseases. They do have an offensive Dispel which can be very useful to remove dangerous buffs from enemies, but they are unable to remove Poisons or Curses from party members. Depending on the dungeon, you may want to consider including classes that can pick these up as your tank/DPS. Protection Paladins work very well in conjunction with Priest healers as they can remove poisons (especially useful in Plaguefall), and Mages/Shamans/Druids can pick up any Curses as needed.

Discipline Priest mana efficiency is limited, and they do typically need to drink regularly. At the end of each pull, especially any that required heavy healing, take a look at your Priest’s mana and give them an opportunity to drink if needed. It can be very useful to run a Balance Druid in conjunction with a Disc Priest for Innervates.

  Holy Priest

Holy Priests have seen a bit of a resurgence this Season in terms of Mythic+ participation, but typically speaking they have not been one of the more popular healing specializations in dungeon play for a couple of expansions now. You may be unfamiliar with how Holy Priests approach Mythic+, but by and large, the “in a nutshell” summary of Holy Priests is that they have incredibly high healing throughput potential, but they do not provide much damage reduction. They also do not contribute as much DPS as other healers, and their personal survivability is a little weak. However, despite these small disadvantages, Holy Priests can bring a lot of utility to a group, and their massive HPS throughput can help your group pull off some big pulls that other healers may not be able to sustain.

Healing Profile: Holy Priests have an almost absurd amount of healing spells, but their healing kit is mostly centred around the use of their Holy Word abilities. Holy Word spells (Salvation, Sanctify, Chastise, and Serenity) are high-throughput, and can be used for single-target and party-wide healing (and DPS!). Skilled Holy Priests who are familiar with Mythic+ and the damage patterns of the various dungeons will work to manage their Holy Word spells to make sure they are primed and ready for large amounts of incoming damage. It would be overkill to worry about tracking a Holy Priest’s Holy Word spells, but it can be smart to ask “are you good if we pull big?” This way, the Priest can let you know if they’ll have the healing available.

There are a few things to keep in mind when running with a Holy Priest to maximize their efficiency and utility. Positioning is a big part of this, as almost all of a Holy Priest’s abilities work best if your group is fairly close together. Prayer of Mending needs a target within 20 yards to jump. Circle of Healing only hits players within 30 yards of its initial target. Divine Star goes forward 24 yards and then returns, and Holy Word: Sanctify has a 10 yard radius. To make sure that you are fully benefiting from a Holy Priest’s core Mythic+ healing abilities, try to be fairly close to your teammates when possible, especially when AoE damage is incoming. Ranged players at max-casting-range often end up missing out on large portions of a Holy Priest’s healing kit, forcing the Priest to focus them with single-target spells when it may not have been necessary. Remember, every extra GCD a healer has to spend healing is a GCD they could have spent DPS’ing!

Utility: Holy Priests bring some decent utility that has some fun and niche uses in Mythic+. They are mostly class-based abilities, so they are not unique to Holy, but definitely still useful! These include Mind Soothe to allow skipping trash, Mind Control as a means of crowd control, Life Grip to save lives or enable skips, and Power Infusion to buff someone’s damage (or healing!). We went into detail on these class-based utility spells in the Discipline Priest section above.

As far as Holy-specific utility goes, the level 35 talent tier affords some interesting options. Psychic Voice reduces the cooldown on Psychic Scream, the Priest’s baseline AoE fear. However, popping an AoE fear can be dangerous in most keys, so most Priests will be unlikely to talent that. The other two choices are actually very strong in Mythic+ for crowd control. Censure causes Holy Word: Chastise to become a 4 second unbreakable stun that can be used to CC or interrupt, and Shining Force is both an AoE knock-back and a slow that can be incredibly useful for some affixes such as Sanguine or Necrotic. By and large, Holy Priests can offer some great utility to your Mythic+ dungeon, but most of it does require effective communication. If you have a Holy Priest in your group, let them know ahead of time if there are pulls where you’ll want them to use Shining Force, or if your planned route includes any Mind Soothe skips or Mind Control pulls. These utility spells can impact your route, so if you’re a tank that pugs often, you might want to include separate MDT routes for each dungeon that can make the best use of Priest utility!

