I'm a young Italian woman with a somewhat busy IRL schedul, looking for a casual Heoric guild
I started play wow in Mists of Pandaria as Paladin(Prot/retri) during the start of Siege of Orgrimmar patch(Pandaria), rerolled later on Hunter BM till Higmaul ( WoD) i froze till Legion come out and i played Demon Hunter all tiers.
i ve log experience at high level ( also some CE under my belt) but my new IRL isnt compatible for a very heavy investment for mythic, so i'll love a relaxing and casual Guild that will get this retired mythic raider :P
i play HEALER EVOKER! (I can go also Dev or Aug but i'ld prefer staying healer)
Legion [Karyssia - Tarren Mill - DH ]
1/10 Mythic in NH
4/9 Mythic in ToS
11/11 Mythic in AtBT (Cutting Edge)
Battle for Azeroth
8/8 Mythic in Uldir (Cutting Edge)
9/9 Mythic BoD (Cutting Edge)
8/8 Mythic Eternal Palace (Cutting Edge)
12/12 Mythic Nyal'otha (Cutting Edge) [Rerolled for the rest of the Tier -> Varyssia - Tarren Mill - Hunter BM ]
Shadowlands [Karyssia - Tarren Mill - DH Havoc]
7/10 Mythic Castle Nathria
8/10 Mythic Sanctum of Domination
5/11 Mythic Sepulcher of the First Ones
Dragonflight [Karystraza - Tarren Mill - Evoker Preservation]
3/8 Mythic Vault of the Incarnate
5/9 Mythic Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
4/9 Mythic Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope
War Within [ Karystraza - Tarren Mill - Evoker Preservation ]
7/8 Heroic Nerub - ar
I used to be GM and Officer in both my older guilds (GM of Raiding Academy-Silvermoon during Legion which achived 8/11m progression under my control and officer in **Balanced-Silvermoon **multi-cutting edge guild) so I'm used to handle recruitment task, organize events and even boost runs; I'm really active and I can aswer often in guild to any concern that raiders/trials or even social may have and give the feedbacks straight to the GM to improve the enviroment o the raiding experience.
Btag - Kryptangel#2577
Discord - Karyssia #1024
Twich - Kryptangel
Contact Info |
Kryptangel#2577 Karyssia #1024 |
Raid Progression
Raid Progression
Liberation of Undermine | Progress | Boss Kills |
Heroic | 3/8 H | 6 |
Normal | 8/8 N | 24 |