

Mag'har Orc Enhancement Shaman


Best Mythic+ Score
TWW Season 1
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 4th Raid Week)
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Last scanned 3 weeks ago
Logged out 4 weeks ago
About Titiciti (Alt of Perforation)

In the shattered world of Draenor, amidst the scars of war and the echo of a lost era, emerged a Mag'har orc with an unyielding spirit and a connection to the elements that defied the ravages of the past. Titiciti, known as the Fury's Echo, was born into a tribe hardened by the harsh environment and the constant battle for survival.

Growing up in the desolate land of Nagrand, Titiciti witnessed the devastating power of the elements firsthand. The ever-present winds and swirling storms whispered secrets of the old ways, calling out to him with promises of strength and untamed fury. Inspired by the ancestral tales of shamanistic prowess, he embarked on a journey to master the forces that shaped his world.

Through arduous training and an unyielding determination, Titiciti honed his skills as an enhancement shaman. He embraced the raw energy of the elements, fusing it with his own physical might to become a formidable warrior. With each passing day, he delved deeper into the ancient traditions, drawing strength from the spirits of earth, air, fire, and water.

Titiciti's connection with the elements manifested in his combat style, allowing him to channel their power into his weapon strikes. With each swing, the fury of the elements surged through him, empowering his attacks with lightning, fire, and the primal forces of nature. His totems adorned with sacred symbols, he became a force of nature himself, a whirlwind of strength and resilience on the battlefield.

Joining the ranks of the Horde, Titiciti fought alongside his brethren to reclaim their homeland and secure their place in Azeroth. His loyalty to the Horde and his unwavering spirit earned him respect among his allies and struck fear into the hearts of his enemies. With every battle, he carried the echoes of his people's struggles, channeling their determination and resilience in his quest for justice.

Titiciti's path as a Fury's Echo extends beyond the battlefield. As a champion of the Horde, he seeks to protect the fragile balance of the natural world and preserve the traditions of his people. He listens to the whispers of the ancestors, guiding him to restore harmony and wield his power responsibly, ensuring a future where his people can thrive.

Titiciti, the Fury's Echo, is a living testament to the Mag'har's indomitable spirit and the power of the elements. He stands as a symbol of resilience, harnessing the fury of the storms to protect his people and honor the legacy of his tribe. With each strike, he echoes the untamed strength of his ancestors, forever etching his name into the history of the Horde and Azeroth.

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4 Set Pieces (T32)
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Tier 33 (Liberation of Undermine)
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Operation: FloodgateOperation: Floodgate
Priory of the Sacred FlamePriory of the Sacred Flame
The RookeryThe Rookery
Theater of PainTheater of Pain
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Cinderbrew MeaderyBREWCinderbrew Meadery
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Operation: FloodgateFLOODOperation: Floodgate
Priory of the Sacred FlamePSFPriory of the Sacred Flame
The RookeryROOKThe Rookery
Theater of PainTOPTheater of Pain
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