Damage: Holy Priests have strong damage spells standard to the Priest classes, but unlike their Discipline cousins, their damage spells do not simultaneously heal their group. They function more similarly to the other healing classes where they have to choose between doing DPS and casting a healing spell. A good Holy Priest should be able to contribute a decent amount of overall damage to your dungeon, depending on keystone level.

Cooldowns and Externals: The most underrated ability that Holy Priests bring to the table in Mythic+ is Guardian Spirit. It may not have the Damage Reduction component of most external cooldowns (think Blessing of Sacrifice, Ironbark or Pain Suppression), but it’s still a very strong external. Not only will it increase healing done to the target AND provide a cheat death, but it is also usable every minute if the cheat death portion does not proc (when Guardian Angel is talented). Don’t underestimate how powerful Guardian Spirit can be in Mythic+.

Covenant Choices: Night Fae is typically the recommended covenant for Holy Priests, due to the covenant ability Fae Guardians affording a lot of flexibility and utility. It can provide excellent damage reduction, cooldown reduction, or mana return. Holy Priest mana is very efficient as a result of this covenant ability, and the damage reduction portion can be planned out if needed ahead of time to keep a tank alive during big dangerous pulls. The cooldown portion of Fae Guardians is also a very useful buff to apply to party members, and combined with PI can make a Holy Priest an excellent support player in Mythic+.

Other Considerations: In terms of Damage Reduction, this is one area where Holy Priests do not have many strengths. However, their throughput potential essentially balances out their lack of damage reduction. Keep this in mind, as if you are accustomed to running with a healing class that does have damage reduction such as a Discipline Priest, it may appear as though you are in danger more often with a Holy Priest. However, a good Holy Priest will be anticipating that big incoming damage that other healers would mitigate a portion of. They will burst heal using saved up Holy Words to keep you healthy, maybe even boosted by a Divine Hymn healing buff.

Priest casting Divine Hymn, courtesy of Wowhead

  Restoration Shaman

Restoration Shaman is in a very good spot right now as far as Mythic+ prowess goes. They are very sought-after in the high key pushing community, alongside Holy Paladins. If you are looking for a healer for your group, you would do very well to bring a Restoration Shaman, regardless of keystone level. The two main benefits of having a Restoration Shaman are their utility, and their baseline HPS throughput. Shaman healers can also do significant single-target DPS, but that does come at the sacrifice of their healing abilities.

Healing Profile: As mentioned above, Restoration Shamans have significant HPS throughput potential, and a lot of it is group-wide, which can be very beneficial in Mythic+ dungeons when your entire group is taking damage. Between Chain Heal, Ascendance, Healing Rain, Healing Tide Totem, and Cloudburst Totem, Restoration Shamans have a lot of group-wide healing at their disposal. They also have a HoT in the form of Riptide, and strong single-target healing via Healing Surge and Healing Wave. To make your Restoration Shaman’s life earlier, make sure that when Healing Rain is down, you are standing in it. This is directed especially at all of you ranged DPS players...get in the pretty blue circle!

Similarly, if you see a Vesper Totem down, you want to make sure you are standing within about 10 yards of it. Furthermore, if the Restoration Shaman is using the Raging Vesper Vortex legendary, Vesper Totem becomes increasingly more powerful. Therefore, if you see a Vesper Totem go down, try your best to stay close, as it has a very short radius for such an important spell. This is the Kyrian covenant ability for Restoration Shaman, and it is an incredibly strong spell, both for damage and healing. This is actually one of the major reasons why Restoration Shamans are so powerful in Mythic+ right now. While the Totem can be relocated by re-casting it, you would be doing yourself and your Shaman a favour by staying within range when it’s down on the ground.

It is also important to note that the Restoration Shaman mastery, Deep Healing, is a very powerful mastery when it comes to keeping a group alive. Healing spells are increasingly amplified as the target’s health gets lower. What this means for the rest of the group is that a Shaman will be able to top you off from low health much faster than the other healing specializations, and that despite being low on health, you are not in quite as much danger as you probably think you are. You might even be able to hold off on some big defensive cooldowns, knowing that you’re about to get a big heal. It is important to always show incoming healing on your UI regardless of what class your healer is, but it can be especially useful as the size of a Shaman’s heal will change dramatically when you are low health.

