Don't you just love the feeling of starting a new expansion without being in an active guild and being left behind? No? Neither do I...
I have been playing Wow since 2007. My Warrior, Boagreas, is the first character I ever made. I have extensive experience raiding through many expansions, from time to time, at very competitive standards, mostly as Fury Warrior or Paladin / Shaman healer.
I stopped playing Dragonflight quite early since my guild was all set to get CE in VotI, then suddenly fell apart. I am able to raid 2-3 nights a week as being a 40 year old, single father, I have family commitments. Friday, Saturday and Sunday is out, as thats daughter time.
I am looking for a guild to progress Mythic NP. I am perfectly happy to run through heroics, obviously needed for gear, but I dont want to stop there.
I'd prefer a nice group of people over a hardcore Nazi regime. I would prefer to raid on my warrior, but really enjoy the healing if thats what is needed, I dont mind at all. I love the feeling of progressing as a team, working together to get the kill. I'm not looking for an easy jump into Mythic kills, I would prefer to contribute to building up to that.
I would like to get Cutting Edge, I don't care if it's world first or one millionth, I'd just like to know that I'm in a team of people who are prepared to try to get there.
My Current "Active" Characters are:
Fury Warrior - ILevel 620 4set
Resto Shammy - ILevel 611 4set
Holy / Ret Palladin - ILevel 600 2set
Q. Whats your raid experience?
A. CE (Before CE was even a thing) All of Cata, with Solaris (Horde Ragnaros), Realm first every raid tier for the whole expansion, then half way through Mists. CE Castle Nathria, with Mostly Sinners (Alliance Silvermoon)
Q. What makes you think you have what it takes to be a CE raider?
A. I've done it before, for a long time, and I know what is required. By the way, this is a %%y question, stop asking it.
Q. Raid logs?
A. Nope
Q. What raid addons do you use?
A. DBM, WeakAuras, GTFO, VuhDo.
Q. Is there anything that could stop you from attending raids?
A. Aside from random life events, no. Stable internet connection and as long as things are scheduled I'll attend everything I commit to and IF something comes up, I'll communicate it as soon as I know.
Q. Would you faction change to join us for Mythic raids.
A. Yes, for the right guild I would.
Contact me on Discord - Boagreas#6870 and we can have a propper chat about things, I'm sure there's more you need to know than what I've written here.
Look forward to hearing .
Just one other thing, as a general "by the way" that doesn't really belong in a CV: Given a chance I can prove that I can be a valueable player. Unfortunately for me, Blizzard has always neglected my class, making it very difficult for me to find a home, but from what I've seen from other Fury Warriors, even in most cases better geared than me, I very often out perform them, sounds arrogant, but it really is true. It's also worth mentioning that I have a friend, pays MM Hunter ILevel 630 4set, I'd quite like to keep playing with him if theres space and you're considering, please consider both of us.
CONGRATULATIONS, you made it to the end. Take a Warlock cookie from the jar, on your way out.
Contact Info |
Boa#2678 Boagreas#6870 |
Raid Progression
Raid Progression
Liberation of Undermine | Progress | Boss Kills |
Heroic | 5/8 H | 7 |
Normal | 8/8 N | 8 |
Mythic+ Progression
Mythic+ Progression
Dungeon (Score: 645.1) | Level | Score | Time | Affixes | All Regions | Region |
![]() | 8 | 258.2 | 32:30 | ![]() ![]() | 263,903 | 150,219 |
![]() | 5 | 221.2 | 27:08 | ![]() | 360,575 | 205,504 |
![]() | 2 | 165.7 | 22:12 | 480,164 | 268,992 | |
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