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Dracthyr Destruction Warlock


3/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
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About Nycci (Alt of Tokkra)

Nycci, Sister of the Dark, was born into a family of powerful warlocks in Azeroth. From a young age, she showed an innate talent for the dark arts, drawing upon the powers of the Nether to bend the elements to her will.

As she grew older, Nycci's thirst for knowledge and power led her to delve deeper into the mysteries of the arcane. She spent years studying the ancient tomes of her family's library, mastering spells that were said to be lost to time.

But her hunger for power came with a price. Nycci's obsession with the dark arts led her down a dangerous path, one that threatened to consume her completely. She began to dabble in forbidden magic, drawing upon the very energies of the Nether itself. Despite the warnings of her family, Nycci continued down this dark path, seeking to unlock the full potential of her powers. And though she gained immense power, she also drew the attention of darker forces that sought to use her for their own ends. Undeterred, Nycci forged ahead, determined to become the most powerful warlock in all of Azeroth. But as she delved deeper into the secrets of the Nether, she began to realize the true cost of her quest for power.

Haunted by the voices of the demons she had summoned, Nycci realized that her thirst for power had blinded her to the dangers of the dark arts. She turned her back on the forbidden magic she had once embraced, and instead sought to use her powers to protect her people from the dangers that threatened them.

Now, Nycci is known as Sister of the Dark, a powerful and respected member of the warlock community. Though she carries the scars of her past mistakes, she remains dedicated to using her powers for good, and to keeping the forces of darkness at bay.

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4 Set Pieces (T32)
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Nerub-ar Palace
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Heroic3/8 H3

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Ara-Kara, City of EchoesAra-Kara, City of Echoes
City of ThreadsCity of Threads
Grim BatolGrim Batol
Mists of Tirna ScitheMists of Tirna Scithe
Siege of BoralusSiege of Boralus
The DawnbreakerThe Dawnbreaker
The Necrotic WakeThe Necrotic Wake
The StonevaultThe Stonevault
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Dungeon     LevelScoreTimeAffixesAll RegionsRegion
Ara-Kara, City of EchoesARAKAra-Kara, City of Echoes
City of ThreadsCOTCity of Threads
Grim BatolGBGrim Batol
Mists of Tirna ScitheMISTSMists of Tirna Scithe
Siege of BoralusSIEGESiege of Boralus
The DawnbreakerDAWNThe Dawnbreaker
The Necrotic WakeNWThe Necrotic Wake
The StonevaultSVThe Stonevault
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RealmID: 494
CharacterID: 44754753
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