

Human Retribution Paladin


Best Mythic+ Score
TWW Season 1
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
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Last scanned 6 weeks ago
Logged out 17 weeks ago
About Battlebuddy

Hi, I'm always looking for new friends or chill players to play with, so if you're looking at this, just message me or add me to your friendlist if you want!

Main 6 Classes planned for S1 TWW: Paladin (Ret/Prot), Evoker (Dev/Aug), Mage (Any), Druid (Guardian/Feral), Shaman (Resto/Ele), Warlock (Affli)

I usually play all Classes during an Expansion, so if your Guild is looking for flex / bench players (Normal/Heroic or Mythic), I probably always have a Character that could fill your needs spontaneously and still has an open ID for the week, and I'm always glad to help out aswell if you consider me an upgrade to your group.

Playtimes (GMT+1):

Mon-Fri: 7pm - 2am (sometimes available during afternoon aswell, and i can be on even longer if it's required, should be an exception though)

Weekend: If something is planned, basically all day possible. But if there's nothing planned then my online time is completely random.


German (native) & English

About me:

I enjoy playing all Classes & Roles the game has to offer.

And I'm an (almost)-Pug-only player usually doing ksm/ksh, and "casual" aotc raiding (early season tier-set acquisition) across multiple classes, specs & roles.

I spend more time with Mythic+ than Raiding and I'd be very open to pursue Higher Keys or to try going for Title in a Season if I find enough friends/players sharing similar goals. Usually I'm just playing until I have the Portal Rewards, but together with other motivated players I'd be happy to keep pushing further.

I'm open to play anything that is needed

Most played/enjoyed Classes/Specs Tierlist in Order:

S. Mage(Fire/Frost/Arcane), Paladin(Ret/Tank), Druid(All), Evoker(Dev/Aug)

A. Shaman(Heal),Hunter(MM/Survival), Warlock(Affli/Destruction), Warrior(Fury/Tank)

B. Monk (Heal/Tank), Priest (Shadow), Rogue (Sub), DH (Havoc/Veng), DK(Tank)

My UI, Keybinds, Addons, Macros and Weakauras are setup the exact same way across all 39 Specs of the Game, which makes it easy for me to be a flex player and fill the groups/raids needs at a heartbeat and perform on a similar level as on my main.

It also makes it easy for me to notice & help with stuff others wouldn't, because my UI is Setup for all three("four", Aug kekw) Roles & potentially raidleading/calling for cd's/defensives/interrupts aswell.

I switched from Horde Blackhand to Alliance Antonidas during Dragonflight, and I have multiple characters of each Class, so my logs are all over the place and most characters have new names, so a lot of the logs got lost to the nether.

My Progress & Rio is only really accurately displaying my experience on my Main Character and my main Alt during the first 4 Weeks of a Seasons Mythic+/Raid release as after that my playtime is spread across a lot of different roles & characters.

I'd also say i'm a better tank & dps than healer, which is mostly because one of my friends was a healer-only kinda guy (he no longer plays) so i'm missing playtime on the healer role, but i'm actually very interested to play all the roles and get actively better with them.

(Especially interested in getting better at Shaman or Monk healing & getting better at healing in general)

If you read all this, you'd probably make a cool new friend! So go ahead and add me already <3

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Equipped Item Level
616 Item Level
5 Set Pieces (T32)
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Tier 33 (Liberation of Undermine)
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Cinderbrew MeaderyCinderbrew Meadery
Darkflame CleftDarkflame Cleft
Mechagon WorkshopMechagon Workshop
Operation: FloodgateOperation: Floodgate
Priory of the Sacred FlamePriory of the Sacred Flame
The RookeryThe Rookery
Theater of PainTheater of Pain
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Dungeon     LevelScoreTimeAffixesAll RegionsRegion
Cinderbrew MeaderyBREWCinderbrew Meadery
Darkflame CleftDFCDarkflame Cleft
Mechagon WorkshopWORKMechagon Workshop
Operation: FloodgateFLOODOperation: Floodgate
Priory of the Sacred FlamePSFPriory of the Sacred Flame
The RookeryROOKThe Rookery
Theater of PainTOPTheater of Pain
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RealmID: 506
CharacterID: 220842752
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