Hi My name is Johnny and I’m a gamer nerd. I mostly play WoW and have been since Vanilla. I've been streaming since Shadowlands but not as dedicated to streaming since the release of Dragonflight. I enjoy all the things but mostly Keystones and Raiding. I mainly guardian tank progression but dab around the other specs too on lower content for good times. Helping everyone get their KSMs and other achievements is something I find fun. Speaking of which, I have gotten most AOTCs since Mists, and started focusing on KSMs during Shadowlands. I am a drone test pilot for a development company by day and a tank at night on the west coast, and I hope to be a full time streamer for your enjoyment. Remember to FOLLOW my streams and please keep the chats friendly. I want this to be a safe place for everyone to mingle and have fun and talk about all the things we enjoy.
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