Hentaya is the Queen of the hive mind known as The Collective; yeah, well, you try being creative with that many drones buzzing around with suggestions. She has shells to inhabit in various realities, but she focuses on raider.io/characters/us/elune/Hentaya and raider.io/characters/us/lightbringer/Hentaya, depending on which server is more active.
In WoW, Hentaya's usually found in a mage construct of some sort, eschewing classes that need to be 'close up and personal'. Her preference is to perform few actions and decisions, and make everything she targets die, as explosively and quickly as is possible. If they close to melee, she's doing something wrong. If the melee attacks actually matter, it's time to play like a Paladin and bubble-hearth away.
If you had the right reality perspective, you might consider The Collective as being a gestalt of all of the characters that her player has ever portrayed, across MMORPGs, LARPs, tabletop RPGs, text-based internet RPGs, and anywhere else there sits a construct between her player and the game...but that's certainly not the perspective any of the characters have.
The Collective has many, many other members in WoW; did you know there's a 50 character limit across all servers, total? At least, there was before Legion...I haven't checked it since them, just assumed it was still there. Most of them are concentrated on Elune/Gilneas-US and Lightbringer-US, but there are a smattering here and there. Rarely are any of them max levelled during a given expansion, though. Mostly just the mages. :)
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