Utility: A good Restoration Shaman will maximize the potential of the massive utility they can bring to a Mythic+ dungeon. Most of this utility comes in the form of various totems, but the first and most important tool a Shaman brings to the group is Wind Shear. This is by far the best interrupt/kick spell in the game. It is on a 12 second cooldown, and castable from range. This should be used essentially on cooldown to help interrupt spells and mitigate incoming damage. In fact, a Shaman with Wind Shear can solo-interrupt all of the spells from some of the most dangerous mobs, such as Rebellious Fist from the Goliaths in Spires of Ascension. Keep this in mind when you assign interrupts and kicks! You will want to make sure you have your Shaman visible on your interrupt tracker, and especially if you are in voice comms, work their Wind Shear into your interrupt rotation. Restoration Shamans are the only healer that still has a kick ability, so they will always shine in this department.

The rest of a Restoration Shaman’s utility is mostly sourced from totems, and are thus cooldown-based. We will go through each of these and describe their most efficient uses. Keep in mind that many of these utility cooldowns can be pre-planned, so make a point of going over the route with your group and informing your Shaman when you may want certain totems. Most groups that fail to use a Shaman healer to their fullest extent do so by neglecting to plan out their utility cooldowns.

Capacitor Totem: This totem acts as a 3 second AoE stun, and It is exceptionally useful to interrupt spell casts or to prevent casts that are uninterruptible if the mob is still stunnable. It stuns all enemies within its radius, and has a 1 minute baseline cooldown. However, with the Totemic Surge conduit, (which all good Shamans should be using in Mythic+) and Static Charge talent, the cooldown of Capacitor Totem can be reduced down to 29 seconds. This makes it the shortest AoE stun/stop in the entire game. The power of this fact cannot be understated, and your group should absolutely plan for regular usage of Capacitor Totem throughout your dungeon.

Capacitor Totem can be used to help prevent incoming damage, or also to help the tank kite or get away from mobs. It is very useful during the Explosive affix, as stunned mobs do not spawn explosive orbs. It can also be used to stun packs at low health during Raging if your group doesn’t have a Soothe effect in order to prevent the massive damage on the tank. The only downside to Capacitor Totem is that once placed on the ground, it does not go off for 2 seconds. This means it needs to be timed properly if your group is chain-stunning a pack of mobs. Additionally, try to be aware of when the Capacitor Totem is placed and where, so that you don’t move mobs out of it before it activates.

Earth Elemental Totem: Dwayne Johnson, Bob, Steve, John Henry...Earth Elementals go by many names, but at the core of it is a surprisingly strong and sturdy pet that can taunt and tank mobs. In the past, Earth Elementals were often used as a way to save your tank from especially dangerous trash, or to help them drop Necrotic stacks. This playstyle seems to have changed in Shadowlands as a result of the Vital Accretion conduit, which causes a Shaman’s Earth Elemental to increase their health by up to 34%. In essence, Earth Elemental has become a 5 minute personal defensive cooldown for the Restoration Shaman.

Outside of using Earth Elemental for personal safety, it is still an excellent button to push when a tank dies to give your group time to battle rez and prevent a wipe. However, you should try not to plan a route revolving around Earth Elemental use unless it is necessary. Additionally, there is very little controlling an Earth Elemental when it is active, so if you see one come out, be careful that it may randomly turn mobs around, so frontal cones and cleaves can suddenly become dangerous. Watch your positioning when The Rock is tanking!

Earthbind Totem: This is an excellent utility totem when your group does not have much mob control, or does not have access to a 70% AoE slow. Earthbind Totem has a 30 second cooldown which can be reduced to 19 seconds thanks to the Totemic Surge conduit, and slows all enemies within its area of effect by 50% for 20 seconds. This gives you practically 100% uptime on the slow and is incredibly strong, especially if you have a group composition with no other slows. Anyone who has been doing dungeons in this expansion knows that kiting is a very prevalent aspect of Mythic+, so Earthbind Totem can be incredibly useful to allow your tank to run out of range.

