Beware the shadow feeder--he who rests within. Break the seal that restrains him and know eternal doom.
Amon Kor-Unch terrified the rulers of ancient Uldum. His greatest power was the ability... to become invisible! Somehow he was finally captured and buried alive in a sarcophagus entombed in a secret desert location. Legend has it as long as the seal of the mystic scarab beetle remains unbroken... we are safe. But should the seal break... Amon Kor-Unch will arise to take his terrible vengeance upon the world.
"Who dares disturb the brooding of Amon Kor-Unch? I yearn to rule again, to crush the worthless and weak!"
"Others call me Invisibo. Hmm, it has a sinister ring. I'm starting to like it a lot."
How do you find what you can't see when an invisible guy goes on a crime spree? He's gone.
Where did he go? That Invisibo. He's a power-hungry kook with a scepter full of juice. So tell me... Where did he go? That Invisibo. Drinking up all the power he's a nutcase on the loose.
So tell me... Did he go back to his sandy tomb? Or go visit friends in Shadowmoon?
So tell me... Where did he go? That Invisibo. He's a menace to the town and to property he wants to be in charge of you and me I guess.
How do you find what you can't see? When an invisible guy goes on crime spree? Invisibo!
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