Hi! My names Matto and I've been playing wow off and on since WOTLK. I was pretty casual up until like maybe dragonflight when I started getting aotc and have been consistently achieving aotc ever since. I would love to find a guild I can grow into as a player and friend, pushing higher content and maybe even starting to branch out into mythic raiding.
When not raiding I enjoy pushing mythic keys with with my gf, collecting new pets(ie buying every pet that pops up in the trading post), casual open world pvp, with some rated pvp sprinkled in. I am a bit of an alt-aholic and sometimes find myself bouncing around a bit from class to class depending on whats the most fun. Currently looking for a new guild to call home in S2 The War Within and beyond! hmu if you think I could be a good fit on discord: mattothemo or online in wow apidemik#1146
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mattothemo |