Earthgrab Totem: This Totem is a talent, and as it is on the same row as Static Charge, is unlikely to be taken by most Restoration Shamans. However, it may have its niche uses. This is essentially an AoE root that lasts for 8 seconds, and once the root ends, turns into a 50% slow. If you have a specific route planned that can benefit dramatically from an AoE root at some point, this might be an option for your group, and can be particularly useful against the Spiteful affix if your group does not have any frost mage slows or roots. Typically speaking however, you’ll find more utility out of Static Charge throughout the course of a dungeon than you will Earthgrab Totem.

Earthen Wall Totem: This is basically a small group-wide damage reduction on a 1 minute cooldown. For 15 seconds, an amount of incoming damage on your group will be redirected to the totem instead. The amount of damage is based on the Shaman’s spellpower, so this is a Totem that improves as gear scales up. However, it is typically only used in lower keystones, as the value of Ancestral Vigor, another talent on the same row, increases along with the dungeon level. The extra HP buff from Ancestral Vigor can help prevent one-shots when you start getting into higher and higher dungeons with larger incoming damage. This is something to keep in mind if you are grouped with a Restoration Shaman and pushing keys, if they are using Earthen Wall you may end up getting up to a keystone level where they should swap talents.

Spirit Link Totem: This is the quintessential “oh sh*t” button of a Restoration Shaman. While Shaman Healers do not have externals in the same manner as a Holy Paladin, Restoration Druid, or Discipline Priest, Spirit Link can absolutely save lives, and multiple lives at the same time. It is imperative when you see the green circle light up that you get inside it, or it will be a wasted cooldown! This is the Restoration Shaman’s version of Ashen Hallow, and is insanely strong, especially if you have melee in your composition so that there is always someone close to the tank. The one downside to Spirit Link Totem is that it does fall on the GCD, so a stopcast macro is important to make the best use of this live-saving ability! And we cannot reiterate enough...GET IN THE GREEN CIRCLE!

Source: Wowhead

Damage: When there is little to no healing required, Restoration Shamans do have a pretty good DPS kit and they’re able to put out some pretty significant damage. In fact, with recent buffs to Chain Lightning and the addition of the Kyrian Covenant ability, Vesper Totem, Restoration Shaman is actually the top DPS healer in keys for overall damage. However, like many healing classes, they do have to choose between healing and doing damage, as few of their abilities do both, and in order to reach this damage potential, it does require a lot of experience and synergy with your team. Communicate with your Shaman, as you may want to pre-emptively pop a defensive cooldown on a boss to let them spend the duration of Bloodlust doing damage. Did we mention Shamans also bring Bloodlust/Heroism to your group? They do! Is there anything Restoration Shamans can’t do??

Cooldowns: Please check out the Utility section above to learn about the various cooldowns available to a Restoration Shaman, as they are mostly based in totems! The other major cooldown available to Restoration Shamans are Ascendance and Bloodlust/Heroism, which buff their healing and obviously your entire group’s haste!

Covenant Choices: Restoration Shamans are using a fair amount of covenants these days in Mythic+, but at the high keystone level it’s almost exclusively Kyrian, due to Vesper totem. We covered the functionality of this totem in the Healing Profile and Damage portions of this section. It is an incredibly strong ability and is a key reason why Restoration Shaman is sought after as a Mythic+ healer. If you are grouping regularly with a non-Kyrian Resto Shaman, you may want to (politely) suggest they think about covenant swapping for the benefits of Vesper Totem, especially if your group is planning on pushing higher dungeons!

Other Considerations: A couple of things to keep in mind if you are forming a Mythic+ group with a Restoration Shaman. For the majority of keystones, a Restoration Shaman can play with any group composition and any tank class. Due to Wind Shear, Capacitor Totem and Earthbind Totem, they are a fabulous addition to any group that’s lacking interrupts, slows, and stuns. However, when the dungeon levels start to get higher and higher, you will likely want to make sure you are pairing a Restoration Shaman with a Protection Paladin specifically. When the damage and abilities of the enemies in dungeons start ramping up, the Protection Paladin and Restoration Shaman synergize very well with the complementary utility they can bring.

