

Zandalari Troll Elemental Shaman


Best Mythic+ Score
TWW Season 1
4/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 8th Raid Week)
Last scanned 1 day ago
Logged out 2 days ago
About Lozaki

Lozaki, the Loa-Blessed Elementalist

Born into a noble lineage within the Zandalari Empire, Lozaki was destined for greatness. His parents, caretakers of ancient shrines dedicated to the Loa, raised him with reverence for the spirits that governed their world. From a young age, Lozaki displayed an affinity for the elements. While other children played among the temple steps, Lozaki could summon gentle breezes to cool the air or call forth small streams of water to quench his thirst. Elders whispered that he was touched by the Loa, but such gifts were not always welcomed by the jealous and skeptical.

At the age of fifteen, Lozaki underwent the Trial of the Loa, a rite of passage for young Zandalari who sought the favor of the spirits. Deep within the jungles of Zandalar, he ventured alone to Atal'Dazar, the sacred temple city, to offer his prayers. There, he was visited by not one, but three Loa: Paku, the swift wind serpent; Gonk, the primal raptor; and Akunda, the stormcaller.

Each Loa offered Lozaki a test to prove his worth:

  • Paku challenged him to ascend the highest peak, where he braved fierce winds to retrieve a feather blessed by the Loa of winds.
  • Gonk tasked him with stalking a mighty direhorn in the jungle, demonstrating cunning and respect for the hunt.
  • Akunda demanded he endure a raging storm, learning to channel its fury rather than succumb to it.

Lozaki succeeded in all three trials, earning the favor of these powerful Loa. They imbued him with elemental powers beyond his understanding, granting him the ability to harness wind, lightning, and earth with devastating precision.

Empowered by the blessings of the Loa, Lozaki joined the Zanchuli Council as an elemental shaman, tasked with protecting the Zandalari people and maintaining the balance between the mortal world and the elemental planes. He became a figure of awe and respect, his mere presence invoking whispers of divine power. However, Lozaki’s journey was not without strife. The elements are unpredictable, and the Loa, ever mercurial, often demanded conflicting tasks of him. Paku’s impulsive nature clashed with Gonk’s patience, and Akunda’s storms sometimes threatened to consume Lozaki entirely. Yet, through meditation and guidance from the elder shamans, he learned to weave these opposing forces into harmony, crafting a unique fighting style that blended the ferocity of nature with the finesse of a hunter.

When the Horde called upon the Zandalari for aid, Lozaki was among those who answered. He saw in the Horde not just a political alliance but an opportunity to spread the influence of the Loa and defend the natural world from the encroachments of war and corruption. His elemental abilities proved invaluable on the battlefield, where he could summon cyclones to scatter enemies, channel lightning to strike down foes, or raise walls of earth to shield his allies.

Now a seasoned adventurer, Lozaki continues to wander Azeroth and beyond, guided by the whispers of the Loa and the rumblings of the elements. Tales of the Loa-Blessed Elementalist spread across the Horde, and his deeds have become the stuff of legend. Whether he is summoning tempests to protect the vulnerable or calling upon the wisdom of the Loa in council, Lozaki’s name is spoken with reverence and fear alike.

In his heart, Lozaki knows his destiny is far from complete. The Loa have chosen him for a purpose, and he will not rest until he uncovers it—even if it leads him into the heart of chaos itself.

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Liberation of Undermine
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Normal4/8 N4

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