

Undead Shadow Priest


Best Mythic+ Score
TWW Season 1
3/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 13th Raid Week)
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Last scanned 3 hours ago
Logged out 13 hours ago
About Danitsia
The Start

My story as Danitsia started back when I played Ultima Online as Pandora de Romanus (my character's name) within our server's RPvP community alongside my real life husband who played Marius de Romanus. We led a guild (or "Coven House") called "Children of Darkness" that was all vampires, half-breeds, lycan slaves, and more. And I fell in love with MMOs and that love stayed through as we moved into Dark Age of Camelot, where we decided to rename Children of Darkness into The Last Prophecy --- a name derived from the last prophecy of Nostradamus that says the end of the world will be brought about by 3 rival factions. That was befitting to DAoC which pinned Midgard, Hibernia, and Albion against each other for fierce PvP (or as we called them RvR) battles. We absolutely loved PvP!

The Middle

We traversed through many other games like the first launch of Everquest, Anarchy Online, Ragnarock, etc. throughout our 4 years of PvP bliss in DAoC and made a name for ourselves as a multi-gaming community. A young company named Blizzard sought us out to beta test (super closed beta) their new MMO, that MMO was in fact this one --- World of Warcraft. And our love affair with WoW took hold and although there has been many "mistresses" along the way like Albion Online, New World, etc. But certain expansions really tested our patience so at times we would go dormat and play those other games, but our love for WoW at the core always remained even when Shadowlands broke our heart.

The Now

But now, my husband and I returned to Dragonflight and while we liked it, she didn't convince us she wouldn't make us cheat on her again. So, we waited. But when Chris Metzen decided to return and created the Worldsould Saga, we knew it was time to return in earnest. We would forgive WoW's transgressions and rebuild our raiding teams and PvP teams... so here we are. If you want to learn more about us... hit up our website at OR catch me on Btag Danitsia#1308.

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Equipped Item Level
629 Item Level
4 Set Pieces (T32)
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Raid Progression

Raid Progression

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Nerub-ar Palace
ProgressBoss Kills
Mythic3/8 M8
Heroic8/8 H110
Normal8/8 N91

Mythic+ Progression

Mythic+ Progression

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Dungeon     LevelScoreTimeAffixesAll RegionsRegion
Ara-Kara, City of EchoesAra-Kara, City of Echoes
City of ThreadsCity of Threads
Grim BatolGrim Batol
Mists of Tirna ScitheMists of Tirna Scithe
Siege of BoralusSiege of Boralus
The DawnbreakerThe Dawnbreaker
The Necrotic WakeThe Necrotic Wake
The StonevaultThe Stonevault
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Dungeon     LevelScoreTimeAffixesAll RegionsRegion
Ara-Kara, City of EchoesARAKAra-Kara, City of Echoes
City of ThreadsCOTCity of Threads
Grim BatolGBGrim Batol
Mists of Tirna ScitheMISTSMists of Tirna Scithe
Siege of BoralusSIEGESiege of Boralus
The DawnbreakerDAWNThe Dawnbreaker
The Necrotic WakeNWThe Necrotic Wake
The StonevaultSVThe Stonevault
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RealmID: 284
CharacterID: 2986612
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