Restoration Shamans cannot Dispel poisons or diseases, and in some dungeons such as Plaguefall or Theater of Pain, there are debuffs of these spell schools that can be overwhelming and deadly if not dispelled. Protection Paladins can pick up these cleanses. Additionally, Blessing of Protection, Blessing of Sacrifice, and Blessing of Freedom are all utility tools that Restoration Shaman does not have an equal to, so combining with a Protection Paladin gives your group access to the tools to beat the highest keys, just like Team SHEEESH did with their World First +30 this expansion!

If using their healing cooldowns efficiently, a Restoration Shaman should have stable mana and should not need to drink often. A few sips between pulls here and there should be all that they require as a result of the passive ability Resurgence, and Mana Tide Totem. However, as a general rule, especially if you are a tank, always keep an eye on your healer’s mana, regardless of what class they are playing!

  Key Takeaways [back to top]

Truly, the most important takeaway we hope to impart from this article is the fact that all healing classes and specs are viable in Mythic+. They each have their pros and cons, but all of them are more than capable of achieving great success in dungeons of all levels. We hope that in learning more about the unique abilities that each healer can bring to your dungeon group, you will realize that you do not need to always stick to the “meta”, or that MDI compositions should not inform what healer you pick. Never played with a Holy Priest or Mistweaver before? Give them a chance! Who knows what you’ll learn? Opening yourself up to more classes and healers, and most importantly more people, will only be a good thing in the long run.

We wish you the best of luck in your dungeons, and thank you for reading!

For class-specific guides, please check out Wowhead or Icy Veins.


About the Authors

Hulahoops has been playing WoW since Vanilla. She has recently shelved Retail to go back and re-experience TBC in all its glory, but will one day make her way back to the Shadowlands. In her hey-day, Hulahoops could be found raid-leading in Mythic Progression, or competing in the MDI with her team Angry Toast. Hulahoops is a Holy Paladin in every sense of the term: she moderates the Hammer of Wrath Paladin Class Discord, and she was a practicing Lawyer for 7 years. Judgment isn't just a spell! Hulahoops decided to put the law books away and follow her passion for gaming and esports by joining the team at Raider.IO. In her capacity as Production Manager, Hulahoops oversees events, content, and more!

Ferris is the Community & Events Coordinator at Raider.IO. Currently ranked among the top 100 Resto Druids in North America, Ferris is always pushing to adapt and improve! While her Rejuvs are currently limited to Retail, Ferris puts them to good use as she dedicates her game time towards pushing keys with friends in the Renewal Community or LFG. Ferris is also one of the PvE Leaders of the Oasis Community. Outside of Azeroth, Ferris is typically found defending the “rdruid dream” on Twitter or theorycrafting on her Twitch stream. As a dedicated listener and community leader, Ferris retains an attitude of growth and enthusiasm consistent throughout all her engagements and endeavors. Have feedback or suggestions for events at Raider.IO? Feel free to reach out to us via Twitter or join the Raider.IO Discord!

Aisllin is a 12-year Priest veteran. She is a long time advocate for Holy Priest balance and dispelling the community misperception of “less popular” healing specs. Currently, she is the Guild Master of TBD, a 7 hour weekend CE guild, and regularly does mid to high-end Mythic+ keys as a Holy Priest main.

Pikacali is an avid streamer who showcases high key pushing content. She is also a huge collector in WoW, and strives to help as many healers as she can who are looking to better understand their class/spec. Pikacali plays every healing specialization, so pop into her stream for any questions about healing Mythic+!

Thaner is a raider for Method. He is an MDI competitor on team SHEEESH and is a Shaman main at heart. Thaner streams high key pushing almost every day on Twitch. He is also a beard lover and enjoys good music.

Megasett (Toixic) mains a Mistweaver Monk and Holy Paladin. She first found her love for melee healers in BFA and hasn't looked back since! She enjoys streaming high keys and making YouTube videos to help Mistweavers learn how to handle higher-end content, as well as working on her Mistweaver Guide. Megasett is a raider in Denial of Service and has lately been experimenting with Protection Paladin.