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Im krostin and im looking to get back into raiding,
i have been playing wow ever since wrath of the lich king.
from Legion ive started to take the game more seriously and got into raiding.
at BoD i found myself alrdy raiding with the guild <tempest> who was rank 202 for bod and has now reformed to the guild <go agane>. after the guild didnt work out i decided to take a break and then had to go to the military for 2.8years. now i finally am done with the army and decided i want to get back into raiding seriously. I'm currently looking for a guild who is top 300-500.
My logs for my windwalker
my progression this tier isnt something to show for as i wasnt raiding seriously at all since eternal palace in bfa. but i do still play m+ as something to show for a litel bit.
If im what you're looking for feel free to add me on neither or Dicsord.