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Contact Info |
adris#6500 |
Raid Progression
Raid Progression
Nerub-ar Palace [AOTC] | Progress | Boss Kills |
Heroic | 7/8 H | 11 |
Normal | 8/8 N | 8 |
Mythic+ Progression
Mythic+ Progression
Dungeon (Score: 2,357.0) | Level | Score | Time | Affixes | All Regions | Region |
Mists of Tirna Scithe | 9 | 310.0 | 17:03 | 1,103,318 | 613,830 | |
The Necrotic Wake | 9 | 305.6 | 23:20 | 610,809 | 342,597 | |
City of Threads | 9 | 301.6 | 30:06 | 469,031 | 254,002 | |
The Stonevault | 9 | 297.5 | 32:15 | 675,930 | 369,969 | |
Siege of Boralus | 8 | 288.9 | 26:20 | 1,013,380 | 562,308 | |
Ara-Kara, City of Echoes | 8 | 287.5 | 25:12 | 1,496,760 | 828,947 | |
The Dawnbreaker | 8 | 284.1 | 28:58 | 1,492,625 | 809,673 | |
Grim Batol | 8 | 281.9 | 33:42 | 1,213,308 | 670,746 |
Dungeon (Score: 2,357.0) | Level | Score | Time | Affixes | All Regions | Region |
MISTSMists of Tirna Scithe | 9 | 310.0 | 17:03 | 1,103,318 | 613,830 | |
NWThe Necrotic Wake | 9 | 305.6 | 23:20 | 610,809 | 342,597 | |
COTCity of Threads | 9 | 301.6 | 30:06 | 469,031 | 254,002 | |
SVThe Stonevault | 9 | 297.5 | 32:15 | 675,930 | 369,969 | |
SIEGESiege of Boralus | 8 | 288.9 | 26:20 | 1,013,380 | 562,308 | |
ARAKAra-Kara, City of Echoes | 8 | 287.5 | 25:12 | 1,496,760 | 828,947 | |
DAWNThe Dawnbreaker | 8 | 284.1 | 28:58 | 1,492,625 | 809,673 | |
GBGrim Batol | 8 | 281.9 | 33:42 | 1,213,308 | 670,746 |