Hello, we are THE LEGEND on Azgalor , formed in 2010 during Wrath of the Lich King!!
We are 3/8 Heroic 8/8 Liberation of Undermine / Nerub'ar Palace 1/8 Mythic 8/8 Heroic and are looking for more raiders for Heroic/Mythic , and more people for Rated Bg's and World PvP/Random Bg's/Mythic+. We run Mythic+ on Wednesday and sometimes run Legacy Raid/Norm Chiev/Alt runs on Fridays, occasionally other days. We raid the current raid at 7pmCST Tues/Thurs and sometimes continue on Saturday/Sunday, and occasionally other days. We also host a Guild Raffle every Monday at 8pm*CST for guild bank gold and a mount!!!
We are a chill group and we have people across the board, from new to old, and we help those who are new and show interest or a want to improve. If this sounds like a guild you are interested in please apply to on Azgalor(realm/server) in-game via the guild finder tab or you can also apply through guildsofwow.com. You can also message an officer of , just /who LEGEND once in-game on Azgalor server and someone should be on, if not, try again or use guildsofwow messages to coordinate.
Hope this finds everyone well, and thanks for taking the time to read this and potentially apply to our guild. We thank you in advance if so, and if not we wish you well in WoW and other endeavors.
-Sincerely, Doragan aka Dora Guild Master of THE LEGEND (2010-2025) (Bladesplicer is now the GM as of March 2025)
Contact Info |
Nothing to see here. |

Raid Progression
Raid Progression
Liberation of Undermine | Progress | Boss Kills |
Heroic | 3/8 H | 5 |
Normal | 8/8 N | 22 |